
时间:2021-11-11 08:09:17 600字



假如我会“克隆”作文600字 假如我会“克隆”,我要把大地上的森林“克隆”,让每个山区、每座城市都被绿色笼罩。在漫无边际的沙漠,在无人居住的戈壁滩,我要将它们变成绿树成荫、百花吐艳的田园。我要将地球的每个角落都披上绿色的新装,让大地充满生机假如我会“克隆”,我要“克隆”出许多粮食,让那些目前还解决不了温饱的人们也能和我们一样,吃上香喷喷的大米饭,不受挨饿的痛苦。光是我“克隆”的粮食还不够,我还要把这种技术推广给那些挨饿的人。









The Cloning Technology

With the development of science and technology, our side appeared a lot of new things,such as clone,The scientific invention of clone has become a hot topic among people,especially among the young and heated debates are right on their way.{支持克隆技术的作文600字}.

Now the cloning scientific has been used for many years to produce plants, it has brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.{支持克隆技术的作文600字}.

The benefit of cloning is cloning human organs or body parts , such as that if a parson in a traffic accident lost his arm or leg ,or someone get a serious heart disease and face danger ,he need a new body parts replace ,At this time we can use cloning technology copy a new parts of body to replace ,in the this way can be ensure that someone continue to live ,so that the clone is benefit for us .{支持克隆技术的作文600字}.

Everything has two sides and cloning is not an exception,it has both advantages and disadvantages. On the contrary,most people are against of cloning technology been used in our life, One of the biggest reason is that human cloning technology will break the gender balance,it will be bring up a great chaos.

As far as I think cloning technology is more much disadvantage for human being ,we should very careful to use it, I believe that only in this way our life will be more beautiful


They think, cloning and any form of science and technology is a double-edged sword, with two sides, whether it is a blessing or a curse, depends on research and its application . The theoretical significance of the cloning technology and the positive effect of the improvement and optimization of the agricultural and other animal species are obvious to all. For example, the challenge to the biological diversity, resulting in the reduction of the biologicCloning technology as a means to protect and save endangered animals .all quality of the individual, the ability to survive. Even more seriously, it will inevitably be out of control, bring about the ecological disaster, and trigger a series of serious ethical and moral conflicts as soon as it has been misused to clone human beings.



Today the problem of cloning has been brought into focus.different people hold different opinions.however each phenomenon exists for a number of reasons.


Cloning strives to cure diseases by obtaining the stem cells,as we all know cloning would increase the chances for a tissue match from 25 percent to nearly 100Percent.{支持克隆技术的作文600字}.


I am unique in the world and I am proud of that. If another I appears, is there any need for me to exist?


As far as I am concerned,I don’t think that cloning human beings is sensible. It may bring about many unexpected problems. We should respect life and let everything stay as it is.



成功的喜悦作文600字(一) 金秋十月,在这丰收的季节里,到处一片硕果累累的景象。常言道:“有耕耘,就会有收获。”我们会收获果实,收获喜悦,收获自信„„我在这个丰收的季节收获了包饺子的快乐。 这是在一个晴朗的下午,爸爸和妈妈在包饺子。我从外面高兴的玩耍回来,看见他们在包饺子,也想试着包几个。于是,我讨好的对妈妈说:“妈妈,我也想学包饺子,行吗?”“可以”。妈妈一脸笑容。 我马上洗净了双手,跃跃欲试。这时在擀饺子皮的爸爸说:“女儿,你可不能包成猪八戒啊。”“放心吧,爸爸。”我信心满满的回答。说着便拿起一张饺子皮,弄了一小勺馅儿放进皮儿里。我学着慢慢的样子,先从皮儿右边捏起,然后,慢慢地,一下一下的往中间捏。哦,这饺子看起来简单,不想包起来却那么难。捏着捏着,馅儿就挤了出来,咋办?妈妈见状,帮我用筷子按压了下去。我左边的皮儿也捏好了。我的第一个“作品”横空出世了。一看,样子像个小鲫鱼。肚子又瘪又长。妈妈笑着说:“你包的像个丑小鸭。”我开始包第二个,我想刚才肚子瘪可能是没吃饱馅儿,这回我就弄了满满一小勺馅儿。可是捏着捏着出问题了,“哧”的一声,馅儿从饺子的肚皮底下挤了出来。“哎呀——”我叫了起来。爸爸开口了:“女儿,这是饺子,不是填鸭,把人家的肚皮撑破了怎么能下锅浮水?”妈妈又给我换了一张皮儿,这回我少放点馅儿小心翼翼的包好。我包完让妈妈去看,妈妈看了看说:“嗯,行了,丑小鸭变漂亮了。”我开始包下一个,再看妈妈,她包起来不仅快,而且包出来的饺子一样大小,饺子肚皮圆鼓鼓的,边儿上还包着花齿牙牙呢,我佩服极了。我仔细观察发现妈妈包饺子时先用大拇指和食指捏拢中间,然后才捏拢两边。哦,这大概是诀窍吧。我照着妈妈的样子慢慢捏了很长时间,饺子包成了我又让妈妈过目,妈妈看后说:“不错,丑小鸭变成小天鹅了。” 接下来我又包了十来个,个个都很漂亮。爸爸妈妈夸我长大了,我心里很是高兴。我现在心里甜甜滋滋的,我包的饺子就像丑小鸭变天鹅一样。我收获了成功的喜悦。 成功的喜悦作文600字(二) 20**我沐浴着和煦的东风,一路过关斩将,一鼓作气闯进决赛圈,终于登上领奖台,捧得了英语竞赛全市一等奖的奖状。欢快跳跃的旋律,姹紫嫣红的鲜花,雷鸣般的掌声,把颁奖仪式的气氛推向了高潮。