
时间:2021-10-10 18:52:54 五年级作文

篇一:《英语作文 有关玩电脑游戏方面的。A letter about giving up playing computer games》



Dear X X

It’s bad for you to play computer games all the time. Because they can not only make you feel tired, but also make you get bad marks.

In my opinion, you should give up the computer games. You should try to do other things, for example you can take part in a wonderful party with your friends in your free time. You can also enjoy yourself in the park anytime you like. It’s a good idea to climb the mountains with your parents. Have some hobbies, such as reading, biking, sailing and so on. Hobbies can make you forget games and grow as a person.

Don’t think about you games, and you will forget it little by little. If you try best, your parents will be proud of you. I believe, all the dark days will go and you will feel well.

Yours, XX

篇二:《computers 英语作文》

Computers have become very important in many areas like working and playing . In space, computers help astronauts and pilots control the speed and direction of a spaceship's flight. With the help of computers, doctors can find diseases easily and solve other problems. Computers are also used in business to place. Since the Internet came into being, people's lives at home have changed , too. More and more people have personal computers, and they use them to play games and watch movies. Instead of writting letters, people communicate with each other by sending e-mails and chatting on line. Computers have made the world smaller, like a" village". Computers have improved our lives, but they have brought problems , too. For instance, if we work on computers too long, we may get headaches or sore eyes . If we play computer games too much, we won't study well and get enough exercise. Although computers help us work and at home, we must use them correctly.



Computer, as a technological invention, has brought about influence on all aspects of human’s life. When it comes to the important parts of education , some people hold the view that computer skills as the fourth skill are beneficial for every child. As for me, I am convinced that computer skills have not so much benefits than our thinking.

As is widely confirmed, computers definitely have a plenty of advantages for children. Firstly, acquiring computer skills enables children to exploit intelligence and be easier to receive new things. In the second place, it is obvious that children can not only gain a variety of knowledge on the internet to meet their curiosity through computer, but also play computer games to ease their minds after school.

On the other hand, computers inevitably exert some drawbacks. Initially, it is said that even though the technological and scientific inventions bring a lot convenience to people’s life, in fact, they also restrain people’s ability of thinking and creative. Children rely on computers to acquire true answers without thinking, which easily develop the habit of lazy and less using their brains. Next, children in formative years have not adequate wills to resist the temptation of computer games, which might do harm to the study of children. Furthermore, long time used on computer screen can hurt children’s eyesight. While it is a common

phenomenon that children wear glasses from primary school on, parents should set regulation to restrain the time on computer.

Personally, computer skills have drawbacks overweigh the benefits. Computer, as an attracting technological invention, not only hinder the development of creative thoughts, but also affects the quality of study, even worse to damage the function of body, hence, I am assume that computer skills should not be put into the important parts of education for children .

篇四:《英语作文Computer and I》

Computer and I

The computer is a must in my life. I can play computer games in my spare time. I can listen to online songs to ease pressure. And I can send e-mail s at the speed of light. What’s more, I can study with the help of the computer. For, example, once my teacher asked us to do some research on World War II on the Internet.. I tried Yahoo, Google and Baidu, and got some information about famous battles in World War II. I wrote a report on it and got an A. I prefer using the computer.


2015东城区高三二模英语写作II 范文 201505

One possible version:

I used to play computer games almost every weekend. Computer games were so appealing to me that I was totally addicted to it. After some time, my eyesight became weak. Meanwhile, I gained a lot of weight.

With the situation getting worse, I had to go to see a doctor. The doctor game me a physical examination and I had my eyes examined as well. The doctor advised me to do some exercise in the open air as much as possible. To improve my health, I accepted his advice and began to ride bicycle every weekend. And now I’m feeling much better.

篇六:《托福Playing computer games is a waste of time. Children should not be allowed to play computer games》

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Playing computer games is a waste of time. Children should not be allowed to play computer games.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Nowadays, a great number of teenagers are indicated to computer games, and, as a result, computer games not only affect their studies but also have bad influences on their mental health. Generally, people started to considered them as a waste of time as well as totally repudiate computer games. In fact, there are not just violent or pornographic games but considerable developmental games which benefits children and students. Thus, the statement above is far from preciseness.

Though violent and pornographic computer games seem to take up the majority of computer games, there are great many developmental games. Vocabulary Quiz, for instance, one of computer games I had played online, is designed to enrich people’s vocabulary. While playing this game, I am showed a variety of pictures of different things and asked to name them in English, and, the more correct answers I got, the higher scores I have. To encourage people to keep learning, once I got enough score, I can get an e-book in English with Chinese translation (if I use ipad to read it, when I touch the word I do not know, it will show me its Chinese meaning). I play this game when I am free and bored, and after playing it for two months I realized that it is a good time killer; meanwhile, it had helped me to enrich my vocabulary. Therefore, how could people say that computer games are a waste of time?

It is incredible to stop children from playing computer games since computer games actually benefit children in some ways. On my aunt’s ipad, there is a zone set for her daughter, a 15 months girl, called Qiqi’s game zone. My aunt downloaded more than ten games designed to teach children to learn about numbers, things, Chinese characters, letters as well as relationships. This not only help the baby girl but also my aunt since she is no longer confused about how to teach her daughter such complexity. In addition, computer games allow students to relax for a moment. We senior three students, under high pressure all the time, need some way to release our tiredness. And most of my classmates say that playing computer games is an effective way to get rid of great pressure temporarily and of course, they do that after they finish their homework. Thus, what we need to do is not to ban computer games; instead, we should play computer games in control.

All in all, it is fatuous to totally repudiate computer games without regarding it advantages. While being indicated to them, they can be harmful to us; while playing them in control, they can benefit us a lot.




Every morning, we have to go to school very early, so many of us don‟t have breakfast. It‟s very bad for our health. In the morning we usually have four classes. It‟s a long time before lunch. If we don‟t eat anything for breakfast, we may feel hungry and we can‟t listen to the teacher carefully. We need energy very much while we are growing. I really think that we should have a good breakfast.

2 . How to keep healthy

If we want to keep our bodies healthy, we must have a good habit. We should get up and go to bed early and sleep at least eight hours every day. Do more exercise, such as walking, swimming, playing balls and so on. We should also eat healthy

food—more fruit and vegetables and less meat. If you don‟t feel well, you‟d better see a doctor at once. And we should wash our hands before meals and drink enough

boiled water every day. It‟s necessary for our health. We should not throw litter about, keep long fingernails and smoke etc. It‟s also very important.

3. 从饮食,睡眠和运动几方面谈谈怎样可以保持身体健康。

Health is one of the most important things for us. Without a good health, we can‟t do anything. So we all want to keep healthy. But how?

If you want to be healthy, you must have a good diet. You shouldn‟t have too much hot or sweet food with much fat on them. They are all bad for your health. Instead, you should have vegetables and fruit to keep yourself healthy.

You should also sleep well. A student should sleep at least 8 hours a day. Besides, more exercises are necessary, too. You should take more exercises to make yourself stronger and healthier.

Since health is so important, we should try our best to keep healthy.

4. 介绍你的一个朋友的兴趣爱好和生活习惯(不少于60词)

He thinks he isn't pretty healthy. He doesn't like exercise, so he does exercise once a week. He is very fat. He doesn't like vegetables, so he hardly ever eats

vegetables. He likes eating junk food. He thinks it is very nice. He eats them about four or five times a week. He loves milk, but he doesn't drink it every day. He only drinks them two or three times a week. He eats fruit once or twice a week. But he sleeps nine hours every night. His lifestyle is not very well. But he knows healthy lifestyle helps him get good grades. He tries to eats some vegetables and eats lots of fruit. And he wants his parents to play sports with him. He wants to be the healthiest.

5.假如你的爸爸是个医生,曾参加了2003年的非典防治工作,虽然非典已经过去了,但是他对一家人的健康仍然很重视。请你写一篇60词左右的短文,讲一下只要预防得当,疾病并不可怕。参考词汇:personal health个人健康spit吐痰overwork使„过于疲劳

Keeping healthy

My father is a doctor. In 2003, he took an active part in the battle against SARS. He said, “We don‟t have to be afraid of catching the illness. If we have good habits, we can keep the illness away.” My father and I like running in the morning. We keep the windows open so that the air in the room is clean and fresh. We wash our hands before meals. We have healthy food and drink. We don‟t spit here and there. He told us not to overwork because too much work will make us tired and make it easy to get sick.

6.你的爸爸抽烟吗?请写一篇小短文描述抽烟的害处,回家后读给你的爸爸听。(60词左右)提示如下: 1.抽烟有害健康,不能长寿; 2.抽烟易导致疾病; 3.抽烟还危害别人。

Smoking and Health

Everyone knows smoking is bad for health. People who smoke too much may not live long. Many people die from smoking each year.

Smoking causes many illnesses. Smokers have bad teeth. A lot of people always cough because of smoking. Smoking can easily cause lung cancer.

Smoking is bad for smokers, and it‟s also bad for women and children, too.

I hope all the smokers can give up smoking for themselves and also for the people around them. Let‟s enjoy clean air.

7.假如你是Li Tao,请根据昨天的情况写一篇60词左右的日记。早上感到头疼,老打喷嚏(sneeze),妈妈带你去医院,医生检查了一下并问了一些情况,最后给你开了一些药并让你好好休息。第二天你觉得好多了。

Wednesday, October 12th, 2009

I felt terrible yesterday morning. My mother took me to the hospital. “What‟s your trouble, little boy?” the doctor asked. “I can‟t stop sneezing and I have a headache.” “When did it start?” “This morning.” “Open your mouth and say „Ah‟.” My mother was worried and asked the doctor, “What‟s the matter with him?” “He has a bad cold, but it‟s nothing serious.” the doctor said. Then the doctor let me take some medicine. He asked me to stay in bed and have a good rest. I feel better after taking the medicine.{play,computer,games英语作文}.


Dear LiPing,

I am sorry to hear that you are not feeling well。I think you should see a doctor,then you should take some medicines,and drink a lot of water。 You said you are stressed out and tired。Why do not you listen to music and go to bed early。

You should also try to exercise。Eating less junk food。Eating more healthy food,like apple,orange and milk 。I think they are good for your health。

I hope you feel better soon!{play,computer,games英语作文}.


9.假如李明是你的好朋友,根据提示写一篇80词左右的短文介绍李明的业余爱好。(短文开头已给出)提示语:1.李明以前是个电影迷, 一周至少去看两次电影,有时租VCD在家里看,最喜欢的影星是姜文; 2.李明现在的兴趣是集邮, 认为集邮非常有趣,可以从邮票上学到很多关于人物、地点、历史的知识, 有些旧邮票非常有价值;3.上周五是李明的生日, 他从朋友那里得到了许多邮票,非常高兴。

Li Ming is my good friend. He has many hobbies. He used to be a movie fan. He went to the movie theater at least twice a week. Sometimes he rented VCDs and watched them at home. His favorite movie star was Jiang Wen.

Now Li Ming is interested in collecting stamps. He thinks it‟s great fun. He can learn a lot about people, places, history and many other things from stamps. Some old stamps are very valuable.

Last Friday was Li Ming‟s birthday. He got many stamps from his friends. Li Ming was very happy.


Class12,Grade 8: Activity Survey{play,computer,games英语作文}.

Activity Every Day Twice a Week Four Times a Week

Watch TV 60% 20% 20%

Have Sports 10% 20% 70%

Do homework 100% 0% 0%

Here are the results of the student activity survey in Class 12, Grade 8. Most students watch TV every day. Some students watch TV twice a week. Some students watch TV four times a week. Some students have sports every day. Some students have sports twice a week. Most students have sports four times a week. All the students do homework every day. No students do homework twice or four times a week.

11.根据下列育英中学八年级(1)班学生上学方式 的调查表,用英语写一篇短文。不少于70 个单词。

上学方式 Bbus Wwalking Bbike Ccar{play,computer,games英语作文}.

学生人数 15 110 25 0{play,computer,games英语作文}.

Here are fifty students in Class 1, Grade 8 at Yuying Middle School. Every day they go to school in different ways. Fifteen students take buses because they live far from the school. Ten students walk. They think walking is good for their health and they live near the school. Twenty-five students ride their bikes to school because they like riding bikes very much and their homes are not very far from the school. No one goes to school by car.

12.以“How did you spend last Sunday? Did you have a good time? What were you doing at different times last Sunday?”为内容,写一篇80词左右的短文。

提示:watch a movie, climb mountains, play basketball, visit friends, play computer games, do housework ... happy, excited, sad ..

A Happy Sunday

I had a happy day last Sunday. From 6: 30 to 7: 00, I was running along the road. At 8: 00 a. m. I was doing cleaning at home, because my parents were out. At 9: 50, I was watching a movie with my friend, Han Xingxing. The film was very interesting, and it made us excited. From 2: 20 to 4: 30, I was playing basketball with my

classmates on our school playground. At 6: 00 p.m. my grandparents, my parents and I were having a big dinner together in a restaurant. We all felt very happy and enjoyed it.

I was watching TV from 7: 30 to 9: 30 at home in the evening, and then I went to bed.


On the holiday morning ,I went to the park with my friend, because this day is my friend's birthday, my friend wanted me to go to the park with her, so I went to the park with my friend, there were lots of people in the park, the weather was good. We stayed in the park about two hours, we left at about nine o'clock. In the afternoon went to my aunt's home with my parents, my aunt gave me lots of sweet, (this is my favorite food). In the evening, I ate dinner with my parents at my aunt's home, at eight o'clock, we went home today, I‟m very happy, how about your holiday?

14.假设你的一个笔友上个星期天 早晨8:30在火车站接他后来到苏州动物园。那里有很多不同种类的动物。12:00吃午饭。然后乘车前往虎丘(Tiger Hill),那里风景秀丽,你们玩得很开心等。(字数60左右)

One of my pen pals came to see me last Sunday. I went to meet him at the train station at 8:30 a.m. We went to Suzhou Zoo together then. There were many different kinds of animals. At 12:00 we had lunch. After that we went to the Tiger Hill by bus. It was very beautiful there and we enjoyed ourselves very much.

篇八:《Should Children be Prevented from Computer Games》

Should Children be Prevented from Computer Games?

With the development of economy and the popularity of computers, more and more children are caught up in computer games. Many parents point out that computer games have little educational value, so children should be prevented from computer games; while some hold the opinion that children can benefit a lot from computer games. As far as I am concerned, there may be one or two advantages to play computer games; however, I believe that there are far more disadvantages. My arguments for this point are listed as follows.

First of all, playing computer games is harmful to children’s visions. Since children’s visions have not fully developed, it is quite easy for them to become nearsighted to stare long at the computer screen. According to report, the nearsightedness of youngsters in China has reached to 30% for various reasons, the most important one among which is playing computer games. An experiment was once conducted, proving that playing computer games eight hours in succession would reduce the vision from 1.5 to 0.6.

Furthermore, children are so apt to be addicted to computer games that they will neglect their studies. It is frequently reported that schoolchildren from somewhere play truant regularly to play computer games in Internet bars for their parents limit their hours for computers. When they are prevented from Internet bars by their parents by means of restricting the amount of their pocket money, some sell out their bicycles, MP3s, or other articles snuck from home to raise money for going to Internet bars; and some even threaten their parents with running away from home if their parents do not agree them to play computer games.

In addition, involved in computer games for a long time will deprive children of interpersonal communication abilities. The psychological development of children is immature, so they are more likely to be attracted by colorful and interesting computer games. However, if indulged in computer games for a long term, they will grow attachments to games or the visual world, and gradually be deprived of the abilities to communicate with other people in the real world.

Although I acknowledge that playing computer games has some advantages, such as developing intelligence, and increasing the agility of fingers, I feel that the disadvantages are more obvious. Taking all the factors into account, I think that children should be prevented from computer games.