
时间:2021-11-10 20:00:56 500字


















每个人都有自己的梦,自己的梦想。有的人想做伟大的工程师;有的人想做为人民争取利益的rén dà代表;也有的人想做名救死扶伤的医生。而我,我的梦想就如梦一般地难以实现——当中国的第一个女主席。


“妈妈,什么叫做国家主席?”我一边看着新闻一边问到。“嗯„国家主席就是guǎn lǐ整个国家的人,我们现在的主席是江泽民。”妈妈嘴角露出一丝微笑,摸着我的头说。“那,那就是说主席可以管坏人咯。”此时坐在一头的爸爸说话了;“当然,主席呀,还有着很嵩高的地位呢!”听了这话我开心极了,用天真、幼稚的语气:“我在长大后也要当主席。”“哟,小鬼头一个,懂什么。你以为主席那么好当呀。„„再加上,至今史上还没出过一个女主席呢。如果要当也一定要经过很大努力去争取的„„”就是这样,‘女主席’这伟大的字眼从此在我心中烙下了个印。








篇二:《英国 英语作文》

My Impression of the UK

When people talk about the UK, the first impression may be the old gentleman, traditional, prosperous and strong, or Beckham, Elizabeth and Mr. Bean. Everyone has different impressions of Britain, and I would like to talk about my impression of the Britain.

Britain is a wealthy country, the world's leading power since the first industrial revolution. In the 18th century, Britain is the world's biggest country, while in the early 20th century the situation is different. Though Britain was influenced by the war and a series of factors, the superpower position was replaced by the United States, it is still an influential power in the world. With its developed economy, British people attach great importance to the quality of their life. The Britain's working hours is about 22 hours a week. They have few working hours, so they have much more free time to do whatever they like, for example doing the housework by themselves, doing sports, traveling, reading, writing, listening to music and so on. What’s more British people love pets very much.

English afternoon tea is famous all over the world. British have a 300-years-old history of drinking black tea. Afternoon tea was introduced in England by Anna, the seventh Duchess of Bedford, in the year 1840. They will add sugar and milk in the

black tea, and it is necessary to drink after a meal for British. The UK is the largest

consumption country of black tea. In other words, there is no country that is professional than Britain in tasting black tea. The traditional afternoon tea time is four o'clock in the afternoon, it is commonly known as Low Tea. Traditional afternoon tea consists of a selection of dainty sandwiches, scones served with clotted cream. Cakes and pastries are also served. Tea grown in India or Ceylon is poured from silver tea pots into delicate bone china cups.{我想去英国作文500字}.

The climate of Britain is very comfortable. It is neither hot in summer, nor cold in winter in UK, it is warm and humid. It often rains in Britain, in my impression British always need to take an umbrella wherever they go. Also they will often talk about weather when they meet each other just like we talk about whether the other has had dinner. For British people the sunshine is very precious because there is too much rain all the year round. As long as it is a sunny weekend or holiday, there will be a lot of people lying on the grass in the park or on the beach. The government sets up a special place in every residence community, it can be a park or a piece of green area. In this region, people can take a rest or go for a walk, besides it also offers a place for the children to have fun.

The building of Britain also impressed me very much. The British building is old and very beautiful, it’s the typical classical architecture of Britain. The building has a long history but well preserved, some people say that many British sewers have a history of several hundred years. There are many world famous buildings in Britain, such as St.Paul's Cathedral, Tower Bridge of London, British Museum, Big Ben and so on. Now the British building is a symbol of British culture and their spirit.

Britain is a very beautiful and prosperous country, and I hope one day I can walk in the street of Britain and enjoy the beautiful scenery there.
















要实现这个梦想,我要从现在开始好好努力学习,把自己的各科都学得很出色,因为妈 妈说:“小学是打基础的黄金时期。”所以我要好好学习,将来才能到更好的学校去学习科学知识。还有我要看很多书,积累更多的知识,尤其是要多看科学类的书籍,因为宇宙对于我们实在是太神秘了,我要去探索这些奥秘,就必须尽自己的全力为梦想打下坚实的基础。



梦想 是什么?是要去追去找的,有了梦想就有了心中广阔的蓝天,一个慈祥辛勤的老师 ,一个为祖国 做贡献的保卫者,一个像爱迪生那样伟大 的发明家,一个像季羡林爷爷 那样的大作家等等,都是一个远大的梦想,而我的梦想只想做一个服装设计师。

做一个服装设计师,要会搭配服装的颜色,设计服装的款式,画出衣服的样子等等,我长大以后要做一个特殊的设计师,我要设计一件>四季 都能穿,而且能调整衣服的颜色,伸缩衣服的样子,变换款式的衣服,我还要设计一件特别的羊毛衫,就是我做一个服装设计师的标准。


成短装,又能缩成长 装,还能伸缩成各种款式,有风衣、裙子等,这件衣服既舒适又潮流,我想让许多人穿上我亲手做的,经过无数修改、思考 的衣服。特别的羊毛衫我要设计给小朋友 们穿,外面全是毛绒绒的,雪白雪白的,都是鹅毛,帽子上全是毛,垂下两个绒球,可爱极了!我的梦想就是当一个服装设计师,一个特殊的设计师,一个美好的梦想!

梦想是要有你来追的,梦想只要去寻找 ,一个好的梦想就是一个好的未来 !我的梦想就是如此,设计新颖、时髦的衣服,成就我一生中最大的乐趣!{我想去英国作文500字}.




















我想成为这样的人 在我众多崇拜的人当中,我最崇拜的就是白求恩了。他是一个非常热爱和平,厌恶战争的人。我也想成为这样的人。 当年白求恩千里迢迢从加拿大带着一支医疗队伍赶来中国,救治伤员。他为我们中国做出了非常巨大的贡献。后来他在我国患病逝世,为此我深深感到痛惜。虽然白求恩他牺牲了,但是他伟大的白求恩精神却永远留在了全世界人民的心中。我,一名小小的初中生,却也想成为一名像白求恩一样,能为人类造福的伟大的医生。秉着治病救人的信念,把伟大的白求恩精神发扬光大。 如果我是一名医生,我要治好千千万万的失明人士。让他们重见光明,让他们看见社会的发展,让他们看见祖国的锦绣河山。让所有的 “眼镜族”们扔掉眼镜。 如果我是一名医生,我要治好所有的失聪人士。让他们重新听见世界的声音,让他们听见鸟语花香,让他们听见人们的话语。让所有的“聋哑人”这个“帽子”。 如果我是一名医生,我要发明一种治疗癌症的激光。让癌症患者不用打针,不用开刀,也不用吃药。只要用我的激光对癌症细胞一照,这下癌症细胞就全死了,而且不会复发。我要让癌症不再是绝症,让全世界的人和癌症say“Byebye!” 如果我能成为一名像白求恩那样的医生,我会把白求恩精神发扬光大。今天,我放飞我的希望;明天,我将把它变成现实!


What is your understanding of the word “power”? Does it mean that a rich person can fulfill his own pursuits by doing anything he would like to do? Or does it mean that an official with great authority can decide to other’s lives? Obviously, the answer is “no”. So what is the true power? Frankly, power mainly lies in two ways: strength and spirit. When it come to the spirit power, there is no doubt that “knowledge is the true power”, which is the most famous proverb invented by Francis Bacon, the outstanding essayist in 17th British. I claim that most of us are influenced by Bacon’s thought deeply, today I will interpret the proverb “knowledge is power” from the following aspects: the importance of knowledge, the utility of knowledge, the malpractice of the knowledge. As is known to all of us, the whole world is surrounded by all kinds of knowledge, and we use those knowledge to invent many necessaries, for instance, electronic light, telephone, computer and other electronic equipment. All of them are on the basis of knowledge. Suppose there is no knowledge at all in the world, can you imagine what will our world be like? In fact, I dare not imagine world’s future, but it must be a disaster if the assumption comes into effect. But how do we get knowledge? It has two ways: reading and practice.

In the essay Of Studies, it says that Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability, and histories make men wise; poets, witty; the

mathematics, subtle; natural philosophy, deep, moral, grave; logic and rhetoric, able to contend. And books are used to inherit knowledge, accumulate culture and make a connection between the old and new knowledge. Just as Bacon said, “books are the ship of the thought sailing in the age, and it coaxes the precious goods from generation to generation”. It’s so obvious that reading plays an important role in our daily life. Meanwhile, our knowledge and our mind become fertile through reading in some ways. This lets me accidentally think of our prime minister wen’s first interaction with internet users. In the end he said, “not only did reading give us power, but also it gave us a sense of security and happiness. I wished to see everyone holding a book inside subway one day”. As I first saw these sentences, I was shocked and moved. As a rule, we say that reading offers us knowledge and power, but now it can furnish security and happiness with us. How important it is! Based on these, reading contributes to the accumulation of knowledge. Besides, the other method to get knowledge is to practice. In fact, all theories learned from books are applied to practice. And we can know shortcomings through practice. By this way can we improve and enrich us to a higher level. As the proverb” Apart from knowledge and learning, there is no any other strength that can survive in people's thinking, imagination, ideas and beliefs and establish rule and authority.” Above all, knowledge is crucial, and we should try our best to get it.

Knowledge is power, which is also the first driving force to change the fate of the individual completely. As Napoleon once said, “the real conquer is the conquest of the ignorance”. After conquering ignorance and acquiring knowledge, Napoleon made France revitalized, with his own success interpreting what he called. Yes, conquering ignorance is to acquire knowledge, and we can dominate our fate with knowledge. Have you ever heard the proverb” lagging behind will be beaten” before? Yeah, it makes me think of our old China. When the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded China, we just compromised and were forced to sign a series of unequal treaties, which made Chinese be in deep waters. As Turgenev said, “knowledge more than anything else can give people freedom”. At all times, knowledge is the brightest pearl standing in the world sturdily. With the age ship tumbling into the 21st century, people shout loudly: the explosion age of knowledge is coming. To be honest, in the economy era, anyone who has knowledge and talent can seize his fate by the throat. On the contrary, anyone who doesn't own knowledge will be replaced by others. In a word, knowledge can change people's destiny.

There is one proverb” water can make ship flow and it also can make it overturn”. Just as one coin has two sides, knowledge also has pros and cons. In fact knowledge does great harm to our daily life and even threatens our lives in some ways when we enjoy our lives accompanied by knowledge. Especially nowadays, more and more people violate the

law by high-tech. As a matter of fact, high-tech should have been used in a right way to make great contributions to people rather than being used to crime. So we should use it correctly and richly.

Knowledge is power, and it shows infinite power in our daily life. As college students, we should try our best to search in the ocean of knowledge, and furnished with all kinds of knowledge to face fierce competition. Everyone should hold the belief that the power of knowledge can lead you into a brilliant life.

Knowledge is power

