
时间:2021-11-10 16:58:55 600字



一、活动主题:“我爱我的祖国” 二、活动目的:


三、比赛时间:2014年10月下旬,具体时间另行通知 四、活动地点:学校升旗广场 五、参赛范围:各班级学生全员参与 六、演唱要求:


2、合唱比赛要求服装统一,以评价学生合唱的声音及艺术处理为主要评分标准。 3、演唱时间:4分钟左右(含上下场)。 4、钢琴伴奏,各班级指挥由班主任或学生担任。



城港路街道中心小学 2014年9月30日




Wise Men

2011级10班 宋贝贝

The mist clouded the mountain-top. The only thing that was visible was the trek, winding across the mountain in front of him, forbiddingly.

He hesitated for a while, then sighed reluctantly and stepped onto the trek. As hopeless as he was, did he even have a choice? Company bankruptcy, love rupture, and cancer hit, who else could be more unfortunate than him at such a young age?

It was said that in the peak of this mountain lived a wise man. He knew everything of everything. “If that man could help me, it‟s the best; if not, then I‟ll jump off from the peak—not worth it anymore,” he rumbled to himself, with mixed feelings.

After an arduous journey, he reached the mountain-top. There was only a wooden cabin in a tiny flat land. He knocked at the door, only to find that it was open. There was only one person in the cabin, which seemed to be the Wise Man. He was seated with legs crossed, meditating. The young man, nervously, tried to crack a sound, but he swallowed it, not wanting to bother the Wise Man.

He waited and waited. After what seemed a century, suddenly, the Wise Man finally broke the upsetting silence, “What can I do for you, young man?” he spit a sentence from his throat, sounding hoarse with century-old wisdom.

At that moment, the young man felt that it was a god-sent blessing, so he replied with a trembling and excited voice, “I‟m sorry to, to, to bother you, Wise Man, but I, I am really desperate now. I need your help.”

“So another poor soul from the earthy world, uh?” the Wise Man curled up his lips, with his eyes still half-closed, “Tell me what has happened to you, my boy.”

The young man was triggered by this question: his bitterness, anger, regret and grievance all flooded in his mind. “You know what? Because my business went bankrupt, my girlfriend left me! How cruel she is!”

“Yes, I agree with you. She is such a vicious woman. A gold-digger, probably. But don‟t feel sorry for yourself. You deserve better!” The Wise Man shook his head and his voice was as cold as ice. It appeared that he also hated that woman.

“But I am still in love with her,” the young man cupped his face and pronounced, “I cannot forget her.”

“Then try your best to redeem the love between you two. Don‟t do anything that goes against your own mind,” the man nodded and his voice was as warm as the May Day.

The young man became stiff at once. “I don‟t want to hold her up. She is better off without me. After all, I am nothing but a loser.” His heart was bleeding.

“Oh, so let her go! Forget her now!” This time the Wise Man adopted a commanding tone. However, his eyes still kept half-closed regardless of the tones he spoke in.

The young man was confused and asked, “Please tell me what I can do to solve the problem.” The young man raised his head and stared at the Wise Man, “You are the sage. You are supposed to give me some solutions.”

As if he was hit by something, the Wise Man opened his eyes widely and his face looked like having been forced to eat a fly. His speech, which was placid just now, turned into a weird incoherence. “Er…actually…I have told you what to do, right?”

“What do you mean by „have told me what to do‟? You‟ve given me three pieces of advice but they are contradictory!” the young man grew a little bit annoyed. He walked closer to the Wise Man.

“Well…Maybe…Maybe it‟s all destined. You know, when it‟s about destiny, it‟s always hard to explain…” The Wise Man became even much weaker, and his eyes kept searching through the cabin in panic.

The young man was upset by this proverbial response. In despair, he waved his hands to wipe off his sweat but in the process, his hands touched the Wise Man‟s robe. The robe dropped to the ground, and a man in a sport jacket revealed himself. The young man was furious, “who are you?” he roared to the „Wise Man‟, “you fraud!” The last two words did not catch the „Wise Man‟ because he had already fled, the moment he was exposed.

Realizing that he had been cheated and his problems were still unresolved, the young man collapsed into the seat where the „Wise Man‟ had just sat. What to do next? Shall I jump off the mountain? Before he could think it over, he heard a knock on the door.

A mid-aged man emerged and asked cautiously, “Excuse me, but are you the Wise Man? I need your help.”

Sitting in the Wise Man‟s spot, the young man pondered for a while and finally he muttered, “Yes, I am,” with his legs crossed and eyes half-closed.


《我们六班班》我们六(2)班师生团结,与其把他比做一个大家庭,还不如说是一个小王国。班主任自然是皇帝,同学们是老百姓,班干部自然也算朝廷命官了。 一日,皇帝(班主任)召集全国文武百官,商讨国家大事(开班会).让每个大小官员就国情发言。首先上台的是将军(班长),他希望我们以后做个遵守纪律的老百姓。然后上台的是副将军(副班长),本来不害怕,可是一上台就紧张,全乱完了,说了两句就匆匆下台了。 随后上台的是各部尚书(课代表),他们所讲的是一个内容,和将军讲的差不多。最后上台的是礼部侍郎我和张高琳。我说的还差不多,可张高琳上台嫣然一笑,真比大姑娘还姑娘。皇上劝她:“汝莫羞”可一点也没用。皇帝喊:“一,二,三。”老百姓应:“快,快,快。”皇帝又喊:“一,二,三,四,五。”老百姓应:“我们等的好辛苦!” 真是千呼万唤使出来。他简单的说了一点,就下去了。台下顿时哄堂大笑。 我们六(2)班就是这么风趣快乐!! 






愿你做一个聪明的孩子!愿你做一个时间的主人! 拥文有明拥智勤守有慧奋纪快好乐学






做完坐位体前屈,就要跑二百米了,很快就轮到我们组跑了,我不禁紧张起来,为自己捏了一把汗。我全神贯注,双眼凝视前方,屏呼吸,就像严阵以待的士兵。只听见裁判说: “各就各位,预备,跑!”我就像脱缰的野马,似离弦的飞箭,快速向前冲去。听见旁边的人喊着: “曹淑堂,加油!曹淑堂,加油!”我听了,便更费力得向前冲去。本来,我在第 3名,可是,由于我快到了终点,放慢了速度,旁边有一个男孩冲了过去,他的了第3名,我的了第4名。现在想起来,觉得有点惋惜。

下午,进行了仰卧起坐、跳绳等多项比赛,我都取得了优异的成 绩。

人类的力量在那一刹那展现,拼搏在那一瞬间化为生命的起点, 在那一刻万物化为虚有,只知道,胜利并不遥远。

大金小学 五年级二班 曹淑堂








