
时间:2021-10-10 18:30:16 六年级作文

篇一:《英语作文-转基因食品-Should Genetically-modified Food be Stopped》

班级:A17班 姓名: 学号:

Should Genetically-modified Food be Stopped?

Nowadays, the number of genetically-modified food is steadily increasing. There is an argument that whether this kind of food should be stopped . As far as I am concerned , genetically-modified food should not be stopped.

Firstly, there is necessity for genetically-modified food to exist. Genetically-modified food belongs to food. The world is lack of resources. Every day, millions of people around the world eat only the bare minimum of food to keep themselves alive. They will be very grateful for having this kind of food to survive.

Secondly, it is easier for us to plant genetically-modified food. At the same time, the production cost is also greatly reduced. As a result ,food prices will increasingly low. There is no doubt that it is good news for consumers.

Thirdly, It will reduce the use of pesticides and then avoid the pollution of the environment.

In addition, genetically-modified food can bring us many other benefits, for example, increasing food nutrition, increasing the types of food and so on.

However,although genetically-modified food have so many advantages, some people still insist that they should never eat

genetically-modified food. They are afraid of potential threat that this kind of food will be harm to their health. In fact ,genetically-modified food has passed the the strict test of international organizations. It is safe. There has been no evidence to prove that genetically-modified food is harm to humans so far. To some extent, we can consider this kind of food to be perfectly safe. As you know, at present there is a lot of genetically-modified food in the market, such us genetically-modified soybean ,Transgenic papaya and so on. Many people have eaten this kind of food for some years, but we have not exactly confirmed that some one falls ill after eating genetically-modified food.So there is no need to worry much about the safety problem. We can eat them as we like.

All in all, we should not stop genetically-modified food. But, this kind of food may cause some people’s allergic reactions. So in the process of producing genetically-modified food, we should eliminate the genes which can cause allergic reactions and do the digestion experiment in order to avoid the harm to human body.


The world's first commercial production of Genetically modified food (GMF) is delay the maturity of Genetically modified tomato,which was put into the United States market in 1994. There is no denying the fact that the number of GMF is steadily increasing in the 21st century. So,what is the so-called GMF?

GMF is a kind of food that is embedded foreign gene in the genome of the species by genetic engineering technology to meet human needs,including transgenic plant food,transgenic animal food and transgenic microorganism food. There has been a controversy that whether the GMF should be banned.

On one side are the GMF supporters,who suggestion GMF has been no sign of major health or environmental problems. This kind of food has many advantages:increase crop yields, reduce production costs,enhance the ability of anti-virus and so on. GMF is usually cheaper and easier to plant than traditional food,in this way,we can get more people to eat and live. On the other are the opponents,who believe that GMF is harmful to our health because it's potential threat,such as some species may be affected by the drift of genes,GMF may cause allergic reactions. So,we should not promote and eat GMF.

In my point of view,GMF is a double-edged sword. Mature GMF can benefit mankind and reduce hunger,but we should take a cautious attitude to the immature GMF.

篇三:《转基因食物 英语作文》

Genetically Modified food

With the science and technology expanding day by day,we can get and experience more and more things which have never existed

before,such as plane,car and genetically modified food.The planes and cars can let us be more convenient in our daily life.However,so far we still do not clearly know all the aspects of genetically modified food.Do they damage to our healthy?

So what is the genetically modified food?It is a kind of food that people apply modern molecular biotechnology,transfer some biological gene to other species, transform the genetic material of living

things,change the shape, nutritional quality, consumer quality to the target of people's needs.So from the definition of GMF,we can

know it happened for people's needs.We can have more options to cook and eat,and it also can save our money because this kind of food is usually cheaper and easier to plant than others.Originally, it is good for our life.

While,almost 50 percent of the whole people in China believe that the genetically modified food is not safe to our healthy,but what is the fun thing is most of them don't know how the genetically modified food damage their healthy.They just are deeply misunderstanding and even have repellent psychology because of the long-time negative public opinion.

Of course,in our country,the new grain law have same more rigorous rules.For example,the genetically modified seeds' scientific research,experiments,productions,sales,imports and exports should be followed to the country's laws,and every individual person and unit are not allowed to imply genetically modified technology at principle grain cultivars without authorization.

So in my opinion,we should believe that the genetically modified technology can bring more advantage and less disadvantage to us.It becomes a tendency to eat genetically modified food.So we just be at ease to eat unless the productions are counterfeit and inferior and it is not qualified by the standard department.


Genetically Modified food

With the science and technology expanding day by day,we can get and experience more and more things which have never existed

before,such as plane,car and genetically modified food.The planes and cars can let us be more convenient in our daily life.However,so far we still do not clearly know all the aspects of genetically modified food.Do they damage to our healthy?

So what is the genetically modified food?It is a kind of food that people apply modern molecular biotechnology,transfer some biological gene to other species, transform the genetic material of living

things,change the shape, nutritional quality, consumer quality to the target of people's needs.So from the definition of GMF,we can

know it happened for people's needs.We can have more options to cook and eat,and it also can save our money because this kind of food is usually cheaper and easier to plant than others.Originally, it is good for our life.

While,almost 50 percent of the whole people in China believe that the genetically modified food is not safe to our healthy,but what is the fun thing is most of them don't know how the genetically modified food damage their healthy.They just are deeply misunderstanding and even have repellent psychology because of the long-time negative public opinion.

Of course,in our country,the new grain law have same more rigorous rules.For example,the genetically modified seeds' scientific research,experiments,productions,sales,imports and exports should be followed to the country's laws,and every individual person and unit are not allowed to imply genetically modified technology at principle grain cultivars without authorization.

So in my opinion,we should believe that the genetically modified technology can bring more advantage and less disadvantage to us.It becomes a tendency to eat genetically modified food.So we just be at ease to eat unless the productions are counterfeit and inferior and it is not qualified by the standard department.



GM Food 转基因食物

You are required to write an article titled GM Food on the basis of websites and sofewares. In the article, you are expected to present the points as follows: the definition of GM food, the possible prospects and problems, your attitude towards GM food. The article should be no less than 500 words. Genetically modified (GM) foods are foods derived from genetically modified organisms. Genetically modified organisms have had specific changes introduced into their DNA by genetic engineering, using a process of either Cisgenesis or Transgenesis. GM foods were first put on the market in the early 1990s. Typically, genetically modified foods are transgenic plant products: soybean, corn, canola, and cotton seed oil.

Last year, the Ministry of Agriculture awarded the safety cerfiticate to two kinds of transgenic rice, and this triggered a large-scale discussion. Many people oppose it and refuse to eat GM foods. They objected to GM foods on several grounds such as:

• GMF’s have not been a success, there is no test in human being. The GM foods maybe change human gene in future.

• Genetically modified crops will affect other plants around them and change other species, then more and more species will vary or disappear.

• GM foods have the advantage in both price and output, so traditional farmers will lose the market. Then few companies who have transgene proprietary technology will control food market.

On the contrary, many proponents of GM foods have other opinions:

• People eat GM foods, then the foods are analysed and assimilated like normal foods, there is no theory to support that GM foods will change human being’s gene.

• There is a food supply issue in the developing world, in order to meet the demand for food and confronting the climate change we need to increase use of GM crops.

• The GM crops use less pesticide, It is more safe than normal crops.

Actually, more and more GM foods appear in our lives. When you have dinner in the restaurant, maybe you eat the GM oil, GM corn and GM rice, but you just don’t know.

Genetically modified food is science brings us the product, now of cultivated land area of less, genetically modified food will play more and more important role, if the use of transgenic technology can solve the world food shortage problem, it is not quite good? Genetically modified food in the world now is a kind of new things, new things, people need time to promote its accept also need some time, we cannot put new things in the cradle, a stick to it from the beginning, that cannot be eaten of genetically modified food. You think we

don't of hybrid rice is a genetically modified food? But we can open it from? And if they can pass the soybeans genetically modified technique using atmospheric nitrogen inside his

produces fertilizers to other crops gene transfer in the mankind, it is. Everything is both sides, especially technology, science and technology is a double-edged sword? Genetically modified food has its disadvantages, like some worry, because it will not change, will destroy genetic evolution, etc. Genetically modified food and nutrition inside it isn't like that, the propaganda of people worry is understandable, after accepting a new things take time. But we also should see the benefits of them,

I think as time slowly past, genetically modified foods will be accepted by people.




管理学院 社会工作专业 2012级一班

摘要:转基因食品已经逐步进入我们的日常生活,食品与人类健康密切相关。 随着近年来有关转基因食品的威胁事件层出不穷,转基因食品和其安全性已成为人们关注的热点。本文介绍了转基因食品的基本概念和发展状况,并着重阐述了转基因食品的隐患及安全性问题。并呼吁人们需要科学地看待转基因食品。

关键词: 转基因 食品 隐患 安全性问题

一、 什么是转基因食品{作文开头转基因食品}.


二、 转基因食品的种类

为了提高农产品营养价值,更快、更高效地生产食品,科学家们应用转基因的方法,改变生物的遗传信息,拼组新基因,使今后的农作物具有高营养、耐贮藏、抗病虫和抗除草剂的能力,不断生产新的转基因食品。 包括植物性转基因食品、动物性转基因食品 、转基因微生物食品 、转基因特殊食品 。

三 转基因食品的优缺点


为转基因食品有较多的优点:可增加作物单位面积产量;可以降低生产成本;通过转基因技术可增强作物抗虫害、抗病毒等的能力;提高农产品的耐贮性,延长保鲜期,满足人民生 活水平日益提高的需求;可使农作物开发的时间大为缩短;可以摆脱季节、气候的影响,四季低成本供应;打破物种界限,




三、 转基因食品国内外的发展状况


(1)关于我国 由于我国土地、人口粮食问题的原因。近年来,我国现代生物技术的研究开发已经取得了很多成果。我国的转基因食品技术仅次于美国与加拿大。

(2)关于国外 (1)美国:小麦主粮的商业化尚未推开 美国是转基因作物种植比较多的国家。据美国农业部的数据,美国2009年转基因玉米种植面积为85%,转基因大豆种植面积为91%,转基因棉花为88%。可是,在美国,至今还没有对主粮小麦进行转基因的商业化种植。 (2)俄罗斯:反基因专家当官 并且每年,俄国家基因安全研究会都会发布很多关于转基因产品潜在危险的报告和论文 (3)日本:禁止进口美国转基因大米 日本

对转基因作物实行严格管理和慎重对待。印度:停止转基因茄子商业化 2010年2月,印度中止了世界第一批转基因茄子的推广,认为需要进行进一步研究才能在全国种植,以确保消费者的安全。 此前,在相关政府委员会于2009年10月份批准转基因抗虫害茄子的商业化后,印度主要种植茄子的几个邦抗议不断。{作文开头转基因食品}.

四、 转基因食品的隐患以及安全性问题


虽然转基因食品研究历史只有短短几十年,但其提高产量、增强自身抗病抗虫等优点较为明显,另一方面,其潜在的风险,如过敏性、毒性及对环境影响也令世人关注。 首先是毒性问题。其次是过敏反应问题。第三是营养问题。第四是对抗生素的抵抗作用。第五是对环境的威胁。 最后,生物学家们担心为了培养一些更具优良特性,比如说具有更强的抗病虫害能力和抗旱能力等,而对农作物进行的改良,其特性很可能会通过花粉等媒介传播给野生物种。

转基因食品潜在危害包括:食物内所产生的新毒素和过敏原; 不自然食物

所引起其它损害健康的影响; 应用在农作物上的化学药品增加水和食物的污染; 抗除草剂的杂草会产生; 疾病的散播跨越物种障碍; 农作物的生物多样化的损失; 生态平衡的干扰。

六 、科学地看待转基因食品




多的老百姓并不知道转基因到底怎么回事,也并不知道转基因有多少好处,更不清楚可能带来哪些问题转基因技术作为一种新兴事物,仍没有被人完全了解,自然就存在质疑;因为其关系老百姓食品安全,也自然应该接受严格的监管。但是作为一种新兴的农业技术,并且成为提升国家农业发展潜力的最大希望,肯定也不能不去发展。国家应该在发展的同时,把安全放到最重要的位置,同时提高信息透明度,消除老百姓不必要的恐慌,杜绝不必要的干扰。 因此,致公党中央建议: 一、完善转基因食品安全性的政策、法规建设。二、控制或限制转基因动物或植物的种养植区域。三、保障消费者食品安全,提高消费者的知情权和选择权。

参考文献:1. 丁 武,魏益民. 关于转基因食品. 中国食物及营养,2003(1)

2. 孟亚鹏,曾佑琴. 转基因食品安全评价及其市场前景. 资源开发与市场,2008




4.沈铭贤.生命伦理学[M]. 高等教育出社,2003.

5. 徐宗良,刘学礼,翟晓梅.生命伦理学[M].上海人民出版社,2002. 4

6.《转基因食品的发展现状及安全性评注》方 辉Κ吴孟珠 中国人民解放军军事

经济学院 Κ武汉430035

7. 《转基因食品现状、前景及其安全性》张学文 青岛大学理工学院生物系,青




“要以最脆弱的样本 作为判断标准”{作文开头转基因食品}.



