
时间:2021-10-26 13:59:03 节日作文



















第二篇:《精选QQ空间伤感说说大全 等待是苦涩的,所以我渐渐地习惯》



3.有的人对你好,是因为你对他好, -有的人对你好,是因为懂得你的好, -我不知道 你们是为了什么才会对我好, -




7.不要因为也许会分离 就不敢求一次倾心的相遇









16.你哭了,为他的残忍而哭,你赢得了记忆,却输掉了结局。你哭了,为你那无疾而终的爱情 。


18.风起云涌的情绪固然还存在于我的心中 然而我却只能一味承受 不再说话。


20.人生已经如此的艰难 有些事情就不要拆穿




第四篇:《unit 1.等综英翻译》

1. For some, it was a matter of geography-not just which tower they worked in or on which floor, but in which corner of the building.


2. In the noise, smoke and sparks, Mayblum didn’t realize that his friend Hong Zhu was behind him in the stairwell the whole time.


3. Piece by piece, she developed a picture of his escape. Harry was on 87 when the plane hit. 她一点一点地拼出了哈里逃生的场景:飞机撞击时,他正在第87层楼。{我苦苦的等待}.

4. But as hard as she tried, as many questions as she asked, the picture began to fade on the 36th floor.

但是,尽管她绞尽了脑汁,问了无数问题,她拼出的场景还是在第36层上逐渐模糊了。 1.


with advanced technology, that movie about ancient war give the audiences an illusion of being present.

6.在那场大火中,整个古城毁于一旦,但是这块石碑去幸运的保存了下(devastate) That ancient city was devastated by the fire, but fortunately the stone table survived.

7.他们看了那段录像,听了那位妇女的讲述,心中充满了对那位地震孤儿的同情。(fill with) Watching that video and listening to that women’s narration, they were filled with sympathy for that orphan on the earthquake.

8.那场大地震中,我们听到过太多太多教师的事迹,他们拒绝离开学生自己逃走,献出了自己的生命。(leave behind)

In that earthquake, we had many good deeds about teachers who refused to leave students behind and lost their life.

9.豫园的建设始于1558年,但由于资金短缺时建时停,1578年才建成。(off and on) Yuyuan was built in 1558,it was not completed until 1578 because it was constructed off and on for lack of money .

10..1980年我遇到她时。她刚从国外读完硕士回来。(meet up with)

When I meet up with her in 1980,she just returned from abroad with Master degree.

11..这是我第一次来纽约,但我还是设法找到了那家小公司。(find one’s way to)

It was my first time to New York, but finally I found my to that small company.

12..在电影界要达到顶峰时非常困难的,但是作为一名导演谢晋做到了。(make it)

To reach the top of the movies is difficult, but as a director xiejin made it.

Unit 2

1.Middle-aged folks work out in gym and jog down the street, trying to delay the effects of age. 中年人在体育馆锻炼身体,在街上漫步,试着延缓衰老。{我苦苦的等待}.

2.The most unsettling aspect of youth is the uncertainty you feel about your values, goals, and dreams.


3. I can make a speech in front of a town meeting or complain in a store because I am no longer terrified that people will laugh at me; I am no longer anxious that everyone must like me.


4.I no longer blame my parents for my every personality quirk or keep a running score of

everything they did wrong raising me.


1.如今许多爱慕虚荣的年轻人,尽管还不富裕,但却迷上了漂亮的小汽车。(vain, be obsessed with)

Today many vain young people are obsessed with fancy cars though they are not very rich.

2.当他的婚外恋被妻子发现后,他们的婚姻终于破裂了。(affair , fall apart)

Their marriage finally fell apart when his affair was found by his wife.

3.那位艺术家为了获得创作的灵感,在农村住了三年,放弃了生活上的许多享受。(inspiration, deny oneself something)

In order to get more inspiration, the artist has lived in village for three years and denied himself much enjoyment of life.

4.我不知道明天去崇明岛的远足活动能不能成形,因为这要取决于会不会下雨。(excursion, at the mercy of)

I don’t know whether it is possible to go on an excursion to chongming island or not tomorrow, because it is at the mercy of weather.

5. .他早年到日本学医,回国后却改变了主意,一辈子从事文学创作。(pursue)

He went to Japan to study medicine in his early age, but when he came back, he changed his idea and pursued in the Literature Creation all his life.

6.她最近和足以做她父亲的老头好上了。这使她父母感到非常丢脸。(take up with, disgrace) She has taken up with a man old enough to be her father recently, which disgrace her parents.

7.1978年以来,我国经济发展神速,相比之下,一些发达国家的经济反而滑坡了。(witness, contrast)

Since 1978, our country economy has witness its development, in contrast, the developed countries has slackened off.

8.地震切断了这个城市和外界的联系。人们的食品供应也许挨不过冬天了。(hold out) The earthquake cut off the connection between the city and the other area, and the food supplies will not hold out through this winter

Unit 3

1.She saved me again after my stroke in 1995, when I become depressed and suicidal.


2.Anne has kept me going through some of the hardest times,which hasn’t always been easy, given that I’m sometimes an actor wrapped up in his ego.


3.She consoled me during my survivor’s anguish, but what she wouldn’t tolerate-and here’s the important thing-was me feeling sorry for myself.


4.She dealt with the cancer, from which she has fully recovered, by helping others-talking to groups about her experiences, and establishing Research for Women’s Cancers with six fellow survivors.


1. 那些粉丝在雨中苦苦等了足足两个小时这位“超女”才到达。(show up)

Those fans had been waiting for 2 hour in the rain when the super girl showed up.

2. 他们恋爱八年,经历了种种苦难,才终成良缘。(go through)

They had been in love for eight years and went through many diffficults,finally they tied the knot.

3. 我丢了钱包,非常懊丧,但我只能自我安慰-事情可能更糟呢。要是在机场丢了护照怎么办?(upset,console)

Having lost my wallet, I was really upset, what I can do is to console myself-it may become worse, what if I lose my passport in the airport.

4. 考虑到他年纪小,没经验,他在第一部电影中的表现可以说是非常优秀的了。(given) Given that he was young and inexperienced, his performance in his first movie was excellent.

5. 5. 经理每次出差都授权助理代理他的事务,因为公司业务部容拖延。(authorize)

The manger always authorizes his assistant to deal with his work when he is on a business trip for business can’t be delayed.

6. 这位老人很穷,吃的并不好,但是身体很硬朗,因为他相信多多锻炼时有好处的。(believe in)

7. The poor old man didn’t have much to eat, but he kept healthy because he believed in the benefit of doing exercise.

8. 在所有的古代文明,只有中华文明历经岁月的沧桑,却依旧保持着充分的活力。(endure,vitality活力)

In all ancient civilizations, only China still keep enough vitality after enduring years of hard time.

9. 和许多其他作家一样,这位青年作家主要叙写爱情这个永恒的主题,他的出 众之处在于他对中国农村生活的深刻体验。(focus, set apart)

As most other writers, the young writer mainly focus on eternal theme of love, and what sets him apart from others is his experience of rural life in china.


1. They say a cat has nine lives, and I am inclined to think that possible since I am now living my third life and I’m not even a cat.. 常言道猫有九命,我信这话,因为我已经活第三回了,尽管我并不是猫

2. Here hobbled a bitterly disillusioned cripple, a man who held on to his sanity and his wife and his home and his job because of 14 miserable steps leading up to the back door from his garage. 我只是个一瘸一拐、幻想破灭的残疾人,一个因为车库和后门之间十四级令人痛苦的台阶而努力保持清醒的头脑,拼命抓住妻子、家庭和工作不放的男人。

3. In the next few frozen seconds the shame and horror of that moment penetrated and I was sick with an intensity I had never felt before. 其后的几秒钟一切都好像凝滞了,那一刻的羞耻和惊诧深深的穿透了我的肺腑,我感到了一种从未有过的震撼。

4. I realized that I was filled to overflowing with self-pity, selfishness, indifference to the needs of others and thoughtlessness. 我意识到自己极端自怜、自私,对别人的需要麻木不仁,也不为别人着想。

1.这位电影演员比大多数人更愿意帮助残疾人,因为他自己十年前曾中风。 The movie actor is more inclined than others to help the disabled because he himself suffered a stroke ten years ago.

2.这位老人虽然身患风湿病,但还是坚持每天跑步、爬山。 Although the old man is afflicted with rheumatism, he still keeps running and mountain-climbing every day.

3.美国金融制度中的一些缺陷始终没有得到足够的重视,最终酿成了灾难性的后果。 Some of the flaws in the American financial system never got enough attention, and eventually led to

disastrous consequence.

4.去年那家公司的股票大跌,但他坚持没抛掉,现在赚了一大笔。 Last year the prices of the company’s shares were dropping sharply, but he held on to them. Now he was earned a lot.

5.赶快断了这个念头吧—这个想法太疯狂了,根本不值得考虑。 Just dismiss the idea from your mind—it’s crazy and not worth thinking about at all.

6.我们刚准备好好去纽约度假,震惊世界的9/11事件发生了。 We were all set to leave for the holiday in New York when the 9/11 event shook the whole world.

7.如果你认为我有解决这个问题的魔方,那你一定会失望的。 If you think I have a magic formula to solve the problem, you are bound to be disillusioned.

8.那家日本公司成功地打入了美国的电视市场。 The Japanese company penetrated the US TV market successfully


1. Whatever our norm is, it has shifted upward, with the result that you are probably disappointed at not doing better. 不管我们的标准是什么,这个标准现在提高了,结果使你对自己没能得到更高的分数而感到失望。

2. Lacking more precise measurement tools, we must interpret your B as a rather fuzzy symbol at best, representing a questionable judgment of your mastery of the subject. 由于缺乏更精确的衡量工具,我们至多只能把B看作一个模糊的符号,表示对你掌握某一科目的程度的判断,不过这种判断的准确性很值得怀疑。

3. It is important to recognize that human beings, despite difference in class and educational labeling, are fundamentally hewn from the same material and knit together by common bonds of fear and joy, suffering and achievement. 人的阶级属性和教育背景不尽相同,但凡是人都是血肉之躯,都有同样的恐惧感和欢愉感,同样的痛苦感和成就感,这些共通的感受把他们连为一体;认识到这一点十分重要。

4. But academic work is narrow, neatly defined highway compared to the unmapped rolling country you will encounter after you leave school. 然而和你们毕业离校之后将要进入的那片荒蛮无路、起伏跌宕的乡野相比,在校读书就如同一条狭窄坦直、界限分明的公路。

1. 他因急性阑尾炎住院治疗,结果连期末考试都没参加。 He was in hospital because of acute appendicitis, with the result that he missed the final examination.

2. 前来听讲座的人数远远超出原来的估计,分发给大家的讲义不够了。 Many more people came to the lecture than expected, so there were not enough handouts to go round.

3. 不管一天的工作有多忙,他在睡觉前总要看一下电子信箱里有没有新邮件。 No matter how busy he is during the day, he always makes a point of checking his e-mail box before going to sleep.

4. 世界各国都有失业问题,但各国政府处理这个问题的方法不尽相同。 Unemployment is exists in all countries in the world, but every governments handle it in different ways.

5. 第一次来到异国的人往往会感到自己周围的一切既陌生,又有趣。 Anyone who comes to foreign countries for the first time is usually apt to feel that everything surrounding him both unfamiliar and interesting.

6. 球迷们对这场足球比赛中双方球员场上的表现都感到十分失望。 The football fans were very disappointed at the performance of the players in the football match.

7. 他的话,你得好好想一想,千万不要他说什么你就信什么。 Don’t take his word at face value. Think it over yourself..

8. 医生的一番话消除了他对手术的恐惧感。 The doctor’s words removed his fears about the


Unit 9{我苦苦的等待}.

1. Advertising is one of our major industries, and advertising exists not to satisfy desires but to create them—and to create them faster than man’s budget can satisfy them. 广告是一项主要产业,它的存在与其说是为了满