
时间:2021-10-27 13:51:44 节日作文

篇一:《大学英语作文-国庆旅游体会 中英翻译》

Every October 1st is the birthday of our motherland. It belongs to all Chinese. In order to remember this special day, we will have seven days off according to the law. There are many people will choose to travel during this holiday. But, I won’t. The reasons are as following.

每年的十月一日是我们祖国的生日。它是属于所有中国人的节日。为了纪念这个特别的日子,我国法律规定放七天假。有许多人会选择在这个假期去旅行。但是,我不会。理由如下。 First of all, it is a festival to celebrate the birthday of our motherland. We should do something related to it. We will have military parade annual. I think it is good for me to stay at home with my parents to watch it. Watching the beautiful and magnificent scene, solemn military, advanced weapons, I feel proud of them and would like to express my great thanks to them for protecting us and earning such happy life for us. It is such a great program that I don’t think anyone should miss it.


Secondly, a seven days off is not often in people’s life, so there must be hundreds of people in the tourist attraction. I don’t think we can have a good trip in such crowd site. We have little chance to enjoy the beauty of the scenic spots. In addition, all the things on national day around the sight spot are very expensive. It may be three or four times expensive than usual.


Last but not least, the seven day off is very precious. We are so tired from the usual job. I believe it is a choice to take this chance to have a good rest.


To sum up, according to the reasons mentioned above, I don’t think travel on national day is a good choice. We can do something more useful on that holiday.




本篇书面表达主题:请根据以下提示,以“Should the University Campus Be Open to Tourists?”为题,写一篇120-150词的英语短文。题目比较典型,推荐给大家学习参考。如果你喜欢“高考直通车认证空间”(QQ号80796072),就请关注我们并加入“特别关心”吧,你就可以持续收到我们发布的精彩实用的2014年高考备考资料。同时,我们也欢迎大家关注 高考直通车官方微信号80796072、腾讯微博@高考直通车

【书面表达】 请根据以下提示,以“Should the University Campus Be Open to Tourists?”为题,写一篇120-150词的英语短文。提示: 1.名校校园正成为旅游新热点;2.校园是否应对游客开放人们看法不同; 3.我认为„„

Shouldthe University Campus Be Open to Tourists?

Nowadays, many famousuniversity campuses have become one of the popular tourist attractions.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

One possible version:

Nowadays,many famous university campuses have become one of the popular tourist attractions. Every year many middle school students visit Tsing Hua Universityand Peking University and other famous universities in China.

Is it a good or badthing to open the university campus for tourists? Different people have different opinions. On one hand, some people argued that it is a good thing for the students to visit the famous university campus in that it can enable the middle students to get more information about the university and they can have enough time and opportunity to prepare themselves with the chance to get into the university. On the other hand, some people hold the public tourism will have negative effect on the universities because it will not only do harm to the environment but also to the intellectual atmosphere.

In my opinion, the tourism to the universities is not a good thing. The campus is mainly a placefor study. With the increasing tourism on the campus, it will ruin the spiritual atmosphere in this learning field.


标题: Why People Travel

描述: Write an essay to explain various reasons for travel.

备注: 本次作文计入平时成绩,请认真完成。

字数要求: 150

Why People Travel

As is to all known, More and more people like to travel in their spare time. That's why? I think there are many reasons as follows.

Firstly of all, the physical needs of many people has been greatly satisfied. So people pay more attention to the spirit of enjoyment. In addition, nowadays, people are facing heavier and heavier pressures and challenges, therefore need to travel to relax.

Secondly, when people watch others go to travel. Out of curiously, they will also do it. This is a kind of psychological effect. This phenomenon is called Conformity Phenomenon. Finally, along with the rapid development of economy. People can get to more money, which has created the necessary conditions for travel. In other words, In addition to the life, people have more money for travelling.

The above is only part of the reason why people travel. In any case, I believe, tourism will become a part of people's life.

标题: Is Man the Most Aggressive and Cruel of All Living Creatures?

描述: Write an essay to illustrate your view on whether man is the most aggressive and

cruel of all living creatures. You must use examples to demonstrate your points. 备注: 本次作文计入平时成绩,请认真完成。




Is Man the Most Aggressive and Cruel of All Living Creatures?

As a well-known view goes,''Man is the Most Aggressive and Cruel of All Living Creatures.'' In my opinion that's right. This view is not imaginary,there are many facts can be proved.

Many examples can be cited to illustrate this view, and among them is killing animals. Take the Indian Ocean on the islands of Mauritius of life for the dodo, due to its flesh is

delicious and clinking, so at that time a lot of prey by human beings, in the seventeenth century was already against extinction. Now, some animals have already died out, crocodile although cruel, but humans more cruel.

Destruction of nature is another case in point. For example, cars have made the air unhealthy for people to breathe and poisonous gas is given off by factories. Trees on the hills have been cut down and waste water is being poured continuously into rivers.Furthermore, wherever we go today, we can find rubbish carelessly disposed.

there are countless other examples, In a word, ''man is the most aggressive and cruel of all living creatures.

题: The relationship between doctors and patients

述: In this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on The relationship between doctors and patients in no less than 150 words following the outline given

below. 1. 近年来医患关系出现日趋紧张现象。2. 分析出现这种现象的原因和具体表现3. 我对这一现象的看法。

The relationship between doctors and patients

In recent years, the phenomenon of increasingly tense relations between doctors and patients.

There are several reasons for that. Firstly, The lack of mutual trust between doctors and patients. Some diseases are incurable, but public expectations are too high for medical technology, believed dead person is malpractice. Then, it is too hard for the patients to afford the expensive medicine.Especially people in rural areas who not have enough money to see a doctor. The last, the inequality between the doctors and the patients is that ,the doctors are in a dominant position while the patient in a passive position.

When we learn the problem we should solve it.In my opinion, doctors should have a solid medical training.I believe it is a useful way to prevent medical accident. Then,it's extremely necessary to popularize and strengthen doctor-patient communication.Therefore,doctors should accept this kind of communication training.

In that time,we could see the harmonious relationship between the doctor and the patient.


1 . 杭州—— 人间天堂


Hangzhou, one of China’s six well-known ancient capital cities, has a history of more than 2000 years. It is famous not only for its natural beauty but also for its charm of cultural traditions. Besides many poems and inscriptions in its praise by men of letters through the dynasties, it also boasts local delicacies and pretty handicrafts. Generally speaking, it is advisable for a tourist to have a two-day tour of West Lake and around. you will find it a pleasant and culturally rewarding trip to Hangzhou.

2. 今天的大唐芙蓉园是西北地区最大的文化主题公园,占地面积1000亩,其中水面300亩,总投资13亿,建于原唐代芙蓉园遗址以北,是中国第一个全方位展示盛唐风貌的大型皇家园林式文化主题公园。包括有紫云楼、仕女馆、御宴宫、芳林苑、凤鸣九天剧院、杏园、陆羽茶社、唐市、曲江流饮等众多景点。它也创下了多项记录:有全球最大的水景表演;是首个五感(视觉、听觉、嗅觉、触觉、味觉)主题公园,拥有全球最大户外香化工程;全国最大的仿唐皇家建筑群。大唐芙蓉园全面满足各类游赏者体验需求,被称为“国人震撼、世界惊奇”不可不游的旅游圣地。(249个字)

Tang Dynasty Reconstruction Project is one of the largest tourist programs in the northwest of China. It covers an area of 1,000 mu (about 165 acres) and is established with an investment of

1.2 billion Yuan. Located to the north of the original Tang Dynasty Lotus Garden site, the present Tang Paradise is the first theme park fully demonstrating the charm and grandeur of the royal garden in Tang Dynasty. It includes attractions of Ziyun Tower Block, Elegant Lady Area, Imperial Banquet Hall, Fanglin Fragrant Garden, Phoenix Theater, Apricot Garden, Lu Yu Teahouse, Tang Marketplace and the Floating-drink at Qujiang Lake. The Tang Paradise boasts many new

records: the largest show on water screen in the world; the first theme park of five senses (sight, sound, taste, touch and smell senses); the biggest out-door fragrance project in the world.


3. 丝绸之路沿途主要城市

Cities along Silk Road

丝绸之路是贯穿东西方的重要国际通道,通常有很多路线和分道,比如海上丝路、南线丝路。通常人们所说的丝绸之路主要指的是经西安、甘肃、河西走廊和维吾尔族自制区等沙漠中的绿洲这条路线。多数著名景点和历史遗迹都分布在这条历史和自然艺术的长廊之上。 (118词)

The Silk Road is a significant international passage connecting the oriental and the occidental. There are lots of branches and sub-branches, such as the Silk Road on the Sea, and the Southern Silk Road. The Silk Road usually mentioned in a common sense refers to the branch across the oasis, mainly traversing Shaanxi, Gansu, Hexi Corridor and Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Much notable scenery and historic relics are scattered along this historical museum and natural art corridor. (77 words)

4. 桂林山水


Rising sheer from the ground, the many picturesque peaks at Guilin show a variety of shapes. In the hills there are many caves in which are displayed a glorious array of fantastic rock formations such as huge stone pillars and flowers.

5. 云南过桥米线


Yunnan cuisine is heavily influenced by Sichuan, meaning locals have a yen for spicy food. Over-the-bridge rice noodles was allegedly invented by a virtuous wife who wanted to keep her soup noodles fresh and hot for her hard-studying husband. This Yunnan specialty is nutritious and often beautifully presented. The dish normally comes with a bowl of rice noodles, a bowl of stock and more than a dozen of small plates piled with toppings, such as beef, crab meat, salted goose, oyster mushrooms, wooden-ear mushrooms, assorted vegetables and fragrant herbs.

6. 中国旅游业发展

中国是一个地域辽阔,有着数千年悠久历史的多民族国家,有着秀丽的自然风光,众多的名胜古迹和丰富多彩的灿烂文化,旅游资源十分丰富。 中国政府十分重视旅游业的发展,将旅游业作为第三产业的重点,不断开发旅游资源,改善旅游设施,提高服务质量,为旅游业的发展增添了新的活力。

China is a multi-ethnic country with a vast territory and a long history covering thousands of years. It boasts of abundant tourist resources, with beautiful natural landscapes, numerous scenic spots and historic sites, and a rich splendid culture. The Chinese government attaches great importance to the development of tourism and regards tourism as the top priority of its tertiary industry. It has made unremitting efforts to tap its tourist resources, improve its tourist facilities and upgrade its service quality, which have effectively injected new vitality to the development of tourism.

7. 夏威夷群岛


Hawaiian Islands are one of the most beautiful places on earth, where the physical beauty is almost unparalleled. Majestic mountains were created millions of years ago by volcanic

activity that thrust islands three miles from the ocean floor. The weather is friendly. The temperature ranges from 60 to 90 degrees all year long. It’s a little warmer in summer and a little cooler in winter, but every day is a beach day for somebody.


丝绸之路是古代横贯亚欧的通道。其起点一般认为是长安(今西安),其实它随朝代更替政治中心转移而变化。长安(今开封)、大都(北京)曾先后为丝路起点,往西一直延伸到罗马。在通过这条漫漫长路进行贸易的货物中,以产自我国的丝绸最具代表性,“丝绸之路”因此得名。丝绸之路不仅是古代亚欧互通有无的商贸大道,还是促进亚欧各国和中国的友好往来、沟通东西方文化的友谊之路。 (150字)

The silk road is ancient across the channel of asia-europe. Its starting point is usually ascribed to changan (now xian), actually it with dynastic change political center transfer and change. Changan (now xian), Dadu (today Beijing) has successively for silk road starting point, west extending to Rome. In this long way through trade in goods, silk as the China’s most representative product, "silk road" hence is named the route. The silk road is not only the ancient asia-europe feat, still promoting trade avenue countries in Asia and China's friendly intercourse and communication of eastern and western cultures path.

9.茶马古道(Tea-horse Ancient Road)两边,生活着20多个少数民族。不同的地方有着各自美丽而神奇的自然风景和传统文化,比如:大理,丽江古城,香格里拉(Shangrila),雅鲁藏布江大峡谷和布达拉宫(Potala Palace)。古道的两旁有庙宇、岩石壁画、驿站(post house),古桥和木板路,还有少数民族舞蹈和民族服装。时至今天, 虽然这条古道的踪迹都消失了,但它的文化和历史价值仍然存在。

Along the Tea-horse Ancient Road lived more than 20 minorities. Concentrations of beautiful and mysterious natural landscapes and traditional cultures developed in various sites,including Dali old city, Lijiang old city, Shangrila, Yarlung Zangbo River Grand Canyon, Potala Palace. The road features temples, rock paintings, post houses, ancient bridges and plank roads. It is also home to many national minorities and their dances and folk customs. Today, although the traces of the ancient road are fading away, its cultural and historic values remain.

10. —个标准的四合院通常由一个位于中心的院子和四侧房屋构成。门通常漆成红色,并有大的铜门环。通常情况下,全家人住在大院。北端的正房由长辈居住,年轻一代生活在两侧的房子,朝南的房子里, 通常是家庭客厅或书房。

A standard siheyuan usually consists of houses on its four sides with a yard in the center. The gates are usually painted red and have large copper door rings. Usually,a whole family lives in compound. The elder generation lives in the main house standing at the north end, the younger generations live in the side houses, and the south house is usually the family sitting room or study.

11. 秦始皇陵墓(the Mausoleum of the Emperor Qin Shihuang)坐落在 陕西省西安市临潼区以东5公里的骊山北部,是中国历史上第一个皇帝的最终休眠之地。它于公元前246年开始建造,工程持续了38年。 它占地面积56.25平方公里,是中国历史上最大的陵墓。

The Mausoleum of the Emperor Qin Shihuang, located at the northern foot of the Lishan Mountain five kilometers east of Lintong District, Xi’an City, Shanxi Province, is the final resting place of the first emperor in the history of China. Its construction lasted for 38 years, commencing

in 246BC. With an area of 56.25 square kilometers, it’s the largest mausoleum in China’s history.

12. 景德镇,中国瓷都(ceramic metropolis),是世界瓷器艺术花园的耀眼明珠。它位于长江南部,是江南一个有活力的城镇。它制造瓷器(porcelain)的历史已经有1700多年,已经形成了丰富的瓷器文化。 稀有的瓷器文物,一流的瓷器工艺,瓷乐器的优雅表演,以及优美的田园风光组成了景德镇特别的旅游文化,而且让景德镇成为中国唯一一个以瓷器旅游文化为特色的旅游城市。

Jingdezhen known as the ceramic metropolis of china is a brilliant pearl in the world’s art garden of ceramics. It is located on the south of the Yangtze River as a powerful Town on the south of the Yangtze River. It has a porcelain making history of over 1700 years,which has been crystallized into its rich cultural tradition of ceramics. Rare ceramic relics, superb ceramic craftsmanship,unique ceramic customs, graceful performance of ceramic musical instruments and beautiful rural scenery make up the peculiar tourist culture of Jingdezhen and hence make Jingdezhen the only Chinese tourist city featuring ceramic culture.

13. 洛阳是地处中原的河南省西部一个地级市(prefecture-level city)。 它东部舭邻省会郑州,南接南阳,西连三门峡(Senxia),北邻济源。在唐代(the Tang Dynasty),洛阳是东都(Dongdu),东部首都,其人口最多的时候有100万左右,仅次于当时世界上最大的城市——长安。在短暂的五代(Five Dynasties)时期,洛阳是后梁(Later Liang),后唐 (Later Tang)和后晋(Later Jin)的首都,后来。北宋(the North Song Dynasty)时期,洛阳是西部首都,也是宋朝的建立人赵匡胤的出生地。

Luoyang is a prefecture-level city in western Henan province of Central China. It borders the provincial capital of Zhengzhou to the east, Nanyang to the south, Sanmenxia to the west, and Jiyuan to the north. During the Tang Dynasty, Luoyang was Dongdu (东都),the “Eastern Capital” and at its height had a population of around one million, second only to Chang,an,which, a