
时间:2021-11-03 16:57:57 800字


Dear Li Hua ,

I’m sorry to hear that you have been ill for days. How are you feeling now? I know that you are devoting all your energy to study. But I just want t say exercise is as important as study. Doing exercise will not waste your time. Instead, it can refresh your mind. After one or two hours’ exercise, you can study more effectively. Only when you have a strong body can you keep on studying without feeling uncomfortable. Otherwise your study will be affected by your health. I hope you can take at least one hour’s exercise each day after you recover from your illness. I wish you would be well soon.

Yours sincerely,

Wang Ping


Tim and Tom are kind boys who like helping others .

One sunny day, Tim and Tom were having fun in a park. The view was so beautiful that Tim wanted Tom to take some photos for him. When everything was ready, but to Tom’s surprise, Tim ran away all of a sudden. Tom followed him as quickly as possible and then found that he was helping a girl who fell down. Tim managed to stop the girl from crying and cheered her up. At that moment, Tom took a photo for them to record the touching moment. Tim believed that it was the most valuable photo that he had ever taken.

If everyone spreads love to others, the world will be more and more beautiful.

(120 words)





假定你是李华, 在学校网站看到国际部学生Stephen的求助信。根据以下要点,用英语给Stephen写一封回信,介绍你校图书馆借书的要求和流程。



(1)持学生证进入; (2)选择图书; (3)办理借阅手续;

2. 借书要求:

(1)一次最多借三本;(2)期限一个月 (3)到期可续借;

3. 如仍有不明白之处,请给你发电子邮件。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

I. Analysis:

A:tense and person:


B: key points:

Para 1:_______________________________________________________________

Para 2:_______________________________________________________________

Para 3:_______________________________________________________________

II. Shining points:

1. 审题正确清楚。

2. 高级句型套用熟练。

E.g: I’m writing to tell you how to borrow books from our library.

You can select books which/that you are interested in.

What I want to stress is that….{《走在第二次月考的路上》作文}.

3. 使用了谚语如:Books are our good teachers and wise friends

Knowledge is power.

III: Typical mistakes



B.未结合文体写作,用了诸如“when it comes to… ,I have a lot to share with you;

C.部分同学汉式表达 严重。



2. 词汇贫乏,词性概念不清,缺乏高级词汇;



IV: Correct the following mistakes.

1. You can choose the books what you need.


2. If you want enter the library you should bring your student’s card.


3. Eventually, you should to fill in a form.


4. You can’t borrowed more than three books.

_______________________________________________________________________________ V: Useful phrases:




4.每次____________________________ 9.给某人发邮件__________________________

5.最多____________________________10.续借_________________________ VI: Some sentences for the writing.






________________________________________________________________________________ VII: A suggested version

Dear Stephen,

I’m writing 1.______ (tell) you how to borrow books from our school library. Do remember to go to the library 2.______your student’s card. 3._____you enter the library, first 4._____ (show) your student’s card to a librarian. Then 5._____can choose books you want. At last you can take the books away after you show them to a librarian.

You can only borrow 3 books at6. ____ time and keep them for a month. You will have to go back to the library to renew the books 7.____you want to keep them 8._____ (long).

Please e-mail me_________ ( if) you have any other 10.________________ (question).



马克 吐温曾说:“彬彬有礼的风度,是自我控制的表现。”一头愤怒的狮子带来的只有毁灭和荒凉,而一个绅士往往可以带给人们舒适。这便是风度的魔力。

























高一(7)班 熊张如昀






伫立在这片树林的尽头,我仿佛觉得我也成了一棵树。不过,我是一棵长在春天里的树。 落叶与风,用它们独特的方式教会了我一些东西。我拾起一片落叶,叶面仍旧泛青,摸着叶片上生命的纵横的脉络,里面似乎还有生命的血液在流动。我久已失去的学习的热情又在心底涌动着。我想,我知道应当如何去做了......






风轻悄悄的,阳光软绵绵的。我享受着冬日里难得的温馨和这个小城独特的气息。 哼着歌儿跟着妈妈一起去买菜,多美好的一个礼拜天呀!





“你说西里?你这个臭婊子!”富态的中年女子一边用疼惜的眼光看着她心爱的大奔一边用尖锐的嗓音叫道,“哎呀!你看我这车灯都粉身碎骨了呀!得报警啊!” “得了吧,”一听说要报警,金发女郎一下子像打了鸡血,抬高了八度的声调,怒目而视,“我劝你还是放弃吧,趁我还 没爆发,赶紧的赔钱了滚蛋!我爸可是交警队队长!”

不料富婆不吃这一套,把她的坤包甩过来,打掉了那副不可一世的墨镜。金发女郎的头发顿时就像金狮的鬃毛一样耸开了,她一下子就扯住了富婆的稀疏的短发,两个人不约而同的扭打在一起。这时候警察不请自至,分开蓬头垢面,脸上有丝丝血迹,衣衫已然不整的两人。两人脸上都显示着对方进攻的成果,条条抓痕,脂粉也难以掩盖。 “都跟我们走一趟吧!”警察对二位说。

“我爸可是交警大队队长啊!”金发女郎提醒这位“不懂事”的年轻警察。 “别丢人现眼了!”随后走来一位上了年纪的交警队长。




高一(7)班 余志豪













if i were rich

at first , i would buy a large amount of things ,such as cars,houses,and so on,and have a tour around the world

second, i would give some money to my parents, they have worked so hard to support me, so i can go to school and study

at last, i would donate some money to those poor people,they are so poor ,they have no food ,no cloth, i would do my best to help them


Everybody knows that a society needs regulations and rules, so does a school. Here are my school rules. We must wear uniforms in school days. We must reach and leave school on time. We should speak putonghua in school. Don’t eat anything in the classroom and we should eat in the dining hall. We should be polite to other people. That will make us good guys in the school. We have to clean our classroom after schllo. We mustn’t fight or smoke. When we have any questions in class, we should put up our hands. We shouldn’t be allowed to get our ears piereced.

Although some of the rules are strict to us, they can make us behave well. I suggest every student follow the rules, and study hard. We will have a bright future.


English is important and useful to us. How can we learn it well? Here are my suggestions.

First, we should often listen to the tapes, english songs and programs. Watching english movies is also helpful to us. Second, we should speak english in class as much as possible. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. The more you speak, the fewer mistakes you’ll make. We’d better join the english club and practice with others. Third, we can read more english newspapers and magazines. It’s good for us. At last, we should recite some good passages and keep diaries.

In a word, as long as we do more listening, speaking, reading and writing, we will learn english well.

4. 我最喜欢的

There are many kinds of sports that I enjoy, such as swimming, running, and dancing. However, the sport that I like most is basketball. When I was in Grade one, I started to play basketball in school. At that time, I found I had loved deeply this sport. Now, I like watching basketball games ,because I have a lot of homework to do and I only play basketball for three hours one week. However, basketball is still my favorite sport.


English is important and useful to us. How can we learn it well? Here are my suggestions.

First, we should often listen to the tapes, english songs and programs. Watching english movies is also helpful to us. Second, we should speak english in class as much as possible. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. The more you speak, the fewer mistakes you’ll make. We’d better join the english club and practice with others. Third, we can read more english newspapers and magazines. It’s good for us. At last, we should recite some good passages and keep diaries.

In a word, as long as we do more listening, speaking, reading and writing, we will learn english well.

4. 我最喜欢的

There are many kinds of sports that I enjoy, such as swimming, running, and dancing. However, the sport that I like most is basketball. When I was in Grade one, I started to play basketball in school. At that time, I found I had loved deeply this sport. Now, I like watching basketball games ,because I have a lot of homework to do and I only play basketball for three hours one week. However, basketball is still my favorite sport.


if i were rich

at first , i would buy a large amount of things ,such as cars,houses,and so on,and have a tour around the world

second, i would give some money to my parents, they have worked so hard to support me, so i can go to school and study

at last, i would donate some money to those poor people,they are so poor ,they have no food ,no cloth, i would do my best to help them


Everybody knows that a society needs regulations and rules, so does a school. Here are my school rules. We must wear uniforms in school days. We must reach and leave school on time. We should speak putonghua in school. Don’t eat anything in the classroom and we should eat in the dining hall. We should be polite to other people. That will make us good guys in the school. We have to clean our classroom after schllo. We mustn’t fight or smoke. When we have any questions in class, we should put up our hands. We shouldn’t be allowed to get our ears piereced.

Although some of the rules are strict to us, they can make us behave well. I suggest every student follow the rules, and study hard. We will have a bright future.


一. 语文基础积累

1. 迷mang (茫)

2. 凡尔纳小说《海底连万里》中的“海底狩猎”,体现科学与幻想的内容:








庭院深深深几许?云窗雾阁常扃。柳梢梅萼渐分明。春归秣陵树,人老建康城。 感月吟风多少事,如今老去无成。谁怜憔悴更凋零。试灯无意思,踏雪没心情。

1. 词作上片描写春归柳梢梅萼这两个词语最能表现一片早春,大地复苏的景象。 (二)

燕王好乌 燕王好乌,庭有木皆巢乌,人弗敢触之者,为其能知吉凶而司祸福也。故凡国有事,惟乌鸣之听。乌得宠而矜,客至则群呀之,百鸟皆不敢集也。于是大夫、国人咸事乌。乌攫腐以食腥于庭,王厌之。左右曰:“先王之所好也。”一夕,有鸱止焉,乌群睨而附之,如其类。鸱入呼于宫,王使射之,鸱死,乌乃呀而啄之。人皆丑之。

1. 解释下列加点词

(1) 庭有木皆巢乌:名词作动词用,搭窝 .

(2) 王使射之,鸱死:支使 .


Two months ago, there was a serious earthquake in my country—50 cents or a dollar, for example, for every kilometer that the students completed. ate plenty of junk food. He never walked to school. He always took a bus. When he was askwas going to take part in the run, he said he would think about it. A few students laughed and I think Joe The next day, as I was riding to school, I saw Joe walking in the street. I stopped and asked him why he about Joe. Most of them just laughed and said that they didn’t think he would the run. I wasn’t sure, . He walked to . Well, it took him hours to fWhat is more, Joe collected more money than any other student!

16. A. cleaned B. reached C. lost D. made

17. A. Parents B. Students C. Teachers D. Workers

18. A. borrow B. get C. give D. lend

19. A. happiest B. heaviest C. tallest D. youngest

20. A. how B. where C. why D. if

21. A. her B. him C. us D. you{《走在第二次月考的路上》作文}.

22. A. crying B. riding C. singing D. walking

23. A. Again B.However C.Later D. So

24. A. complete B. discuss C. support D. understand

25. A. help B. invite C. stop D. visit{《走在第二次月考的路上》作文}.

26. A. days B. weeks C. months D. years

27. A. class B. movie C. race D. school

28. A. catch up with B. get on well with C. make friends with D. talk with

29. A. easily B. quickly C. firstly D. finally

30. A. busy B. happy C. interested D. nervous


He was an old man who fished alone in a small boat on the sea and he had gone eighty-four days now without taking a fish. In the first forty days a

boy had been with him. But after forty days without a fish, the boy’s

parents had told him that the old man was now salao, which is the worst form of unlucky, and the boy had gone with another boat which caught

three good fish the first week. It made the boy sad to see the old man come in each day with his boat empty. The sail looked like the flag of failure


The old man was thin with deep wrinkles (皱纹) in the back of his neck.

His face was terribly brown because of the strong sunlight on the sea every day and his hands had the deep scars (伤疤) from dealing with heavy fish on the lines. But none of these scars were fresh. Everything about him was old except his eyes and they were the same color as the sea and were cheerful.

“Santiago,” the boy said to him as they climbed the bank from the sea. “I could go with you again. We’ve made some money.”

The old man had taught the boy to fish and the boy loved him.

“No,” the old man said. “You’re with a lucky boat. Stay with them.”

“But remember how you went eighty-seven days without fish and

then we caught big ones every day for three weeks.”

“I remember,” the old man said.

“It was papa who made me leave. I am a boy and I must follow him.”

“I know,” the old man said. “It is quite normal.”

“He hasn’t much faith (信心).”

“No,” the old man said. “But we have. Haven’t we?”

“Yes,” the boy said. “Can I offer you a beer on the Terrace?”

“Why not?” the old man said “Between fishermen.”

34. In the story the old man was the boy’s _____.

A. grandfather B. friend C. boss D. host

35. The word they in Paragraph 2 refers to (指的是) _____ of the old man.

A. the hands B. the scars C. the eyes D. the wrinkles

36. The old man refused the boy to go fishing with him again because _____.

A. he wanted to fish by himself B. he could really understand his parents

C. the boy asked for some money D. the boy had already learnt how to fish

37. From the story we can know that _____.

A. the old man was always full of hope

B. the boy’s parents believed in the old man

C. everyone laughed at the old man’s bad luck

D. the boy was worried about the old man’s health


Do you want to be a popular guest who gets invited back?

Read our(六) top tips for being a good guest.

Clothes—if you are in a formal situation, dress smartly: a

suit and tie for men, a (裙子) and jacket for women. Gifts—if you are going to stay in someone’s house,(带来) a small gift if you are staying for a (短的) period of time, a bigger gift for longer periods.(昂贵的) chocolate works in most situations. Don’t arrive empty-handed.

Greetings—to shake hands or to (亲吻)? Wait to see

what your host does.

Food—always accept it when offered. Try to eat all of it and say it(品尝) good whether it looks terrible or delicious. Most people are (自豪的) of their cooking even if they shouldn’t be. Don’t hurt their feelings.