
时间:2021-10-26 10:16:48 节日作文



——写在清明前 无处寻雨纷纷的清晨 无处寻清洌洌的杏花酒 却是我 心憔悴,人断肠 青山头的草儿还未疯狂的生长 乱世丛的小虫却早已调皮的鸣叫 忆着去岁的山坡再眺今朝 高高耸立的那不是一个个坟墓 而是一世的柔肠而是一世的淳厚 同时还附带着无限的哀思

被石子围起的坟墓啊 你带走了我的多少记忆 天真却是快活

只留下那歪曲的背影 在我的梦中

时间只转过几个轮回 却无里忆起

无力忆起那往日的慈祥 留在记忆中的只有 木柴毕毕剥剥的声响 却无处去嗅那份熟悉


徒留我在青天下无力消寂寞 儿时的蓝天白云啊 还有那调皮的蚂蚱儿们 何时再回我的梦中来 让我再闻一回



12级旅游与酒店管理 金淑琴 儿时的味道

——写在清明前 无处寻雨纷纷的清晨 无处寻清洌洌的杏花酒 却是我 心憔悴,人断肠

青山头的草儿还未疯狂的生长 乱世丛的小虫却早已调皮的鸣叫 忆着去岁的山坡再眺今朝 高高耸立的那不是一个个坟墓 而是一世的柔肠而是一世的淳厚 同时还附带着无限的哀思

被石子围起的坟墓啊 你带走了我的多少记忆 天真却是快活

只留下那歪曲的背影 在我的梦中{儿时的味道}.

时间只转过几个轮回 却无里忆起

无力忆起那往日的慈祥 留在记忆中的只有 木柴毕毕剥剥的声响 却无处去嗅那份熟悉


徒留我在青天下无力消寂寞 儿时的蓝天白云啊 还有那调皮的蚂蚱儿们 何时再回我的梦中来 让我再闻一回






桑德拉·希斯内罗丝(Sandra Cisneros),1954年生,当代美国著名女作家、诗人,墨西哥裔,30岁时凭借《芒果街上的小屋》(The House on Mango Street)一书成名。另著有短篇故事集《喊女溪及其他》(Women Hollering Creek and Other Stories)和诗集若干。{儿时的味道}.



My Lucy friend who smells like corn

Lucy Anguiano, Texas girl who smells like corn, like Frito Bandito chips, like tortillas,

something like that warm smell of nixtamal or bread the way her head smells when she’s leaning close to you over a paper cut⁃out doll or on the porch when we are squatting over marbles trading this pretty crystal that leaves a blue star on your hand for that giant cat⁃eye with a grasshopper green spiral in the center like the juice of bugs on the windshield when you drive to the border, like the yellow blood of butterflies.

Have you ever eated dog food?I have. After crunching like ice, she opens her big mouth to prove it, only a pink tongue rolling around in there like a blind worm, and Janey looking in because she said Show me. But me I like that Lucy, corn smell hair and aqua flip⁃flops just like mine that we bought at the K mart for only 79 cents same time.

I’m going to sit in the sun, don’t care if it’s a million trillion degrees outsides, so my skin can get so dark it’s blue where it bends like Lucy’s. Her whole family like that. Eyes like knife slits. Lucy and her sisters. Norma, Margarita, Ofelia, Herminia, Nancy, Olicia, Cheli, yla Amber Sue.

Screen door with no screen. Bang!Little black dog biting his fur. Fat couch on the porch. Some of the windows painted blue, some pink, because her daddy got tired that day or forgot. Mama in the kitchen feeding clothes into the wringer washer and clothes rolling out all stiff and twisted and flat like paper. Lucy got her arm stuck once and had to yell Maaa!and her mama had to put the machine in

reverse and then her hand rolled back, the finger black and later, her nail fell off. But did your arm get flat like the clothes?What happened to your arm?Did they have to pump it with air?No, only the finger and she didn’t cry neither.

Lean across the porch rail and pin the pink sock of the baby Amber Sue on the top of Cheli’s flowered T⁃shirt, and the blue jeans of la Ofelia over the inside seam of Olivia’s house, over the flannel nightgown of Margarita. so it don’t stretch out, and then you take the work shirts of their

daddy and hang them upside down like this, and this way all the clothes don’t get so wrinkled and take up less space and you don’t waste pins. The girls all wear each other’s clothes, except Olivia, who is stingy. There ain’t no boys here. Only girls and one father who is never home hardly and one mother who says Ay!I’m real tired and so many sisters there’s no time to count them.

I’m sitting in the sun even though it’s the hottest part of the day, the part that makes the streets dizzy, when the heat makes a little hat on the top of your head and bakes the dust and weed grass and sweat up good, all steamy and smelling like sweet corn.

I want to rub heads and sleep in a bed with little sisters, some at the top and some at the feets. I think it would be fun to sleep with sisters you could yell at one at a time or all together, instead of alone on the fold⁃out chair in the living room.

When I get home Abuelita will say Didn’t I tell you?and I’ll get it because I was supposed to wear this dress again tomorrow. But first I’m going to jump off an old pissy mattress in the Anguiano yard. I’m going to scratch your mosquito bites, Lucy, so they’ll itch you, then put Mercurochrome smiley faces on them. We’re going to trade shoes and wear them on our hands, we’re going to walk over to Janey Ortiz’s house and say We’re never ever going to be your friend again forever!We’re going to run home backwards and we’re going to run home frontwards, look twice under the house where the rats hide and I’ll stick one foot in there because you dared me, sky so blue and heaven inside those white clouds. I’m going to peel a scab from my knee and eat it, sneeze on the cat, give you three M & M’s. I’ve been saving for you since yesterday, comb your hair with my fingers and braid it into teeny⁃tiny braids real pretty. We’re somersault on the rail of the front porch even though my chones show, And cut paper dolls we draw ourselves, and color in their clothes with crayons, my arm around your neck.

And when we look at each other, our arms gummy from an orange Popsicle we split, we could be sisters, right?We could be, you and me waiting for our teeths to fall and money. You laughing something into my ear that tickles, and me going ha ha ha ha, her and me, my lucy friend who smells like corn.


1. What kind of life did Lucy live?

2. What does the author think of her friend in her childhood?




老伯不时从热气腾腾的蒸笼里取出一个个小小的竹罐子,直径估计是6厘米左右。竹罐盖子一揭开,松糕的甜香味儿就在我们这群孩童面前袅袅升起。 更神奇的是,竹罐的底是活动的。老伯的身边,有一个带小圆座的杆子,老伯将开了盖的竹罐从上往下,在这个圆座上一敲,竹罐的底部便被敲到罐顶,随之升起的,自然就是一块松香软糯的松糕了。

记忆中,老家人管这种小吃叫“建子糕”,估计是因为在武宁话中,“蒸笼”被称为“笼建”的原因吧。 直到现在,我弄不明白,也无从追究,印象中的那幅画面,是真实的记忆,还是虚幻的经历。因为,我记得的,只是那样一幅画面,而对“建子糕”味道的记忆,却是荡然无存。{儿时的味道}.

如果我真的吃过,自小便有吃货潜质的我,味蕾上不可能没留下一丝记忆。如果没吃过,那画面却是如此的清晰。似乎还有一种可能,就是:那画面,其实是父亲描述给我的,属于他的童年的记忆。 庄生晓梦迷蝴蝶,亦真亦幻。
















零花钱的味道是什么呢?有人说它是冰激凌味的,有人说是蛋糕味的,有人说它是棒棒糖的味道。本片围绕“味道” 讲述了了一对生活在渔船上的父女相依为命的故事。
















改编:言如玉 原作:徐晓兵