
时间:2021-11-10 13:57:53 200字



悬赏分:20 - 解决时间:2007-7-6 19:18

提问者: zhangxiaoyu996 - 一级


Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans in recent decades and its projected continuation.

Global average air temperature near the Earth's surface rose 0.74 ± 0.18 °C (1.3 ± 0.32 °F) during the past century. The

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concludes, "most of the observed increase in globally averaged temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely due to the observed

increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations," which leads to warming of the surface and lower atmosphere by

increasing the greenhouse effect. Natural phenomena such as

solar variation combined with volcanoes have probably had a small warming effect from pre-industrial times to 1950, but a cooling

effect since 1950. The basic conclusions have been endorsed by at least 30 scientific societies and academies of science, including all of the national academies of science of the major industrialized countries. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists is the

only scientific society that rejects these conclusions, and a few individual scientists also disagree with parts of them.

Climate models referenced by the IPCC project that global surface temperatures are likely to increase by 1.1 to 6.4 °C (2.0 to 11.5 °F)

between 1990 and 2100. The range of values reflects the use of differing scenarios of future greenhouse gas emissions and results of models with differences in climate sensitivity. Although most studies focus on the period up to 2100, warming and sea level rise are expected to continue for more than a millennium even if

greenhouse gas levels are stabilized. This reflects the large heat capacity of the oceans.

全球气候变暖 用英文怎么说?

悬赏分:0 - 解决时间:2006-6-27 00:19


提问者: 鲍蔓薇 - 三级


global warming 或者green house effect 温室效应,又译全球气候变暖

The greenhouse effect is the rise in temperature that the Earth

experiences because certain gases in the atmosphere (water vapor, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methane, for example) trap

energy from the sun. Without these gases, heat would escape back into space and Earth’s average temperature would be about 60ºF colder. Because of how they warm our world, these gases are referred to as greenhouse gases.

Have you ever seen a greenhouse? Most greenhouses look like a small glass house. Greenhouses are used to grow plants,

especially in the winter. Greenhouses work by trapping heat from the sun. The glass panels of the greenhouse let in light but keep heat from escaping. This causes the greenhouse to heat up, much like the inside of a car parked in sunlight, and keeps the plants warm enough to live in the winter.

The Earth’s atmosphere is all around us. It is the air that we breathe. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere behave much like the glass panes in a greenhouse. Sunlight enters the Earth's atmosphere, passing through the blanket of greenhouse gases. As it reaches the Earth's surface, land, water, and biosphere absorb the sunlight’s energy. Once absorbed, this energy is sent back into the

atmosphere. Some of the energy passes back into space, but much

of it remains trapped in the atmosphere by the greenhouse gases, causing our world to heat up.

The greenhouse effect is important. Without the greenhouse effect, the Earth would not be warm enough for humans to live. But if the greenhouse effect becomes stronger, it could make the Earth warmer than usual. Even a little extra warming may cause problems for humans, plants, and animals.



TITLE=ENVIRONMENT REPORT - UN Climate Change Report BYLINE=Cynthia Kirk

(Start at 59" )This is Bill White with the VOA Special English ENVIRONMENT REPORT.

A new United Nations report says poor countries would (1)suffer the most from the effects of the warming of the Earth. The report says (2)shortages of food and water would affect some of the poorest parts of Africa, Asia and Latin America. These areas also would suffer an increase in diseases. The report says small

island nations are most at (3)risk. However, it warns that

(4)industrial countries would also be affected.

The (5)Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released the report in Geneva, (6)Switzerland. Government representatives from one-hundred countries (7)approved the report.

The findings were based on research from hundreds of scientists around the world. They examined how global warming will affect different areas of the world.

The report (8)confirmed the increasingly strong evidence of the effect of human activities on the world’s (9)climate. It says burning (10)fossil fuels such as oil, gas and coal are mostly to(11)blame.

These fuels release gases that trap heat in the atmosphere. An earlier report said global warming could cause the average temperature to increase almost six degrees Celsius during the next one-hundred years.

Experts say global warming may cause sea levels in heavily populated coastal areas to rise. The most (12)widespread direct risk to people is from flooding and landslides. Experts say global warming may also cause an increase in diseases such as malaria. They also say many plants and animals may disappear as their (13)environments are destroyed.


关于全球气候变暖的英语词汇 absorption n. 吸收

accelerated adj.加速的

advancement n. 前进,进步

afflict vt. 使痛苦,折磨

agriculture n. 农业

air pollutant 空气污染物

alter v. 改变

Antarctic adj. 南极的,南极地带的

Antarctica n.南极洲

atmosphere n. 大气,空气

atmospheric adj. 大气的

atmospheric concentrations of

carbon dioxide 大气中的二氧化碳浓

atmospheric temperatures 大气温度

attributable adj. 可归于...的

benign adj. (病)良性的,(气候)良


biosphere n. 生物圈

blizzard n. 大风雪

breakthrough n. 突破

buildup n. 组合,形成

burning of fossil fuels 燃烧燃料

byproduct 副产品

carbon dioxide emissions 二氧化碳


carbon monoxide n.[化]一氧化碳

catastrophic adj.悲惨的,灾难的

chemical composition of the

atmosphere 大气层的化学成分

cholera n.[医]霍乱

circulation n. 循环

climate zones 气候区

climatic adj.气候上的

colorless adj. 无色的

combustion n.燃烧

complexity n.复杂的事情,复杂性

composition n. 成分,合成物

compound n. 混合物,[化]化合物

concentration n. 集中,浓度

conserve vt. 保存 crack n. 裂缝 cropland n. 农田 cyclone n. 飓风,龙卷风,[气]气旋 deadly adj. 致命的 decompositon n. 分解,腐烂 deforestation n. 采伐森林,森林开伐 deluge n. 洪水,豪雨;v.使泛滥 descendant n. 子孙后代 desert n. 沙漠;adj.沙漠的,不毛的,荒凉的 desertification n. 沙漠化 deteriorate v. (使)恶化 detrimental adj.有害的 devastate vt. 毁坏 devastating adj.破坏性的 dike n. 堤防 disaster n.灾难,灾祸 displace vt.移置,取代,转移 disrupt v.使陷入混乱,破坏 drought n. 干旱 ecological damage 生态破坏 ecosystem n.生态系统 emit vt.发出,散发 energy consumption 能源消耗 environmental awareness 环境(保护)意识 epidemic adj. 流行的,传染的;n. 时疫 erode vt. 侵蚀,腐蚀;vi.受腐蚀,逐渐消蚀掉 evaporation n. 蒸发(作用) extreme adj.极端的;n.极端的事物 Fahrenheit adj.华氏温度计的;n. 华氏温度计 fatal respiratory illness 致命的呼吸道疾病 fertile adj. 肥沃的,富饶的 filter n. 滤波器;vt.过滤,渗透 fluctuation n. 波动,起伏 forest destruction 森林破坏

forest n. 森林

frequency n. 频率,发生次数

gas emission 气体排放

geological data 地质资料

geology n. 地质学,地质概况

glacier n. 冰河

global warming 全球变暖

grassland n. 牧草地,草原

greed n. 贪欲,贪婪

greenery n. 温室,草木

正Global warming is one of the most{全球变暖英文}.

serious environmental issues that we face

today.Scientific assessments indicate that

if the human-created greenhouse gas

emissions are left unchecked,the excessive warming is very likely to distort climate patterns and cause significant impacts on both natural and human systems.As the two largest emitters of greenhouse gases in today's world, both United States and China face great challenges of global warming and climate change.Using quantitative data from multiple sources including surveys,newspapers,and government documents,this study examines major dimensions,concerns and policy developments surrounding the issue of global warming and climate change in the United States and China. Implications of the study are discussed in the conclusion.









布朗提出,这方面的公共资金应由发达国家和发展中国家按照能力共同提供,应尽量作为官方发展援助之外的额外资金,资金应具有可预测性以便发展中国家提前做出计划,而且这方面的资金应由发达国家与发展中国家共同管理。气候变得更暖和,冰川消融,海平面将升高,引起海岸滩涂湿地、红树林和珊瑚礁等生态群丧失,海岸侵蚀 全球变暖的可怕后果

,海水入侵沿海地下淡水层,沿海土地盐渍化等,从而造成海岸、河口、海湾自然生态环境失衡,给海岸带生态环境带来了极大的灾难。 2、水域面积增大。水分蒸发也更多了,雨季延长,水灾正变得越来越频繁。遭受洪水泛滥的机会增大、遭受风暴影响的程度和严重性加大,水库大坝寿命缩短。 3、气温升高可能会使南极半岛和北冰洋的冰雪融化。北极熊和海象会渐渐灭绝。 4、许多小岛将会无影无踪; 5、因为还有热力惯性的作用,现有的温室气体还将继续影响我们的生活。 6、温度升高,会影响人的生育,精子的活性随温度升高而降低…….

7、.原有生态系统的改变。 8、对生产领域的,例如:农业,林业,牧业,渔业等部门…… 9、将感染疾病等传染病……病菌通过极端天气和气候事件(厄尔尼诺现象,干旱,洪涝,热浪等……) ,扩大疫情的流行,对人体健康危害…… 对气候的影响

将更多的二氧化碳和温室气体排放到大气中所造成的危害,谁也无法确切地说明将来会有多严重?科学家正在估算气候变化所带来的危害。按目前的技术水平计算,2004年才能阐明大气中二氧化碳形成和消解的机理,这样就能发现温室效应是如何产生的。2006年才能准确的预知因地球升温而造成的海平面上升。然而真正理解这一切要到2050年。显然,科学家和政治家都不会等到进一步的结果出来才采取防治措施,现在的观察和研究成果应该都让公众了解,才不至于使人们不得不在50年后自咽苦果。 温室效应自地球形成以来,它就一直在起作用。如果没有温室效应,地球表面就会寒冷无比,温度就会降到零下20℃,海洋就会结冰,生命就不会形成。因此,我们面临的不是有没有温室效应的问题,而是人类通过燃烧化石燃料把大量温室气体排入大气层,致使温室效应与地球气候发生急剧变化的问题。 温室效应会产生什么样的影响呢?由于矿物燃料的燃烧和大量森林的砍伐,致使地球大气中的二氧化碳浓度增加,由于二氧化碳等气体的温室效应,在过去100年里,全球地面平均温度大约已升高了0.3—0.6℃,到2030年估计将再升高1—3℃。 当全世界的平均温度升高1℃,巨大的变化就会产生:海平面会上升,山区冰川会后退,积雪区会缩小。由于全球气温升高,就会导致不均衡的降水,一些地区降水增加,而另一些地区降水减少。如西非的萨赫勒地区从1965年以后干旱化严重;我国华北地区从1965 年起,降水连年减少,与50年代相比,现在华北地区的降水已减少了1/3,水资源减少了1/2;我国每年因干旱受灾的面积约4亿亩,正常年份全国灌区每年缺水300亿立方米,城市缺水60亿立方米。 当全世界的平均温度升高3℃,人类也已经无力挽回了,全球将会粮食吃紧。 由于气温升高,在过去100年中全球海平面每年以1——2毫米的速度在上升,预计到2050年海平面将继续上升30—50厘米,这将淹没沿海大量低洼土地;此外,由于气候变化导致旱涝、低温等气候灾害加剧,造成了全世界每年约数百亿以上美元的经济损失。


近年来,人们对从巴塔哥尼亚到瑞士的阿尔卑斯山地区的冰川因为“温室”气体的排放和普遍认为的 南极冰川融化速度加快


变得非常严重,但是尼泊尔、印度、巴基斯坦、中国和不丹等地的冰川融水可能很快就会给人们造成麻烦。 国际冰雪委员会(ICSI)的一份研究报告指出:“喜玛拉雅地区冰川后退的速度比世界其它任何都要快。如果目前的融化速度继续下去,这些冰川在2035年之前消失的可能性非常之大”。国际冰雪委员会负责人塞义德·哈斯内恩说:“即使冰川融水在60至100年的时间里干涸,这一生态灾难的影响范围之广也将是令人震惊的。” 位于恒河流域的喜玛拉雅山东部地区冰川融化的情况最为严重,那些分布在“世界屋脊”上的从不丹到克什米尔地区的冰川退缩的速度最快。以长达3英里的巴尔纳克冰川为例,这座冰川是4000万——5000万年前印度次大陆与亚洲大陆发生碰撞而形成的许多冰川之一,自1990年以来,它已经后退了半英里。在经过了1997年严寒的亚北极区冬季之后,科学家们曾经预计这条冰川会有所扩展,但是它在1998年夏天反而进一步后退了。


哈佛大学新病和复发病研究所的保罗.受泼斯坦注意到,植物也随雪线而移动,全世界山峰上的植物都在上移。随着山峦顶峰的变暖,海拔较高处的环境也越来越有利于蚊子和它们所携带的疟原虫子这样的微生物生存。 西尼罗病毒、疟疾、黄热病等热带传染病自1987年以来在美国的佛罗里达、密西西比、德克萨斯、亚利桑那、加利福尼亚和科罗拉多等地相继爆发,一再证实了专家们关于气候变暖,一些热带疾病将向较冷的地区传播的科学推断。


关于全球变暖的另一项研究结果更令人吃惊,由北极冰原融化,降雨量增加,以及风的类型的不断改变,大量淡水正汇入北大西洋,对墨西哥湾暖流造成破坏,从而切断北大西洋暖流。正是这些暖流把温暖的表层水从加勒比海带到欧州西北部,并使欧洲形成温暖的气候。而北大西洋暖流一旦因全球变暖被切断后,欧洲西北部温度可能会下降5-8℃之多,欧洲可能面临一次新的冰河时代! 这项研究是位于阿伯丁的苏格兰海洋实验所分析了设在兰群岛海域到法罗群岛海域之间自1893年以来的1.7万多次海水盐度测量结果得出的。在过去的每20年中,流向南部的深层海水盐度变得越来越小,浓度越来越低,这表明有更多的淡水从大西洋北部汇入了该地区。这些新数据第一次充分证明了德国科学家在大约3年前设计的计算机模型。 大气中的二氧化碳的含量急剧升高,而世界人口将在2050年之前达到100亿。“我们的世界正在朝着由人造设施来代替现有免费自然资源的方向发展”,明尼苏达大学的戴维·蒂尔曼说。但是,我们还没有掌握自然生态系统的有关知识。在2.45亿年前的二叠纪大灭绝中,96%的物种灭亡了。后来随着许多新物种的出现,地球上终于恢复了丰富的种群,但是这个过程足足经历了一亿年。威尔逊说:“一些人认为,自然界会复兴人类所毁灭的一切” 。谚语云:“只要有足够的时间,万物皆可应运而生。”或许自然界真的能够恢复一切,但这个漫长的过程对于现代人类无论如何是没有意义的。 马克·吐温曾经说过,天气最动人的特质就在于它的变化多端。1个多世纪过去了,我们仍然在为准确预报天气情况而努力,在控制气候方面却收效甚微;然而,对环境的破坏却是史无前例的。


首先,全球气候变暖导致海平面上升,降水重新分布,改变了当前的世界气候格局;其次,全球气候变暖影响和破坏了生物链、食物链,带来更为严重的自然恶果。例如,有一种候鸟,每年从澳大利亚飞到我国东北过夏天,但由于全球气候变暖使我国东北气温升高,夏天延长,这种鸟离开东北的时间相应变迟,再次回到东北的时间也相应延后。结果导致这种候鸟所吃的一种害虫泛滥成灾,毁坏了大片森林。另外,有关环境的极端事件增加,比如干旱、洪水等。 政治






人体健康(1)全球气候变暖直接导致部分地区夏天出现超高温,心脏病及引发的各种呼吸系统疾病,每年都会夺去很多人的生命,其中又以新生儿和老人的危险性最大。 (2)全球气候变暖导致臭氧浓度增加,低空中的臭氧是非常危险的污染物,会破坏人的肺部组织,引发哮喘或其他肺病。 (3)全球气候变暖还会造成某些传染性疾病传播。

1, have become warmer climate, melting glaciers, sea level rise, causing coast tidal flats, wetlands, mangroves and coral reef ecology group loss, coastal erosion global warming of the terrible consequences, salt water intrusion

coastal underground freshwater, coastal land salinization, resulting in the Gulf coast, estuaries, natural ecological imbalance in the coastal ecological

environment has brought great suffering. 2 waters, growing area. More water evaporation and extended during the rainy season, floods are becoming increasingly frequent. hit by floods, the opportunity to increase from crisis to


Global warming IS human made (Sat 19 Feb)


CHAT: Talk in pairs or groups about global warming / penguins and polar bears / North Pole and South Pole / Kyoto Protocol / water / climate change / …Change topic / partner frequently to energize the class.{全球变暖英文}.

GLOBAL WARMING: Spend one minute writing down all of the different words you associate with „global warming‟. Share your words with your partner / group and talk about them.

WORLD WEATHER: In recent years it seems the world’s weather has gone crazy. Don’t you think so? Make a list of examples of strange weather happening around the globe. Talk in groups about this.

MY COUNTRY: Talk about changing weather in your country. Are weather patterns the same now as ten years ago? Is this good? What will the weather be like in the future? WHAT WE CAN DO: In pairs / groups, discuss whether you will carry out the following these things, say why: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i.

Walk instead of driving or taking public transport. Use public transport instead of driving.

Write to US president George W. Bush urging him to sign the Kyoto Protocol.

Start planning to replace some of your electricity supply with renewable energy, such as solar or wind power.

Use the lights in your house less.

Replace your refrigerator and other electrical appliances with more energy efficient ones.

Plant a tree in the forest. Recycle everything you use.

Donate money to organizations pushing for controls on global warming.

WARMING FUTURE: In pairs / groups, rank the following outcomes of global warming - most serious at the top.

a. Polar bears and penguins will disappear b. Winters will be 10 degrees colder.

c. Malaria will travel north, affecting Europe, North America, and northern Asia. d. Cockroaches will move to northern Europe, North America, and northern Asia. e. Africa will become hotter and suffer more droughts. f. Typhoons and hurricanes will become more powerful. g. Skin cancers will increase.

h. Many countries will have no drinking water.

i. Countries such as the Maldives, Holland and Bangladesh will disappear under water. j. Wars will start between countries fighting over water.


WORD SEARCH: Look in your dictionaries / computer to find collocates, other meanings, information, synonyms … of the words ‘human’ and ‘activity’.

TRUE / FALSE: Predict whether the following statements about the article are true or false: a. b. c. d. e. f.

Global warming is caused by human activity, not natural environmental factors. T / F Clear evidence of human-produced warming is in the world's rivers. T / F Global warming is not likely to impact water resources around the globe. T / F Many world leaders have closed their ears to global warming. T / F

The US government doesn‟t want to introduce expensive pollution controls. T / F Global warming is a natural phenomenon, caused by volcanoes and solar energy. T / F

g. Scientists can simulate the likely future evolution of global warming. T / F

h. Millions of people will be at risk of having inadequate water supplies. T / F

SYNONYM MATCH: Match the following synonyms from the article:

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) findings evidence impact uncertainty pollution phenomenon compelling implications accelerated adequate affect happening doubt research

consequences quickened sufficient proof emissions conclusive

PHRASE MATCH: Match the following phrases based on the article

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) findings natural environmental Researchers have found clear water Many world leaders have closed pollution This is perhaps the most compelling future In the decades putting millions of people at

resources evidence yet controls

immediately ahead risk


from a new study their ears evidence phenomenon


Global warming IS human made (Sat 19 Feb){全球变暖英文}.

BNE: Findings from a new study __________ Friday proves that global warming is caused by human activity, and not by natural environmental factors. Researchers at the Scripps Institute of Oceanography have found __________ evidence of human-produced warming in the world's oceans that is likely to impact water resources in regions around the __________. This finding removes much of the uncertainty associated with __________ about global warming. Many world leaders have closed their ears to this fact so they don‟t have to limit their economic activity or introduce expensive pollution controls. This is one of the reasons America has not signed the Kyoto Treaty on climate change. The US government prefers to believe global warming is a natural __________, caused by volcanoes and solar energy. Professor Tim Barnett said, “This is perhaps the most compelling evidence yet that global warming is happening right now and it shows that we can successfully __________ its past and likely future evolution.” Barnett says the results hold implications for millions of people in the near future. In the decades immediately ahead, the changes will be felt in regional water __________, including areas impacted by accelerated glacier melting in the South American Andes and in western China, putting millions of people at __________ without adequate summertime water. Perhaps now more countries will sign up to the Kyoto Protocol. globe simulate risk released supplies phenomenon clear debates


a. b. c. d. e. f.

What do you think of this article – are you worried?

Are you pessimistic or optimistic about the future of our climate? Do you prefer hot or cold countries? What do you do to conserve energy? Do you waste a lot of electricity?

Would you say you are very environmentally aware, or do you rarely think about the environment?

g. Do you idle the engine of your car?

h. What do you think of renewable energies, such as solar, wind or wave power? i. Isn’t nuclear power best for the environment?

j. Why doesn’t US president George W. Bush sign the Kyoto Protocol? k. How would your life change if water became ten times more expensive?

l. What would you do if your winters became 20 degrees colder and your summers 20 degrees hotter?

m. How can we save the Maldives, Holland and Bangladesh from disappearing under water?

n. Teacher / Student additional questions.


MY COUNTRY: Create a poster describing the weather patterns of your country, past, present and future.


Global warming IS human made (Sat 19 Feb)

BNE: Findings from a new study released Friday proves that global warming is caused by human activity, and not by natural environmental factors. Researchers at the Scripps Institute of Oceanography have found clear evidence of human-produced warming in the world's oceans that is likely to impact water resources in regions around the globe. This finding removes much of the uncertainty associated with debates about global warming. Many world leaders have closed their ears to this fact so they don‟t have to limit their economic activity or introduce expensive pollution controls. This is one of the reasons America has not signed the Kyoto Treaty on climate change. The US government prefers to believe global warming is a natural phenomenon, caused by volcanoes and solar energy. Professor Tim Barnett said, “This is perhaps the most compelling evidence yet that global warming is happening right now and it shows that we can successfully simulate its past and likely future evolution.” Barnett says the results hold implications for millions of people in the near future. In the decades immediately ahead, the changes will be felt in regional water supplies, including areas impacted by accelerated glacier melting in the South American Andes and in western China, putting millions of people at risk without adequate summertime water. Perhaps now more countries will sign up to the Kyoto Protocol.



An unethical bet in the climate casino

2014-11-18 07:32| 发布者: 凡心| 查看: 82| 评论: 0

摘要: The Republican victory in the midterm elections was a triumph for its strategy of sustained vilification of the president and obstruction of his policies. The result will have big implications for the ... An unethical bet in the climate casino

The Republican victory in the midterm 美国共和党在中期选举中获胜,标志着该党elections was a triumph for its strategy of 长期诋毁奥巴马总统并阻挠其政策的战略sustained vilification of the president and 得手。这一结果将对美国的未来产生重大影obstruction of his policies. The result will 响。但它也会对全人类产生影响。这是不可have big implications for the future of the 避免的,因为美国是全球规模最大且技术最US. But it also has implications for the 为先进的经济体,是全球开放经济的保障rest of humanity. This is inevitable, given 者,也是头号军事强国。但美国也是全球第the role of the US as the world’s largest 二大温室气体排放国,人均排放量位居全球and most technologically advanced 最高之列。

economy, guarantor of the open world

economy and greatest military power. But

the US is also the world’s second-largest emitter of greenhouse gases and among

the highest emitters per head.

The most important consequence of this 因此,这次选举的最重要后果可能是,努力election may therefore be to bury what 应对气候变化风险、使其不致危险失控的那 little hope remained of getting to grips with 一点点残余希望将会破灭。各国不可能守住the risk of dangerous climate change. 自己疆域范围内的大气。转变全球当前轨道Countries cannot keep bits of the 是人类的集体任务。没有美国的意愿和技术atmosphere to themselves. Moving off the 资源,所需的转变就不会发生。其他国家不world’s current trajectory is a collective 会弥补美国的角色,实际上也无法弥补。 task. Without US will and technological

resources, the needed shift will not

happen. Other countries will not – indeed

cannot – compensate.

Many Republicans seem to have 很多共和党人似乎已认定人为的气候变化concluded man-made climate change is a 是一场骗局。如果是这样的话,那这场骗局hoax. If so, this is quite a hoax. Just read 真够可以的。读一读联合国政府间气候变化the synthesis report of the 专门委员会(Intergovernmental Panel on Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Climate Change, IPCC)的综合报告吧。设Change. One is