
时间:2021-11-03 06:56:45 800字


The British Movies

Movies can be considered as reflections of life. They can always find an extraordinary point to get an insight into our life which could easily shock our hearts. And I think the British movies are really good at doing this. In the meantime, they are characterized with particular features. The features are as follows.

First of all, it’s out of question that the British cultures have a great influence on the movies’ materials, conceptions and artistic styles. As we all know, the word “gentleman” was generated in the British history. And sometimes the British movies are like great gentlemen who are telling stories to us slowly and softly. That is to say, there exist significant features in the British movies’ narrative styles. The movies describe things exquisitely and smoothly. They tell stories humorously and politely. Meanwhile, most films are well paced and they orderly carry us to the climax of both the story and the emotion. ‘The Kings Speech’ is a typical example. It is a very heart-warming and inspiring story about a man who is psychologically scarred and trapped in a situation in which he could have no escape but to face it with immense courage. It happened that he was born in the royal household and had got stuttering from childhood, which had been a serious problem in his life, especially when his brother gave up the throne and he had to take the duty of being the king of the whole nation. As a result, he had to make speeches in front of his people. In this film, the complexities of the character were revealed slowly as it developed. And when coming to the climax, it had all of us holding our breath. However, the movie still kept the same narrative style to describe the highlight. Then, our hearts began to fly the moment he made it and the scene could impress us deeply. Such is the feature of the British movies that they have their own styles for describing things, for developing stories, for leading to climax and for charming people.

Secondly, another feature of the British movies that we can’t ignore is the prosperity of the legacy movies which is deemed to be the most significant one. In order to break the monopoly of the Hollywood in the film’s world, the British movie makers started to choose materials from their culture and history. This leads to a crucial breakthrough in the development of the movies. The unique historical and cultural features and ethnic characteristics of the British films have turned into well-known signs to draw the international audience’s attention. For example, the movie ‘The Kings Speech’ is a successful one in the world, which is a real story of the British king,

King George VI. Now, the legacy movies are the main force in British movies. The legacy movies mainly perform the historical theme and are mostly adapted from the literary works, such as the plays and novels of Shakespeare. In the process of displaying the ethnic traditions, these films show their themes. What’s more, these movies show people the traditional and conservative but pleasing England. Their artistic characteristics that make them completely different from Hollywood movies have become the charming features of them. That is to say, the legacy movies promote the British movies to form their own brand in the international film market. As we can see, they have participated in various film festivals in the world and have won the film award for many times, achieving huge success in the film’s world.

At last, let’s make a comparison between the British movies and the American ones, which can help us to conclude what we have talked about and make us understand these things much more clearly. We can get three main differences. Firstly, the pronunciation of the British English is formal and stable, while that of the American English is colloquial and at will. Secondly, as the leader in film’s world across the earth, the United State relies much on making new films to develop the economy, leading to that there are many commercial factors in American movies. However, the British movies pay more attention to keeping close to people and most movies stand for a big theme to arouse the deep longing in people’s heart. Take ‘The Kings Speech’ for example. While the hero is the British king, the film is more like a human story than a royal one. Thirdly, the American movies are more fashionable, while the British ones are more cultural and traditional. The American movies are often filled with advanced techniques and the various techniques can sometimes be more attractive than the story of the movie. On the contrary, the British movies use a lot of things that are quite close to our daily life in order to show the stories of the movies and this can often get unexpectedly good results.

In a nutshell, the British movies are really special across the world. I do believe that the outstanding characteristics of the British movies will keep being charming with time passing by. No pains, no gains. I hope that the hard-working British movie makers will spare no effort to make more classic movies in the future.


忠 诚




看完电影我的的眼里和很多同学一样闪烁出了泪花。南极的5月到7月是冬季, 整整三个月太阳都不会升起,狗狗们在暴风雪中等待着背信弃义的人们.,这长达175天的信任是怎样的在以生命作为代价啊! 这种忠诚基于对”朋友”最原始的信任.,足以令我们瀑布般的汗颜.,和忠心又无私的狗相比,人类是否太自私了呢?我想,这部电影就是要告诉我们两个字:忠诚! 忠诚,它的真谛是心与心紧紧相依,忠诚就是对生命的珍惜,对生存无悔的执着,对朋友的无限信任。最终,尽管6个月过去了.,Jerry这个重情重义的男人. 还是回到了南极大陆. 这中间他没有放弃找寻他的狗狗朋友. 这就是对朋友忠诚的回报。.









Directions:Please write your paper according to the outline pattern offered要求: 请根据下列提

Sample 2: 示范 2

The 800-word Terminal Paper 八百字学期论文


1. Introduction

High Noon was an American western film directed by Fred Zinnemann in 1952 It has been supposed as a successful western film, which has won a lot of Acadamy Awards for the Best Actor in a Leading Role, Best Film Editing, Best Music, Best Song. It was also nominated for Best Director, Best Picture, and Best Writing, Screenplay. The way the director started the film is rather peculiar and has impressed me a lot. The paper focuses on the opening means the director adopted to attract the audience.

2. Definitions of Some Terms


3. Analysis

In order to analyze the means the director used, the present writer has chosen some typical shots from the film.

3.1 The Way the Three Gunslingers Appears

From the movie clip in Table 1, it looks daytime. Many buggies park outside a white church building with a steeple set in dense trees with a few low houses in the neighborhood. Some people are moving into the church. The three gunslingers are strutting into the frame from the right on horseback without being identified. Church bells are pealing aloud, indicating the mass time of the town, which suggests most of the townspeople be probably inside the church and few in streets. The sound of the hooves comes as the 3 men are riding past the front of the church. Besides, the puffing breath of their horses can be heard as well, which further depicts that the town is really quiet now.

3.2 The Reactions of Some Townspeople

From the photo in Table 2, as the three guys are off the frame from the right, a couple in a buggy are turning back, obviously stunned at the sight of the three. From their worried look on their face and in their eyes, they have most likely realized the meaning of the showup of the three. In other words, their facial expressions have betrayed their worry about sth bad. Maybe the three’s coming may stand for a fierce gun fight and horrible bloody incident in the town, for all of the three are armed with weapons and look like outlaws. At the same time church bells keep pealing on, the sound of the hooves and the puffing breath of their horses are still clearly audible, which enhances the potential tense atmosphere.

Judging from the picture in Table 3, a fat woman with her back to the camera walks into the frame from the left and halts at the sight of the three, staring after them walking away. Her reaction indicates her notice of the three, which further proves their appearance in town may bring trouble to the townsfolks. The three, with their backs towards the camera, keep moving on horseback towards a lane of the town lined with simple bungalows. The street is deserted with few people in view, which once more verifies most of people in town are still unaware of the looming danger. Meantime, the heavy horn music starts, suggesting sth ominous be approaching. The sound of the hooves is clear, which also emphasizes the peace of the town is about to be shattered by the coming 3.

The last picture in Table 4 shows an elder female in a close shot. From the look on her face and in her eyes, she obviously appears rather disturbed at the sight of the three. She stares the front worriedly and crosses over her chest as if she found somebody ominous and couldn’t help to pray to God to bless the whole town from the coming trouble that might bring to the town by the three horsemen. At the same time, the heavy background music played with horn turns louder and heavier to seemingly stress the bad hint from the visual elements, as the departing sound of the horse hooves is still within earshot.

4. Conclusion

Through the above descriptions and analysis based on the movie clips, the director has succeeded in implying the coming conflict and created some ominous suspenses for the audiences. This helps to seduce the viewers to stay on and watch for the details of the film.


1. Boggs, M. Josep