
时间:2021-10-26 12:50:41 节日作文




(萌)Good morning ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the English talent competition held by Foreign Language Department. I‟m the host Zhou Meng.

(叶) I‟ m Ye Hai Yan.

(常)I‟m Chang Wei.

(女1) I‟ m ××

(青) I‟ m Zhang Qing

(女2)I‟ m ××

(叶) English is a door, through which we may walk closer to success.

(常) English is a window ,out of which we can see a colourful life.

(女1) English is a mirror, in which we can find both others and ourselves.

(青)As we all know, English is becoming increasingly popular around the world..

(女2)Exactly right. That‟s why we held the show tonight. We hope more and more students will join us in English learning, and find the pleasure in English learning.

(青)Today, we divided all the contestants into three groups: drama group, singing group and speech group. The most exciting point is that Every group will only produce one champion.

(萌)Before we get our show started, please allow me to introduce our honorable judges. They are____________________.

(常)Thanks for your coming. Now it‟s my turn to introduce all the distinguished leaders and guests. 接下来请允许我介绍一下今晚到场的领导和嘉宾,他们分别是____________________.

Thanks for your all-out support of this competition and thanks for your coming as well.

(叶)Before we begin our show, I‟d like to invite our dean, professor Chen to give us a speech up on the stage. Let‟s welcome.

10英本7班 夏开伟14789922751《Challenge for Chance》

(陈)Today, all the contestants from speech group will talk about “challenge” in their prepared speech,and then answer the judges‟ question in their impromptu speech.

(常)Every contestant will be judged on the content and persuasiveness of their speeches as well as their intonation pronunciation and fluency in speaking English .

(陈)Since we are clear now, why not invite the first contestant to deliver his speech. I just can‟t wait.

(常)Okay,ladies and gentlemen ,please put your hands together to welcome our first speech contestant 夏开伟,from grade 2 class 7. welcome!!!

嘉宾表演:印度舞 李姮烨《纱丽》

(陈)Indian people are famous for their hospitalities and talents in dancing.

(常)Yes ,Indian Dance always gives us an visual impact and let „s want to join the dancers.

(陈)Now ladies and gentlemen please take a rest and enjoy an Indian group dance.

(常)Let‟s welcome all the dancers from art group of F.L.D with this special performance. welcome

11英本3班 吴星霖18711177713《梁祝》

(陈)Liangzhu is a very famous story in Chinese history. Some people think it‟s a romantic story because the two

lovers in the story became two butterflies when they died,and they can fly together forever.

(常)While others hold the opinion that this is a tragedy because after experiencing so many setbacks and obstacles , they finally can‟t be together.

(陈)Yes, different people have different ideas. We can find a lots of different versions on the internet.

(常)today, the students from grade 1 class 3 will stage this classcial story. What‟s their understanding of liangzhu, let‟s wait and see.

10英本8班 詹文娜15084739812《If I were A Boy》

(陈)I bet everyone here knows who is Beyonce.

(常)Of course. Beyonce is an American recording artist, actress and fashion designer. Her songs always appears on the billboard. Her third album earned her six Grammys in one night.

(陈)She is a genuine superstar. Today contestant 詹文娜 will perform Beyonce „s “if I were a boy” on the stage. (常)Wow ,that „ s a big challenge . but I think she can make it.

(陈)let‟s warmly welcome詹文娜 from grade 2 class 8 with the song if I were a boy.

09英本3班 袁 沙13142050420《Are you Ready for the Challenge》

(常)陈翼,you know I have been with this competition for three times, guess what, I simply haven‟t had it enough.

(陈)I guess that‟s why you‟re here again for this year‟s competition. But for me , this is the very first time to host such a big event . this is a big challenge for me.

(常) I think you did a good job tonight. Actually challenges are everywhere, we should remind ourselves to get ready at any moment.

(陈)now , let‟s welcome袁 沙 from grade 3 class3 with her speech 《Are you Ready for the Challenge》 09英本6班 肖 彤15200879818《When You are Gone》 (陈) Robert, I want to know who is your favorite singer ?

(常) i like avril because of her powerful voice. It‟s contagious ,everytime ,when I listen to her music, I can‟t help singing together with the radio.

(陈)wow..i think you are the most lucky guy today,cause 肖彤from grade 3 class 6 will perform her song “when you are gone”on the stage. (常):what a big surprise . now let‟s welcome the last contestant with the song when you are gone.


(常)Ladies and gentlemen, up to now , all our contestants have shown their wonderful performances here. Now it‟s time for the award ceremony

(叶)Here in my hand is the final results of each group. It means the most exciting moment is coming.

(常)But before that , we want to thank all the judges for your hard work and all the contestants for their active participation. And of course, all the audience, without you this show can‟t be perfect. Thanks for being here this whole night as well.

(叶)First we will announce the final result of speech group:

The honorable mention belongs to _________________

The third prize winner is _________________________

The second prize winner is _________________________

The first prize winner is _________________________

(常)here comes the final result of singing group.

The honorable mention belongs to _________________

The third prize winner is _________________________

The second prize winner is _________________________英语晚会开场词

The first prize winner is _________________________

(叶)now we will award the prize for drama group.

The honorable mention belongs to _________________

The third prize winner is _________________________

The second prize winner is _________________________

The first prize winner is _________________________

Congratulations to all the contestant. Very well done.


萌:Time is always too short for those who rejoice, and finally it is time to say good-bye

叶:Every end means a brand new start.Looking forward to the following semester, we are full of hope. 双:Though the competition is about to end, we shall never cease the aspiration toword knowledge. 张: We wish our department will bring up more talents and create more achievements

We wish all the distinguished guests, teachers, schoolmates happiness!

陈:let’s cherish tonight forever. Let’s keep tonight in our heart forever!

常:Ladies and gentlemen ,that’s the end of tonight’s competition, good night.

(合)see you next year!






B:I’m Eddy,Welcome to English Show”

A:欢迎各位前来参加XX教育首届英语汇报演出——“ English Show”。



B:Today,we are getting together,to feel the love of mingde family.



B:Thank you,thanks for our honorific president to provide us a big platform to show ourselves. A:感谢校长,让我们再次将热烈的掌声送给他。就像Eddy所说的,我们要感谢汪校长给我们提供这样一个舞台展示我们的才华,同时也感谢大家的到来,今天到场的所有朋友们注意咯,我们的抽奖环节会贯穿整场晚会,看今天幸运之光能降临在谁的身上!表演还未开始,我们的大奖已经开始降临了,接下来还会有更多的幸运儿你们想不想抽到大奖?想不想,没准儿,下一个就是你。


我们还会进行线上投票,最终获奖节目将会按照评委打分与线上投票相结合综合评定。现在我宣布:西安XX教育首届大型英语汇演——English Show 正式开始!谢谢!

1、短剧《I have two hands》A:今天我们晚会请来了一群特殊的朋友,他们会是谁呢?我先不告诉大家哦,现在我想全场用一种特殊的方式欢迎他们,需要大家的配合哦!OK,Everyone Show me your hands: up clap down clap. What’s this? Yes, I have two hands.有请带来的节目《I have two hands》

2、歌谣《Five little monkeys》

A:同学们,你们知道2016年是什么年么?Please say English,great!

B:In this year, monkey is a lucky animal, isn’t it? Now, look ,they are coming!

A:接下来请欣赏由带来的歌谣《Five little monkeys》掌声有请!

3、话剧《Three monks》





B:Yes,I know。光头光头,光头强!

A:nonono,猜不出来吧,底下的小朋友们,你们知道吗?对啦,瞧瞧接下来这三个小和尚,会闹出怎么样的故事,有请新概念入门班Three monks》

4、歌曲《If you are happy》

B:Thank you!Thanks for our cute monks.Today is a happy day , Are you happy? I can’t hear, Are you happy?I say happy you say hey!Happy hey!If you are happy,clap your hands!If you are happy, stamp your feet! Now, Ok ,together! Welcome our babies From KC1 !The song《If you are happy》


C:Hey,Eddy ,你来中国时间也不短了吧,喜欢中国文化吗?







6、魔术《Magic show》



B :注意看啊,我还能让我的指头转移呢!

A:好了,咱们俩就别在这儿逗大家开心了,还是有请我们今天真正的魔术师登场,见证一下奇迹吧!Welcome our super star——赵皓然!

7、话剧《The cat and the Bell》B:Wow,there are so many mice here.


B:shh,be quiet ,they are talking about something,don’t let the cat hear that. Welcome the babies from KC1

C:掌声有请KC1班的The cat and the Bell》

8、歌谣《Teddy Bear》

C:谢谢我们可爱的小朋友们!现在大家请看看大屏幕,What’s this?Yes, Teddy bear. 现在让我们用最热烈的掌声欢迎我们的KC1班的熊宝宝们上场!




9、话剧《The tiger and the fox》


C:我们俩是给大家表演了一个成语故事,大家猜到了么?有请来自临潼校区新概念2B班 等同学们带来的话剧《狐假虎威》

B:《The fox and the tiger》,welcome.

10、诗朗诵+歌曲《you raise me up》B:Thanks for them. We also should say thank you for our parents. A song says: You raise me up,so I can stand on mountains, you raise me up, so more than I can be. When I was a boy, my parents taught me washing, eating, walking and speaking, so

thanks for them.

A:Eddy说的没错,当我们还是个小女孩儿,小男孩儿的时候,是父母教会我们吃饭,洗脸,读书,父母的爱一直伴随着我们的成长,一首来自新概念2A班 等同学表演的诗朗诵《you raise me up》 Welcome!

11、歌曲《Proud of you》B:See me fly,I’m proud to fly up high. show you the best of mine,Till the end of the time。

A:看着我飞翔,飞翔让我如此自豪。或许每个人都应该为自己的努力点赞,为自己感到骄傲。现在就让我们随着悠扬的旋律,带上梦想的翅膀,走向远方!请欣赏,新概念1A班 等同学的歌曲表演《Proud of you》

12、诗朗诵《Bring it all back》A:Jenny,你在生活中或者在学习上有没有感到特别困难的时候? C:有啊,比如每次考试考不好的时候。我又自责又担心。



A:说的太好了,Don’t stop,don’t give up,永远不要停止对理想的追求,不要停止前进的脚步,当你坚持不住的时候,请你继续坚持,因为困难如果没有打到你,就只会让你变得更强大!

C:当自己的内心足够强大,所有你失去的终将会回来!请欣赏带来的配乐诗朗诵《Bring it all back》,掌声有请

13、话剧《little red riding hood》

B:OK,thanks our students from 1A .Now, this time, I will give you some Key- words.


B:There are some words: red hat; little girl, wolf. Which story can you think?

A:Eddy已经给大家提示了,大家猜出来了么?红色的帽子,小女孩,大灰狼,是什么故事呢? B:Yes, excellent boy! 《little red riding hood》,welcome!



14、诗朗诵《When you are old》

B:When you are old and grey and full of sleep,and nodding by the fire, take down this book. C:当你老了,头发白了,睡意昏沉。一首很优美的诗歌,现在让我们放松心情,感受这首充满爱意的诗朗诵《when you are old》.有请新概念1B班宋羽西,xxx上台表演



16、话剧《Three little pigs》

C:大家看到舞台上的三个房子了吗?那我就要考考大家接下来这个节目的名字了。对,三只小猪的故事大家听说过吗?接下来请欣赏音标班 等人表演的话剧《Three little pigs》

17、跆拳道表演《Kung fu Boys》

A:Hey,Do you know Ye Wen?

B:sure,咏春拳,I can do some Kungfu.

:really?Show me your kungfu.

B:ho ho,(表演几个动作)

A:好,看来你还是有点功夫天赋的,接下来我给你找个师傅,看完他的表演,你才知道什么叫做功夫,好,最热烈的掌声送给我们剑桥二下班王志国,xxx带来的功夫表演《Kungfu boys》 线上抽奖——刮刮乐





A:那一双水晶鞋,那辆南瓜车,那位英俊的王子,还有,那位善良而美丽的姑娘,滋润了多少童年的梦想,又引起了多少人对美和爱的渴望……让我们现在一起重温经典,欣赏新概念2B班 等同学们精心为大家准备的话剧,《灰姑娘》,注意看,里面有亮点哦!

19、歌曲《It’s a small world》

A:如果不是最后卸下他飘飘长发的那一刻,相信我们都会被李佳航这个男子汉的美貌所迷倒吧,谢谢他们的表演!世界再大,王子也找到了他心爱的姑娘,这是一个有着笑声的世界, 这是一个有着泪水的世界, 这是一个有着希望的世界,这个小小的世界,可以承载我们所有的开心和不开心。接下来,让我们聆听由剑桥班胡采薇和KC2班翟诗语同学共同带来的歌曲《It’s a small world》

20、诗歌《Thanks for parents》

A:谢谢两位同学的精彩演唱,在这里也祝愿我们的同学们在新的一年心情天天好,学业步步高!XX教育不仅仅是教书的地方,更是育人的地方,我们希望孩子们除了在这里收获知识B,还能学会如何怀着感恩的心,去对待身边的人,尤其是抚养我们长大的爸爸妈妈,在今天这个特殊的夜晚,希望我们的爸爸妈妈们听听孩子们的心声,接下来,掌声欢迎音标班的同学们带来的诗歌朗诵《Thanks for parents》!


好,现在我公布17-20号的得分。我们此次节目共设一等奖一名,二等奖两名,三等奖三名的XX助学金奖励,评定参考60%现场打分成绩以及40%线下投票成绩,即就是说今天现场分数高的同学们不要骄傲太早,分数靠后的同学们也不要灰心,积极发动你的朋友们为你投票。我们的线上投票窗口会砸元月24日中午12:00关闭,晚上6:30进行公示,颁奖典礼于1月25日6:30 举行。现在有请我们的互动主持为大家说细则。

谢谢!今天所有参加节目的同学们都可以获得一枚XX首届英语汇演奖牌,现在有请嘉宾为1号节目《I have two hands》的小演员们颁奖。。。


A:踏着青春的节拍,我们向2016走来,一路欢歌,一路笑语,万物在漫天风雨中欣然等待。 C:激扬着青春的风采,我们向2016走来,一路欢歌,一路笑语,万物在翘首期盼中安然舒怀。 B:In 2016,we will write the most beautiful music.



B:In 2016,we will hand in hand, shoulders to shoulders, to meet future challenges.

我宣布XX教育2016年英语汇演圆满结束,感谢各位来宾,各位家长。我们明年见,再见(合)see you next year~现在有请各位领导,嘉宾,全体演出人员及工作人员前来合影留念!



ladies and men, we are very happy to gather here to hold an English evening party. First of all, let me introduce our distinguished guests tonight:情醉, our head of the district , our headmaster and ***, the secretary of the CPC committee of our school. And I would also like to take this opportunity to wish *** Now let's invite *** to say a few words to us.

Now it's time for us to have performance. For this evening party all theactors and actresses have made careful preparations. So I'm sure we'll be able to enjoy many excellent performances tonight.

The first item is a group dance given by Class 3 Senior 2. Now let's give them warm applause.... Therefore,I'm very glad to be the host of this evening party.I believe we can give you a great perform !

The first chapter will be a group of singers to perform English songs but with A style of operatic singing.

Elvis Presley

一首单曲,创作人是Jørn Dahl和Laila Samuelsen。

people of the uk and us are fond of various style of modern music.since last century ,the musicians have been devoted to composition. With a love of music, they have composed a variety of songs which involves the elements of classical music such as waltz, (serenade)、(rhapsody)、 (romance)、(sonata)、 (symphony) ( country music)、 (jazz)、 (rock and roll)和 (pop music). materpieces range from Elvis Presley ,mj to Chris Webber. Now let’s walk into the world of the modern music. The first chapter will be a group of singers to perform English songs but with A style of operatic singing.

翠儿will sing a song <you raised me up> by secret garden,

川江will bring us an old Irish song the last rose of summer,乐声, love never dies by Chris webber,from <the phantom of the theater>, 矛盾, love me tender loveme true , by Elvis Presley;Cecelia, think of me , Lyric Ariasby Chris webber,from <the phantom of the theater>,俏百灵,the song my mother taught me, by Antonin Dvorak , 歌声,memory,by Joe Hisaishi, 简洁, the swan , by secret garden, 花仙子one day when we were young, a song from the film in Hollywood.

Now let’s invite these perfomers.

And now we are in the second chapter, the pop.the perfomers

《the old straw hat》will be given by actor Music Lover,from the Japanese film the witmess,子妍’s burning, from Maria Arredondo’ album《Not Going Under》,杰西’ prayer ,the lyrics in which will be given in English and Italian,绿波 Mocking bird Hill, is a gift by the rap singer to his daughter, Scarborough Fair is indeed an ancient song in England,海亮A time for Us, atune from the romio and Juliet,紫云 will sing us a song my heart will go on ,a famous song from the film tytannic. ,子铭the amazing grace ,a Christian song , 简洁 my love is like a red red rose ,the lyric is a poem by the famous british poet Robert Burns.

第三乐章,完美,是由沙龙的管理们用美声演唱一组现代英文歌曲。白水 带来雪绒花,选自美国电影音乐之声,感悟 你的爱,美国饶舌唱作歌手Nicki Minaj演唱的《你的爱(Your Love)》为Nicki首张专辑《粉红星期五(Pink Friday)》中的首波主打单曲,川江演唱【求主同住】是一首流转甚久的非常著名的基督教歌曲,东方演唱的白发吟,是美国近现代创作歌曲,乐声带来的123,选自美国电

影音乐之声,矛盾 演唱的交换舞伴,是一首经典的电影插曲,花仙子演唱的月亮河,该曲第一次亮相是在1961年电影《蒂凡尼的早餐》,咏歌 演唱的锁不住的旋律,选自美国电影人鬼情。




Le: Well, it has been a wonderful evening. I am sure everyone enjoyed it very much.I personally had a fun time.

Wang: we hope you enjoy every minute of your Stay in English associationand bring you happy memories.

Le: Happy time goes by in a flash! this marks the end of the evening and l would like to thank everyone for attending tonight .

Wang: The party is over and we wish you happy in the coming days .see you next year!

All: Goodbye !



Call Me Maybe

Wow! that’s a wonderful performance from Class 2, Grade 7.


Good evening, boys, girls and my dear teachers. Welcome to the English show---the memories of April. Our topic is showing your talent and charming in English.

I’m the host




English is a door, through which we may walk closer to success.

English is a window, out of which we can see a colorful life.

English is a mirror, in which we can find both others and ourselves.

As we all know, English is becoming increasingly popular around the world.

Exactly right.

That’s why we held the show tonight. We hope more and more students will join us in English learning, and find the pleasure in English learning.

First, please allow me to introduce our honorable guests. They are_______Thanks for your coming. Thanks for your all-out support of this show.

Before we begin our show, I’d like to invite our English group leader, professor zhang to give us a speech up on the stage.

Let’s welcome.

主持人A:Wow, they really did a good job!what an excellent performance it is! 主持人B:是的,让我们再一次用热烈地掌声感谢他们带来的精彩演出!

主持人A:主持人b(主持人b应声),You must know the story Cinderella very well. 主持人B:真的吗?那我们可要拭目以待接下来八年级五班为大家表演的《灰姑娘》了。


主持人A:感谢七年级 班同学的精彩演出。

主持人B:主持人A, do you know today there are still some people dying because of hunger?

主持人A:oh,yes~ we should care about what’s going on outside , because we are the future. It’s love that makes us together.

甲.我们用歌声寄托对青春的盛情厚意,我们用乐声承诺对梦想的信念永恒 We express our vision for the youth by the songs and we

strengthen our faith for the dream by the music.

乙.今夜,我们引吭高歌,尽情绽放青春的色彩!请欣赏由(xx xx xx)带来的歌曲 a little love.

Tonight, Let us belt out songs and bloom out the color of youth. Now, please enjoy the song by**** Do you have any friends?

Of course, I have many friends. And let me show you how to make friends. Next, let’s enjoy the short play making friends from Class 4, Grade 7.

In the spring festival, we are always looking forward to wearing new clothes. Long time ago, there was an emperor, he loved wearing new clothes. Two thieves heard about it and came to his kingdom. Now, please appreciate the emperor’s new clothes.

No matter where do you come from; no matter your skin is yellow or white; no matter how different you are, you and me both live in the Earth Village, and we are a family. Now please appreciate the song “you and me”

Children’s world is full of fantasy. To be snow white is every girl’s dream, let us watch the show Snow White. The actors are from class four grade eight.

Time is always too short for those who rejoice, and finally it is time to say good-bye Every end means a brand new start. Looking forward to the following semester, we are full of hope.

Though the show is about to end, we shall never cease the aspiration towards knowledge.

We wish our school will bring up more talents and create more achievements We wish all the distinguished guests, teachers, students’ happiness!

Let’s cherish tonight forever. Let’s keep tonight in our heart forever!

Everybody, that’s the end of tonight’s show, good night.

See you!



Welcome Party for Seminar on Tropical Fruit and Vegetable Planting and

Processing Technology for Developing Countries

F: Distinguished leaders, honourable guests and dear friends, good evening.

W: Good evening.

F: First of all, welcome all of you to China, a nation which always welcome friends from near and afar.

W: Yes, Welcome all of you to Hainan, a province which is the southernmost, the most beautiful and the only tropical province in China.

F: To the countries of our distinguished guests here today, the climate, the soil and the agricultural products are quite the same with them in Hainan. Right? So, we have a lot to communicate, to learn and to exchange.

W: Yes, I think your stay here must will be fruitful and meaningful.

(F: Then, let's welcome **, *****, to deliver a welcome speech to our distinguished guests. W: Welcome.

F: Thank you **.

W: Thanks for your warm and sincere speech.)英语晚会开场词

F: No more words, I think our friends can't wait to see the programmes.

W: Ok, It is party time. Please welcome our first two performers, they bring us with a dance "The Wondrous Night of a puppet".

F: Let's welcome.


F: Wonderful. It's not only a wondrous night of a puppet, but also a wondrous night of all of us today.

W: Yes, my friends, speak of Chinese Kung fu, who would you think of?

F-Bruce Lee?

W-Yes, Bruce is definitely a kung fu master. (imitate)

F- Bruce Lee has a unique weapon, you know that?

W- His Fists?

F- No, it’s a weapon made of two sticks. We call it Nunchaku.

W- So next, why don’t we invite our own kung fu master here to give everybody a Nunchaku performance?

*W-Is anybody excited about this Nunchaku? Does anybody want to have a try?

F-We have an excellent teacher here to teach you some easy tricks.

W-Come on, anybody want to be Bruce Lee?


W: Have you ever been to Mongolia or Inner Mongolia in China?

F: No, I haven't. But I would like to go there. I like the grassland, running horses, blue sky and their elegant dance.

W: Oh, I think you will like next programme because it's a Mongolia dance "Scent of


F: Ok. I can't wait to see that. Please welcome our performers.


F: Just like what you said. I like the dance very much. I am sure our guest here like it too. Right?The next performance will be very Chinese. It combines Chinese traditional music, Taichi and calligraphy. I think it will be a feast for you eyes.

W: Ok, please welcome our performers with applause.


W: Do you like it, ladies and gentlemen?

F: Does anyone who want to learn Chinese calligraphy and Taichi? Our masters can teach you for free.

F-Hey, Wance, do you know the four quintessence of Chinese culture?

W-You mean the four most important and symbolic things in our culture?

F-Yes, and you have just enjoyed two of them.

W-Chinese kung fu and caligraphy?

F-Yes, and what about the other two?

W-Oh, I know, they are traditional chinese medicine and the Peking Opera.

F-Correct. It's hard for us to present Chinese medicine to our friends here, but we have this W-wonderful peking opera show tonight.

F-Brilliant!So let's welcome *** to bring us a famous piece of Peking Opera!

6. W–Tonight, we’ve enjoyed performances by our talented singers, dancers and musical instrument players. However, I find it difficult to call our next performers singers.

F-Because they don’t actually sing. They make sound of musical instrument without using any actual equipment. All the magic is done by their mouths.

W-It sounds pretty cool. So let’s welcome Feng Zonghao and Fu Shiru to give us a B-Box show.

7. W -Well, fantastic. I can't believe that our mouth can give so many kinds of music.

F- Yes. It's really amazing. After this, Let’s now appreciate an exotic dance from India. W- Let’s welcome our beautiful performers to give us this magic Indian dance.

8. W–It’s a lovely night indeed.

F- Our friends, do you enjoy tonight’s show?

W-Do you love Hainan?

F -So let us extend our warm welcome to you again by presenting this song with Hainan features.

W- Please welcome Liu Xiaosong and Yu He, and let’s engjoy the song “Welcome to Hainan”!

F- May I invite all our fiends here to come up stage and enjoy the song and dance together?

结束:W-What a nice evening, and what lovely friends we’ve got here.

F- Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m afraid we have to say goodbye tonight, but our friendship will last forever!

W- We hope you enjoy every minute of your stay in Hainan and bring home with you happy memories. F- Goodbye and goodnight!





主持人:邵天天 王梦斌


表演者:胡容 高丹等




三、 蒙古舞《乳香飘》 Mongolia Dance “Scent of Milk”


四、 太极书法表演《筝印墨秋》

表演者:白瑶 朱婷 甘武源 王安德等


五、京剧《智取威虎山》 Peking Opera “Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy”


六、 B—BOX表演

表演者:冯宗豪 符世儒



表演者:杨泽琳 徐爱娟 林芳蝶等

八、 歌曲《请到天涯海角来》

表演者:刘晓颂 于赫


Hosts: Flora & Wance

1. Dance “Wondrous Night of a Puppet”

Performers: Hu Rong, Gao Dan

2. Song “Nothing in the World”

Performers: Shao Yao, Song Zhizhu

3. Monocycle Performance

Performer: Xu Chuanhao

4. The charm of Chinese music, Taichi and calligraphy

Performers: Bai Yao, Zhu Ting, Gan Wuyuan, Wang Ande

5. Indian Dance “Magic”

Performers: Yang Zelin, Xu Aijuan, Lin Fangdie

6. B-Box

Performers: Feng Zonghao, Fu Shiru

7. Nunchaku Performance

Performer: Liu Lingyu

8. Classical Dance “The Admiration”

Performer: Huang Ting

9. Song “Welcome to Hainan”英语晚会开场词

Performers: Liu Xiaosong, Yu He

Troupe of Art, Hainan Universit




合:Good evening, dear ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to our Christmas party!


Jack: With the snow flakes falling from the sky,

Lily: With the Christmas carols resounding around our ears,

Obama: with the Christmas presents passing through our friends and ourselves,

Anne: with the kindest Santa Clause in red walking towards us 合: Let’s shout, “Christmas is coming! Merry Christmas!!!”

Jack: Hello, I’m Jack. I’m honored to have the chance to be your host tonight. On behalf of the Entire Staff of TianTian Education(天天教育中心,不知这样对不?), I wish all of you a happy Christmas Eve.


Lily: Before we go, I’d like you to know that we have planned various interesting programs and games for tonight’s party, we hope you would join them and have some fun.


Obama: First of all, let’s welcome our principal, Mrs. Wang, to give us a welcome speech.


Anne: Thank you, Mrs. Wang.


Jack: Now, the first program, all the students sing the song “Silent Night” with Santa Clause.

Lily: What a beautiful song! Good job, everybody.

Obama: Anne,at this special moment, I can’t be more excited. How about you?

Anne: Of course, Obama, me too. And I dare say that I’ve never been so happy in my life. I bet you do, yeah?

Obama: Sure, you are right. So why are we still waiting? I guess our audience can’t wait to enjoy our exciting performance. Do you think so?(可能这里很罗嗦,需要精减)

Anne: It’s just the truth. So now, let’s enjoy the second program. Semichorus: Edelweiss and Santa Clause is coming to the town.

Jack: Thanks for their great performance!

Lily: Have you heard the Christmas story? Tonight, Shuai Qi and Wang Haosen will tell you a Christmas story. Let’ s welcome them.

Obama: What a funny story! Thank you two. Please applaud for Shuai Qi and Wang Haosen.

Anne: Oh, here comes the first exciting moment, games time, “biting apples”. We need 10 students to bite these apples, the student who can bite the apple first is the winner. Then you can get the apple and Santa Clause will give you a present.(不知道这个游戏具体该怎么说,全盘否定也没关系)

Jack: It’s very interesting, isn’t it?

Lily: Yes. We are very happy. But I have a question. What can you do when you are hungry? Cooking by yourselves or asking for your parents? Today our little lions will give you an answer. Please enjoy a play “I am hungry”.

Obama: Thanks for their exciting performance. Well done!

Anne: Boys and girls, the exciting moment is coming, the lucky draw! Obama: Let’s invite our Father Christmas. Please draw out the wish cards for us. We’ll satisfy their wishes.

Anne: How lucky they are!

Jack: Have you heard the story of Three Little Pigs? Please enjoy Three Little Pigs, played by the second grade students.

Lily: How lovely they are! Thanks for their interesting performance!

合:Everybody, put on your masks and dance with the music. Let’s end our Christmas Eve with dancing! See you next year, have a good dream tonight!




A : Good evening , boys and girls , welcome to our dumpling party .

B : 晚上好,朋友们,欢迎来到我们的“饺流天下”晚会。

A : Dumpling is a traditional Chinese food , full of delicious taste and ancient intelligence .

B : 饺子是中国一大传统美食,深深蕴藏着鲜香美味与古人的智慧。

A : Tonight , it's our honour to gather together and enjoy the entertainment of making dumplings and sharing cultures .

B : 今晚,让我们欢聚一堂,共同分享包饺子的乐趣,共同体验多文化的魅力!

A : Nothing more to say , just let's start our fantastic journey of dumplings !

B :别的也不再多说,就让我们现在开始我们的“饺子之旅”!

A : Ready ? Go !

Show time演出阶段

A:After such a busy and happy time , let's just be relaxed and enjoy excellent performance. Now , it's the show time !

B : 结束了忙碌充实的动手时光,现在让我们都来放松心情,一起欣赏来自中外的精彩表演!

A : First , let's enjoy an amazing kongfu show from the association of Taijiquan .

B :下面让我们来欣赏来自太极拳协会的武术和太极表演。

A : Terrific ! Chinses kongfu is full of magic , have you been excited by that ? Ok. Now, let's enjoy a classical music , a Er Hu recital from Zhang Yi .

B : 中华武术博大精深,是不是已经震惊在座了呢?那好,现在我们来欣赏一曲中国传统艺术,来自张怡的二胡独奏,大家欢迎。

A : Beatiful ! That's the first word appears in my mind . What do you expect next ? all right , still from the music association , let's welcome Zhao Lingxiao and his Gusuxing !

B :行云流水!这是不是第一个出现在你脑海里的词呢?那么我们不妨在欣赏一曲管弦独奏,有请音乐协会赵凌霄和他带来的《姑苏行》 !

A :Enjoyed so much traditional shows , do you think it's time to change a pace . Now , let's waiting for our foreign friends and their songs !

B :欣赏了那么多传统节目是不是也想换换口味了呢?那么现在就请要求我们的外国朋友为我们带来他们的精彩演出!

A : There is always no boundary among songs , having finished those exotic culture , do you want to get back to something native ? Well , just hands for Tan Shiqi and her fabulous song !

B : 音乐总是没有国界的,听完了异域风情的旋律,是不是也想回归一下本土呢?现在就让我们掌声迎来谭诗琪和她动人的歌!

Food time 美食时间

A : So much for those colorful performances , everyone must be waiting for one thing ----yeah ! Dumplings ! Look they are coming !

B :今晚可谓是星光闪耀、异彩纷呈。欣赏的够了,热闹的久了,大家现在最期待的是什么呢?没错,就是大家自己动手做出来的饺子啦!!!当当当当,看,它们来了!

A : Just enjoy yourself !

B : 尽情享用吧!

A : Happy time is always short , we always feels it limitied . But we should also remember that there's always time for goobye .

B : 美好时光总是稍纵即逝,但是天下没有不散的筵席。

A : And this time's farewell is for next time's meet again .

B :今日的道别是为了明日的重逢。

A:So , let's have a happy emnding ! Memorising this great night ! B :那么就让我们开开心心的结束,铭记今晚的奇幻一切精彩!

A : Dear ftiends , See you next time !

B : 亲爱的朋友们,让我们下次再见!