
时间:2021-10-29 16:44:58 初一作文


人教版七年级语文课本语病举隅(网友来稿)湖北汉川实验中学 王健龙   人教版七年级语文教科书是体现新课程理念的好教材,曾多次修订,仍有不少病句,笔者仅就目力所及,一一归类列举,以就教于同仁。  一、语意重复  ①你要是叫道:“孩子,你在哪里呀?”我暗暗地在那里匿笑,却一声儿不响。(泰戈尔《金色花》)  “匿笑”课本注释为“偷偷地笑”,显然“匿”与“暗暗”语意重复,应去掉“暗暗”或“匿”。  ②“我在那路口久久伫立。”(弗罗斯特《未选择的路》)  “伫立”现代汉语词典解释为“长时间的站立”,很显然,它与“久久”一词语意重复,应把“伫立”改为“站立”。  ③“鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已”,正好准确地描述了他的一生。(杨振宁《邓稼先》)  “准确”指行动的结果完全符合实际或预期;“正好”即恰好,指程度不高不低。两词连用,表意上有重复之嫌,保留其一即可。  ④隔河对峙的两座山峰相距约六米左右。(沈石溪《斑羚飞渡》)  现代汉语中“约”、“左右”等词与数字连用均表概数,所以“约六米左右”中“约”与“左右”前后重复,应去掉一个。  二、不合事理  ⑤桃树、杏树、梨树,你不让我,我不让你,都开满了花赶趟儿。(朱自清《春》)  句⑤描写了春花竟相开放、争奇斗妍的美景,但忽略了三种花的开放时间。事实上,三种花不是同时开放的,而是有先有后的,这在农谚“桃花开,杏花谢,谁向梨花叫姐姐”中体现得非常清楚。因此,文章写三种花同时开放,不合事理,其顺序应调整为:杏树、桃树、梨树,你不让我,我不让你,都开满了花赶趟儿。  三、搭配不当  ⑥这是千千万万人努力的结果,是许许多我可歌可泣的英雄人物创造出来的伟大胜利。(杨振宁《邓稼先》)  “创造”指“想出新办法,建立新理论,做出新的成绩或东西”,一般与“辉煌”、“业绩”、“条件”等搭配,而不能与“胜利”搭配。结合前文叙述中国近百年屈辱史的内容来看,最好把“伟大胜利”改为“历史”。  ⑦多少英雄的故事,在你的身边扮演。(光未然《黄河大合唱》)   “扮演”指化装成某个人物表演,“扮演”的对象是某一角色,显然它不能与“故事”搭配,应将“扮演”改为“上演”。  四、用词不当  ⑧我扔入一片梨,一只蝈蝈立即占住它。谁要是来咬这块美味的食物,出于妒忌,它便踢腿把对方赶走。(法布尔《绿色蝈蝈》)  妒忌,指 “对才能、名誉、地位或境遇等比自己好的人心怀怨恨”(《现代汉语词典》)。从文中不难看出,“一只蝈蝈”占有了梨片,应该是其它来跟它抢食物的蝈蝈忌妒它对,而不是相反。我认为,把“妒忌”改为“自私”、“愤怒”这样的词语,才更符合梨片占有者的心态。  语文教材的编写关乎学生语文素养、人文精神、审美情操的提升和科学精神的培养,马虎不得!希望我们的编者在选文时增强责任感,把好关,选好材,让语文教科书更好的发挥其应有的作用。  作者邮箱: wjl_510@sina.com



Section B


Match the words with the pictures.

***************************************** 1b

Ask and answer questions about the weather in the pictures in 1a.


Listen and write what Mary and Eric answer to How’s it going.


***************************************** 1d

Listen again. Write the answers to What are you doing and How’s the weather.


***************************************** 1e

Role-play a conversation between Mary and Eric.


***************************************** 2a

Talk about the pictures below with a partner.

How’s the weather? What are the people doing?

***************************************** 2b

Match each postcard below with the correct picture in 2a.

Dear Jane,

How’s is it going? I’m having a great time visiting

my aunt in Canada. She’s working ere and I’m



Section B


When do students usually do these things? Match the activities with the time of day.




Check your answers with your partner.


***************************************** 1c

Listen and circle the activities you hear.


***************************************** 1d

Listen again. Write the times next to the activitiesyou circled in 1c.




Ask and answer questions about Tom.


***************************************** 2a

Check(√) the activities you think are healthy.

***************************************** 2b

Tony and Mary are brother and sister. They have healthy and unhealthy habits. Who is healthier? Circle the healthy activities.



Section B


Match the words with the pictures.

***************************************** 1b

Circle the things you like in 1a. Put an × next to the things you don’t like. Then tell your partner what you like and don’t like.

***************************************** 1c人教版七年级下册语文课本电子版

Listen and complete the food order form.


***************************************** 1d

Listen again. Check your answers in 1c.




What do you do or eat on your birthday?

***************************************** 2b

Read the article about food traditions and complete the chart. Birthday Food Around the World What would people like to

eat on their birthday? The

answer would be different in

different countries.

In many countries, people

have birthday cakes with candles. The number of candles is the person’s age. The birthday person must make a wish and blow out the candles. If he or she blows out all the candles in one go, the wish will come true. In the UK, people sometimes put a candy in a birthday cake. The child with the candy is lucky.

In China, it is getting popular to have cake on your birthday. But many people still eat very long noodles for their birthday. They never cut up the



Section B


Read the rules in the chart in 1b. Then match the pictures [a-h] with the rules.



Listen and put an × for things Dave can’t do and a √ for things he has to do.




Listen again. Write when Dave has to follow the rules in the chart in 1b. Choose from the phrases in the box.




Talk about the rules in Dave’s house.



When you are unhappy about something, who do you like to talk to?



Read the letters. Underline the rules for Molly.



Section B


Match the activities with the pictures.

***************************************** 1b

Listen and answer the questions.


***************************************** 1c

Listen again. What did Jane and Tony do on their last school trip ? Check (√) Tony or Jane.


***************************************** 1d

What was your last school trip like? Discuss it with your partner.


2a Do the following words describe good things or bad things? Put a√ for good and an×for bad . Leave a blank if they can mean both.

***************************************** 2b

Read Helen’s and Jim’s diary entries and answer the questions.人教版七年级下册语文课本电子版

1. Did Helen and Jim on the same trip?

2. How do they feel about the trip?



Unit 9. What does he look like?

Section A人教版七年级下册语文课本电子版


Match the words with the people in the picture. You can use some letters more than once.

1. short hair __

2. curly hair __

3. long hair__


straight hair__

5. tall__

6. short__

7. medium height__

8. thin__

9. heavy__

***************************************** 1b

Listen and fill in the blanks in the picture above. Can you find Amy’s friend?


***************************************** 1c

One of the people in 1a is your friend. Describe your friend. Your partner will find him/her. A: What does your friend look like?

B: She’s of medium height, and she has long straight hair.

***************************************** 2a

Listen and answer the questions.



Listen again. Fill in the chart.



Student A looks at the chart in 2b. Student B asks Student A questions about one of the people and then draws a picture of the person.

What does he look like?

He’s of medium build.

***************************************** 2d

Role-play the conversation.

Mike: Hi, Tony. Are you

going to the movie tonight?

Tony: Yes. We’re meeting

at seven, right?

Mike: Yeah, but I may be a little late. My friend David is going, too. Just meet him in front of the

cinema first.