
时间:2021-10-10 14:52:06 五年级作文


Cheating on Exams

With the development of the society, people pay more and more attention to education. As a result, thousands of students take part in various examinations. However, some students have been found cheating on their exams. Some of them copy from each others, some took out their textbooks or reference books to copy, some copied from small pieces of paper on which they had prepared for the exam, still some used the modern communication tools such as BP, mobile phone as a way to cheat on exams.

Then, what’s the effect of cheating on exam? There are three factors for this. First, it results in an unfair competition and will destroy the creativity of those bright students. Second, it will ruin the students’ self-confidence in the long run. Third, under that kind of circumstances, the students graduated from the schools will not be the one who can meet the need of the society.

However, how to stop cheating on exam? In my opinion, there are two ways we can adopt. First, a severe punishment should be put into effect to prevent students from cheating. Second, great effort should be made to make students understand what kind of person the society needs and try to improve their self-confidence.

My Opinion on Cheating in Examinations

Nowdays,more and more examinations are in front of us. Some of them may be too hard for us to work out

So Cheating is becoming a fishion. Beside that,those cheating students haven't take heart in studying and were

lasy to do homework.It is the reason why they cannot pass a exam smoothly.In addition,Examination grade is extremely

important to every student,they cheat for making a good impress to the parents and the teachers.

In my opinion,cheating is bad for us,it broke the rules of the school. All roads to Rome,if wo had struggle to study

,the exam grades must be risen.We should be honest in our lives.

Get away from cheating from now,study more hardly from now.{作文,关于作弊}.

My Opinion on Cheating in Examinations 我对考试作弊的看法

It is known to us all that some students cheat in examinations at school. As students, we often take examinations at school, but sometimes we have too many examinations which are too difficult for us. On the other hand, some of us are lazy and don't work hard at their lessons. So when taking examinations, they sometimes cheat in order to get better results to please their parents and teachers.

In my opinion, it is wrong to cheat in examinations because it breaks the rules of schools. We students should be honest and try to get good results by studying hard instead of cheating in examinations. What's more, we should improve our study methods and get well prepared for examinations.

How to deal with cheating?

Many students like to cheat in the examination. Some will copy the answer their books. Some people will start a conversation with someone to share the correct answer. In addition, some even written material, their skin. There are several reasons, cheating. Some students want to get good grades no effort. Secondly, some are under great pressure and they worry will fail in the exam. Once students found cheating, the teachers should punish severely harm of cheating and explained.

At least two methods to eliminate cheating. On the one hand, we should explain cheating endangers our students. On the other hand, the strict and effective measures shall be taken against cheating. Results, fair competition in the exam paying attention to the students' study instead of cheating



“ 叮铃铃,叮铃铃……”上课铃响了,语文老师走了进来,还抱着一大摞试卷,老师严肃的说道:“把所有与语文有关的物品资料都收起来!今天考试,语文组长来发卷子!”



抄与不抄在我的心里发生了激烈的冲突,终于,我选择了抄。我偷偷摸摸的拿出了语文书,同时飞快的用眼睛余光扫射了下旁边的同学和监考老师,同学们正聚精会神的写着呢,而严厉的监考老师正在后面背对着我,机不可失,时不再来。我拿起笔飞快的抄了起来。 眼看就要抄完了,可是我的手一抖,语文书从我也颤抖的两条大腿中间“啪”的一声掉了下去!在寂静的考场里如一声惊雷,顿时所有的人都停下了笔眼睛朝我这边看来,监考老师也朝我走过来,完了,优秀少先队员没我的份了,老师也要批评我一顿了。













下午分数一出来,我得了98的高分,老师在班上表扬了我,还说要念我的作文。这时我一屁股坐在板凳上愣住了。心想,这下完了,同学们一定会揭发我的。 刚开始,我忐忑不安地听着,突然有个同学尖叫:“老师,这篇文章我听过。”“老师我也听过。”“老师我也听过。”声音越来越多,我的脸越来越红,低着头,不敢面对同学和老师。这时,又有一个人叫道“老师扣他的平均分。”“对,扣他的平均分。”我惊呆了,平均分那可要算期末的分数啊!这时我不知道哪来的一股力量,抬起头面对老师,老师也面对我,我不敢看他,把头低得更沉了。老师接着说“同学们,我看他知道错了,你们能原谅他吗?”{作文,关于作弊}.




丁丁唯一能清楚的感觉到的是--完了,我完了!他闭上眼睛,不敢面对同学们那充满疑惑 鄙夷嘲笑甚至有些幸灾乐祸的目光。他紧紧地捂住耳朵,害怕听到他们的窃窃私语。尽管这样,他们的谈话还是不时地穿过丁丁的手指,钻进丁丁的耳朵里。








新开中学 于建锋

【论文关键词】作文教学 自改 互评互改






比较推敲。如果觉得这个地方需要修改,不妨想出两三个修改的办法,经过比较选一个。用老话说,这就叫“推敲”。另外,还可与同题文章作比较,去发现自己文中的问题。 师批生改。由教师在学生的作文本上写上评语(眉批或总批),标上批改符号,(也可面对面指点),然后把作文还给学生,让学生细看老师的批语和修改符号,体现自己作文的毛病在哪里,然后自己进行修改。






可把全班学生划分若干小组,每四人一组,任命一组长,负责批改。批改时,教师将学生自己批改过的作文分发给各小组。两人批改一本,写好眉批和总批(评语由一人执笔)。看完后,与本组同学交换,看本组其他同学批改过的,发现错批、漏批或批语不当的及时转告主批人。每个学生对自己所看的作文在自己的笔记本上给个分,有组长集中四个人的分数进行平均,然后有组长将四人的平均分写在作文本上 ,并分别签名。互改互评具有新鲜感,是唤取学生兴趣的第一要素。


学生互改时注意两点:一是既要省时又要注意质量。需“三遍法”:首遍快速浏览,勾出错字、病句;二遍慢读,从头至尾精批细改,写好眉批;三遍粗看,既检查批改情况,又酝酿批语。二是批改要抓关键,抓重点。就是看中心是否明确,段落是否分明,观点是否正确,文风是否端正,语言是否通顺,字体是否工整,标点是否恰当。(当然每次作文侧重一两个问题) 先让同学们互评互改,再由老师检查批改情况。当然,在这当中,教师对学生作文的写作技巧与批改方法要进行指导,给同学们列出了批改作文如下标准:













第四篇:《英语作文考试作弊Cheating on Exams》


Cheating on Exams







It is reported that the rate of cheating on exams has been on the rise in recent

years. Many students admit that they have committed cheating once or twice in the past. Despite the fact that school authorities have imposed severe punishments on dishonest students, cheating on exams still frequently happens nowadays.

作文号:217156 教师:zyl字数:100~500 满分:100 Recently the phenomenon of cheating has become very serious .It is a very

despicable behavior. We need to reflection why despite the fact that school authorities have imposed severe punishments on dishonest students, cheating on exams still frequently happens nowadays. There are many reasons cause students cheating on exams. First when we get high score we will feel good .Our teacher hope we could get high score but our teacher not encourage us to cheating on exams.Secondly our parents have great hopes for us, we do not want to see they treat us down. So we hope let they happy with high marks. Although we is filial we use the wrong way. Thirdly get high scores can meet our vanity.

School want to put an end to cheat in the exam must draw upstrict

system and always educated student not to cheaton exams. The teacher should promote students' learning at ordinary times and they need not to cheat on exams.The supervisor should be strict monitors. I think do these we can eliminate Cheating.

Recently the phenomenon of cheating has become very serious .It is a very despicable behavior. We need to reflection why despite the fact that school authorities have imposed severe punishments on students that cheating on exams, cheating on exams still frequently happens nowadays.

There are many reasons cause students cheating on exams. First when we get high score we will feel good .Our teacher hope we could get high score but they not encourage us to cheating on exams. Secondly our parents have great hopes for us, we do not want to see they treat us down. So we hope let they feel happy with high marks. Although we are filial we use the wrong way. Thirdly get high scores can meet we are better.

School want to put an end to cheat in the exam must draw up strict system and always educated student not to cheat on exams.The teacher should promote students' learning at ordinary times and they need not to cheat on exams. The supervisor should be strict when student on exam. I think do these we can eliminate Cheating.