
时间:2021-11-01 00:45:36 900字


写云南的魅力的作文900字云南,看多样性 云南的魅力,在于多样性。如今,云南的许多地方游人如织,可以说,人们去云南就是为了看多样性。 就植物而言,如果你想领略一下从热带、亚热带、温带到极地的植物群落和类型,在平地上你需要从赤道出发一直到南极、北极;但在云南你可以很容易地实现这个宏愿。云南的一些大山,如:高黎贡山、梅里雪山等,以其数千米的植物垂直分布囊括了在平地上从赤道到极地的大部分植物类型。 云南的杜鹃、茶花、兰花„„千姿百态,早在19世纪末20世纪初,就引得西方植物采集者纷纷前往。 云南的动物种类居全国之冠,亚洲象、绿孔雀、滇金丝猴为中国其他省所罕见。 在云南一省之内,就有29个少数民族自治县,十几个少数民族分布在云南和毗邻的国家两边,被称为跨境民族。 云南少数民族文化的多样性,令人叹为观止。我有一个在云南专门研究少数民族的朋友,他说直到70年代,他才知道哀牢山的坝子上还有一个傣族的分支——花腰傣。 云南多样性的魅力,吸引了诸多古今中外的名人流连忘返。徐霞客在云南留下了20多万字的游记,占其游记总量的三分之一,在大理,徐霞客竟逗留半年之久。云南植物的丰富性,使得蔡希陶放弃成为文学家和动物学家的理想,毅然前往云南,开展植物调查和研究.并将自己的命运与西双版纳热带植物紧紧地连在一起。俄罗斯人顾彼得和美国人洛克被玉龙雪山脚下的古镇丽江深深吸引,直到1949年,才恋恋不舍地离开。他们称丽江为“世界上最迷人的地方”。 云南的重要性不仅在于多样性,还在于它的位置,它的区位优势。它地处西南边境,毗邻老挝、缅甸、越南,又因为横断山的缘故,云南的几条大江向南穿越东南亚诸国人海。譬如澜沧江出境后称湄公河,这是一条著名的国际河流,沿着这条河可去老挝、缅甸、泰国、柬埔寨、越南。 云南的这种位置,使得云南成为我国西南对外开放和国际经贸往来的重要门户。云南对东南亚毗邻国家有着巨大的魅力,不仅仅经贸往来有优势,就是在信息、金融、教育、文化等方面云南也能成为这一个地区的热点和亮点。






Topic:Water resources around the world are falling deficient. Analyze the possible reasons and provide your suggestions.


Access to water is vital to every living creature on the planet. Despite the fact that approximately two thirds of the earth surface is covered with all forms of water bodies, countries worldwide are faced with different levels of water shortages. Some reasons can be cited to explain the emergence of this problem.


A trigger for water crisis is people’s lack of knowledge of the value of the water. Given the ready availability of water in many countries, people tend to believe that the reserve of water in the world is infinite. Notwithstanding the

increased expenditure on water supply, water is perceived as a cheap commodity by many families. Many people see water a perpetual resource. For this reason, the unbridled use of water is commonplace, accelerating the exhaustion of this valuable resource.

第一句话是段落的中心句,后文为展开论述支持论点。第二三四句话讲的是人类对水资源重要性的认识是如何的缺乏,最后一句话是前面论述的逻辑推论,句与句之间逻辑性强, 连接顺畅。

Rapid population growth is another force contributing to the water crisis. Not only does it reduce the amount of water available for manufacture, farming and households, but also has a profound effect on the sustainability of aquatic ecosystems. Massive urban and industrial growth fuels unprecedented demands, often at the expense of aquatic ecosystems. Many water resources are not replenished before being re-used and depleted.

第一句话是段落的中心句。后面的分句逐层论述为什么人口增长助长了水资源危机。使用了not only ……but also 的句式,巧妙地连接两个原因。

Human-induced pollution is worthy of concern as well, a factor regarded by many as the root cause of the rapid loss of drinkable water. The untreated discharge of various pollutants such as heavy metals, organic toxins, oils and solids in water bodies is believed to have severe impacts. Industrialization, meanwhile, results in abnormal climate and

biological destruction. While some areas have become barren, other areas are hit by floods. Floods ravage everything, including reservoirs, dams and cannel. The water supply problem will intensify.


这三段是文章的主体部分,在一般情况下,原因通常可以归分成三段。一般来说最重要的,最有说服力的原因应该放在第一段,第二段第三段的重要性依次降低。这样可以使文章具有逻辑性和层次性。每段的段首用一句话简明的概括本段的中心论点。接着对每段的主体句进行支持性论述,分别使用了推理和例证的方法。这样不仅段落之间逻辑严密,段落内部也逻辑明朗,使文章整体富有说服力。文章注重了长短句的变换,富有节奏感。表示同一个意思时作者也变换了不同的表达方式以增加文采:如表达……的原因时使用了“a trigger for…., another force contributing to…, worthy of concern as well”。

As noted above, the steady loss of water is attributable to inappropriate usage, population growth and pollution. In order to tackle the above-mentioned problems, one can adopts various approaches, besides the existing strategies, such as restoration of ecosystems, rainwater harvest. New technologies can help ease water shortages, by tackling pollution and making used water recyclable. In agriculture, water use can be made far more efficient by introducing new farming techniques (e.g. drip irrigation). Drought-resistant plants can help cut the amount of water needed.

按照逻辑顺序,分析原因之后应该提出对策,文章最后一部分即对策部分。作者用 “As noted above……”承上启下,接下来用举例的方式给出对策。


首段:背景介绍 作家立场


Some people believe that personal happiness is directly related to economic success.

Others believe there are other factors.

Discuss the two sides and give your opinion.


The pursuit of happiness has long been the dream of generations of human beings. They have always been puzzled Get Word ("puzzled"); by the essence of happiness. What is happiness? Is it closely related to one’s economic success? Will one’s financial success lead to happiness directly? Personally Get Word ("Personally"), I don’t agree that one’s economic success is the only prerequisite of one’s happiness in life.


Happiness may fall into different categories Get Word ("categories");. An old saying goes like this: “One man’s meat is another man’s poison”. Happiness may mean being a successful and respected leader of a company, or a stable and comfortable job in a large international company, or a big flat downtown, a fantastic set of furniture, etc. However, happiness can also be a harmonious and peaceful family, or a hospitable and considerate friend, or just a smile, a gesture, a hint. In fact, happiness may be composed of anything you could ever think of. At least, we may have two types of happiness: [wv]spiritualGetWord("hospitable and considerate friend, or just a smile, a gesture, a hint. In fact, happiness may be composed of anything you could ever think of. At least, we may have two types of happiness:

[wv]spiritual"); happiness and materialistic happiness.


One’s materialistic happiness is dependant on one’s economic success, though not completely. Without a strong and steady economic background, one could never imagine an easy and simple life, let alone an affluent and luxurious one. If you aren’t able to afford a house, a car, or even a book, anybody would be horrified at the mere mention of this kind of life. Definitely, some people will feel happy right away if their basic demands for life are satisfied. However, we have to admit that these people still need to be successful materialisticallyGetWord("materialistically"); to some degree.


On the other hand, one’s success in economy may not necessarily lead to one’s spiritual happiness. As we all know, money doesn’t get you everything and some even say that money is the root of all evilsGetWord("evils");. One’s

financial success may be built on the sacrifice of time, health and love, which are the three most essential elements of spiritual happiness. All of us are not new to this picture: a successful business man tasting loneliness alone with a broken heart.


In my point of view, one’s economic success is only one of the key factors of happiness, but never the only one. To be happy, one needs to be both spiritually and materially satisfied Get Word ("satisfied"); though each of us may have a totally different picture of happiness.



In my opinion, the disadvantages of controlling the amount of violence in media outweigh the advantages. But I believe the government should label how much violence the programs contain on the screens, and parents and teachers have responsibility to guide their children and help them to distinguish right from wrong when they watch violent programs.

大作文:some people say the purpose of education is to prepare individuals to be useful adults for society. Others say the purpose of education is to achieve personal ambitions.Do you agree or disagree?


My personal answer to the purpose of education is that students and teaching staff should hold critical attitudes. It means that education involves the temporary and ultimate goals. The ultimate goal of education is the service of society. However, whether or not achieving it should take the accomplishment of personal goals as the prerequisite.

On one hand, students are expecting to acquire the survival skills with the aid of schooling training in the professional skills and thinking abilities. Personal ambitions also consist of the access to their preferred working fields and the progression in the professional fields. Besides, they finally win the social respect and acknowledgement.


When it comes to whether or not taking the social service to the society as the education goal,views differed greatly. However, I firmly believe that the accomplishment of personal wishes does not contradict to the willingness to the service of society. Graduates have to acquire the decent jobs, reasonable salary and social respect first and

simultaneously contribute to the society. Take the excellent architects as an example, they design the fashionable structures for people’s living and aesthetic demand while they can acquire adecent income as well.








"The reputation of anyone who is subjected to media scrutiny will eventually be diminished."



Sample Essay

The intensity of today's media coverage has been greatly magnified by the sheer number and types of media outlets that are available today. Intense competition for the most revealing photographs and the latest information on a

subject has turned even minor media events into so-called "media frenzies". Reporters are forced by the nature of the competition to pry ever deeper for an angle on a story that no one else has been able to uncover. With this type of

media coverage, it does become more and more likely that anyone who is subjected to it will have his or her reputation tarnished, as no individual is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes. The advances in technology have made much

information easily and instantaneously available. Technology has also made it easier to dig further than ever before into a person's past, increasing the possibility that the subject's reputation may be harmed.



The above statement is much too broad, however. "Anyone" covers all people all over the world. There are people whose reputations have only been enhanced by media scrutiny. There are also people whose reputations were already so poor that media scrutiny could not possibly diminish it any further. There may very well be people that have done nothing wrong in the past, at least that can be discovered by the media, whose reputations could not be diminished by media scrutiny. To broadly state that "anyone" subjected to media coverage will have his or her status sullied implies that everyone's reputation worldwide is susceptible to damage under any type of media scrutiny. What about children, particularly newborn children? What about those people whose past is entirely unknown?


Another problem with such a broad statement is that it does not define the particular level of media scrutiny. Certainly there are different levels of media coverage. Does merely the mention of one's name in a newspaper

constitute media scrutiny? What about the coverage of a single event in someone's life, for example a wedding or the birth of a baby? Is the media coverage of the heroic death of a firefighter or police officer in the line of duty ever going to diminish that person's reputation? It seems highly unlikely that in these examples, although these people may have been subjected to media scrutiny, these individual's reputations are undamaged and potentially enhanced by such exposure.


Without a doubt, there are many examples of individual's whose reputations have been diminished by media scrutiny. The media's uncovering of former U.S. President Bill Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky will most likely overshadow the entire eight years of his administration. Basketball superstar Michael Jordan's sterling reputation has been

tarnished more than once by the media; first by media coverage of his gambling habits, then most recently (and in a much more harmful manner) by news reports of his marital infidelities and the divorce from his wife of thirteen years. Fame and fortune can turn an ordinary individual into a media target where reporters will stop at almost nothing to "dig up dirt" that will sell more newspapers or entice more viewers to watch a television program. It could even be

argued that media scrutiny killed Princess Diana as her car sped away from the privacy-invading cameras of reporters in Paris. There is no doubt that there are a large number of people who have been hurt in one way or another by particularly intense media scrutiny.

毫无疑问,也有许多例子能证明一个人的名声会被媒体审视所毁损。媒体对美国前总统Bill Clinton与Monica Lewinsky的风流韵事的揭露极有可能会将其八年的执政生涯置于阴影之中。超级篮球明星Michael Jordan一世英名也被媒体不止一次地玷污,首先是被有关其赌习的媒体报道,其次是最近--且以一种更具致命性伤害的方式--被有关他婚姻不忠以及与其结婚13年的妻子分道扬镳的报道。当媒体记者不择手段去挖掘某些可促使其报纸销量大增的"猛料"时,或去诱惑更多的观众观看某一电视节目时,名和利就会将一个普通人转变为媒体追踪的目标。我们甚至可以提出这样一种论点,即正是媒体的审视将Diana王妃置于死地,随着她的汽车去竭力逃脱巴黎街头的记者们那侵犯隐私的相机镜头。毫无疑问,肯定有许多人被极其强烈的媒体聚焦以一种方式或另一种方式所伤害。

In summary, it seems impossible that for every person that is subjected to media scrutiny, his or her reputation will eventually be diminished. Millions of people are mentioned in the media every day yet still manage to go about their lives unhurt by the media. Normal individuals that are subjected to media scrutiny can have their reputation either

enhanced or damaged depending on the circumstances surrounding the media coverage. The likelihood of a diminished reputation from the media rises proportionally with the level of notoriety that an individual possesses and the{写大理的作文}.

outrageousness of that person's behavior. The length of time in the spotlight can also be a determining factor, as the

longer the person is examined in the media, the greater the possibility that damaging information will be discovered or that the individual will do something to disparage his or her reputation. But to broadly state that media scrutiny will diminish anyone's reputation is to overstate the distinct possibility that, given a long enough time and a certain level of intensity of coverage, the media may damage a person's reputation.



Sample Essay



"People work more productively in teams than individually. Teamwork requires cooperation, which motivates people much more than individual competition does."

Sample Essay

Teamwork as a whole can naturally produce an overall greater productivity through the concept of "synergy", where the total of the whole is greater than the sum of its individual parts. But the idea that people work more productively in teams rather than as individuals is going to vary greatly between the types of teams that are organized, the end reward or motivation for both the team and the individuals, as well as the individuals themselves.

Regarding individuals, some people are born with the desire to succeed, no matter what the situation or task that they are facing. These people may evolve into the classic "Type A" personalities that work ferociously because they are driven by an internal fire that says they must always be doing something, whether individually or as part of a team. Other people may desire to be less socially involved or are very highly competitive with other people. For these people, their work is most productive as individuals, because the very idea of cooperating with other people limits their

effectiveness and efficiency because they simply do not want to be a part of the team. Whether this mindset is innate or developed over time does not matter, it is merely the state of their being and neither motivation nor rewards can generate inside them the desire to work collectively as a team.

Some people are highly motivated by social interaction and the desire to work with others towards a collective effort. Obviously these individuals are at their most productive when working as part of a team. Organizational behavioral studies have shown that Asian cultures are much more likely to develop this type of collective behavior as opposed to the more individualistic behavior associated with Western cultures. It could naturally be assumed then that there may be cultural values that can determine whether people are at their most productive individually or as part of a team.

Another variable is the end reward that is involved with the task at hand. Will the rewards be greater if the team

works together towards a common goal, or are the rewards more geared toward individual performance? To the extent that the individual is motivated by the end reward, obviously his or her performance inside of a team may be more or less productive with respect to the entire team, depending on how the performance is rewarded. Individual goals may interfere with the group performance. Synergies may not be achieved because the individuals are not working towards a whole "sum" but rather towards an individual reward. Productivity thus will vary for each person as a team member or as an individual depending on the degree to which that person is motivated by an individual or overall team reward.

Finally, the degree of productivity of a person will depend upon the type of team that is organized. Is the group composed of equally contributing individuals? Does the group have an outstanding leader that can motivate both the individuals and the team as a whole? From a pure productivity standpoint, the presence or absence of a charismatic and exceptional leader can make all the difference whether a person would be more productive as a part of a team or as an individual. Personality types that work well together can prove to be much more productive as part of a team than as individuals, and vice versa.

Fundamentally, measures of productivity depend greatly on the individuals themselves. The dilemma facing leaders in all areas of life is how to best assess these individuals to determine how to best harness their capabilities to reach their ultimate productive capabilities. Whether a person is more productive alone or while working in concert with

others is one of the great challenges that leaders and managers must face to accomplish tasks effectively and efficiently.













崇圣寺三塔是大理的象征,是云南古代历史文化的象征,也是中国南方最古老最雄伟的建筑物之一。1961年国务院第一批公布为全国重点文物保护单位。 三塔映于水中崇圣寺原在三塔之西,靠苍山一面,其山门距三塔主塔约120米;是南诏国第10代王劝丰右时(公元824—859年)所建,时为南诏国后期。南诏国中期崇佛之风兴起,到劝丰右时已达极胜,佛寺遍于云南内,有小寺3千,大寺8百。经南诏之后的大理国,佛教较南诏更为发展。因此,大理国就有“佛国”、“妙香国”之称。崇圣寺建成之后即为南诏国、大理

国时期佛教活动的中心。崇圣寺所崇之“圣”为观音。当时,大理地区对观音崇拜极为胜行。 据有关文献记载,当时崇圣寺与主塔建造时,寺基方7里,房屋800多间,佛1万多,耗铜4万多斤,费工70多万人。现存主塔高69.13米,16层,为方形密檐式空心砖塔,是中国现存座塔最高者之一。三塔中的小塔在主塔之西,与主塔等距70米;南北对峙,相距97米。它们是五代时期大理国所建造的。两塔形制一样,都为10层,高42.4米,为八角形密檐式空心砖塔。 崇圣寺及三塔建成后,历经千年沧桑和风雨剥蚀,崇圣寺毁于清咸丰年间,西三塔却巍然屹立。建国后政府对三塔保护十分重视,1978年,对其进行大规模维修。这次维修中在千寻塔基座中发现了佛教文物600余件,其中有大量的佛像和写本佛经,其中有一尊金质观音像,重1135克,高24厘米,极为珍贵。这是迄今为止发现的南诏国和大理国时期文物中最为丰富的一批,价值极高,为中外所瞩目。这此发现,揭开了古代大理这个“佛国”的一道神秘面纱。 关于三塔的建筑风格,一般都说类似西安小雁塔,是典型的唐塔风格,表现了唐宋时期云南与内地的密切联系,这是毫无疑义的。 城{写大理的作文}.

古城大理(现大理城)简称榆城,是1982年2月国务院批准的我国第一批24座历史文化名城之一,也是全国44个重点风景区之一,位于南诏和大理国都城遗址的东部,始建于明朝洪武15年(公元1382年),历代屡经修建。 大理古城南城门大理素有“