
时间:2021-11-10 21:25:54 意向书


精彩的汽车展 今天,我去汽车城观看西博汽车展了!汽车各式各样,千姿百态。有吉利、奔驰、现代、宝马等数不胜数的品牌呢! 在这么多五花八门的汽车里,我最喜欢吉利熊猫,它的外形像甲壳虫一样,车身上的花纹十分卡通,颜色十分鲜艳,很讨小朋友喜欢,它还有一个与众不同的地方,那就是,它只有正驾驶座和副驾驶座,看起来很轻巧,很漂亮。奔驰车的展位很气派,不愧是名车家族!听展台叔叔介绍奔驰最贵的车要九百零三万元呢!最便宜的也要三十多万元呢!其中有一款奔驰车顶上停着两辆自行车,我们都觉得很奇怪,叔叔介绍说:“比如我们开到了某个地方,可以把汽车停边上,骑着自行车出行,这样又环保,又能锻炼身体!”我们听了以后才明白,这辆车的设计意图是环保、健康。还有一辆奔驰跑车的外形很酷!吸引了很多人的眼球,它的两个车门可以张开合拢,就像海鸥的翅膀,叔叔说,这辆车的灵感就来源于海鸥,我想,这辆车要是能飞起来那就更神奇了。



别开生面的汽车展 今天是一年一度的国庆节,而且是第五十五个国庆节。所以妈妈带我们去花卉世界参观参观。


在如茵的花海中遨游,在花城大道上驰骋,欣赏奇石和园林——让我们来参加全国首个最具观赏性的特色车展——2004年首届花卉汽车展览会吧 !{描写车展的作文}.{描写车展的作文}.

参观西博会汽车展 今天,我跟随着小记者团到西博会参观汽车展。只见馆里人群熙熙攘攘,我们也随着人群陆陆续续地进了馆。










The auto show need strengthen infrastructure

The 16th Shanghai international auto industry exhibition carried out as scheduled on April 22nd, in response to the

enthusiasm audience who come to the show , this time the show in a newly built, an area of 36 square meters of the national convention center in Shanghai.{描写车展的作文}.

As the Shanghai auto show on April 25, the first weekend, 10 o 'clock in the morning, this is the crowds during peak hours, the reporter arrived at ticket windows which in the conference and

exhibition center South square. A sweltering, queuing to buy tickets of audience are crowded in the serpentine channel, about 3000 people standing in the hot sun. Reporter found that the square without any sun protection equipment, and in the absence of a convenience store or vending machines,the audience who was in the line thirsty no places to buy water, hungry no place to buy food. Looking at the majestic team, people would be thirsty for at least two hours. The organizers have not thought about this problem,did they?

The reporter visited "clover" volunteer service located at the south side of the square with doubt, the staff member told to reporter, if want to buy a bottle of water, the museum has a{描写车展的作文}.{描写车展的作文}.

convenience store, outside there is no place to buy water also no place to buy food. But entering the museum needs to buy a ticket first, buy a ticket to first line, people mountain people sea, this can wait until people are so thirsty to drink water.Volunteers said they don't have to do, may be a new venue just built in such a big

exhibition, the organizers haven't thought in this aspect, put stand in line outside of the audience left behind.

As we all know, Shanghai international auto show has had a huge impact, but it is difficult to even buy water, really let a person in distress situation.The organizers in the right car ,at the same time, should give attention to both the improvement of the infrastructure, can truly be the only one like you.

黄思霖 12131136 12新闻一班