
时间:2021-11-11 02:07:28 800字














第一步踏进去,就点燃了我的兴致,对一切事物都十分好奇、新鲜!左看看,右瞧瞧,陌生的东西还要摸一摸、闻一闻!可为了不迷路,就按照地图所“告诉”的图标,来到了第一个景点。看见了孙中山小时候与父辈一同种下的“寄生树”呢!我刚开始还对“寄生树”一窍不通,可听了爸爸的讲解后就似懂非懂了。它的根部很别具一格,还能生长出不同种类的树苗来。我们看见的“寄生树”生长出三种不同的小树苗:榕树、无花果树、松树呢!在它的左边,还有一架至今未损的水车!它的制作材料还是上等的好树材制作而成的呢! 接着我们就漫步来到了“孙中山纪念堂”。纪念堂的左右两旁,立着两尊古朴精美的华表,上面雕刻着威武的蟠龙,在蓝天的映衬下显得雄伟壮丽!一步进去,最先进入眼帘的是伟人孙中山的全身雕像,他的模样十分严肃庄严,又十分和蔼可亲。我们还和他合了照呢!一楼的大厅内,全是伟人——孙中山的光荣事迹和资料。对了!孙中山最喜欢“天下为公”这一句话了!那可是我通过巧妙的地观察、发现出来的哦!上去二楼大堂,就是孙中山亲属后代的事迹了。正当我在津津有味的地观看时,爸爸就“偷偷摸摸”地在我后面“咔嚓”一声拍下了一张。这突如其来的一张,害得我根本未有注意,正在我眨眼之时就拍下了。“哼,爸爸!那张消除!”



这次游玩“孙中山故居”,不仅让我开阔视野,也让我学到了不少伟人——孙中山的知识呢!同学们,有空一定也让你们的爸爸妈妈带你们去哦! 七村小学六年级:雪儿婷婷












Former Residence of Dr. Sun Yat-sen

[About Sun Yat-sen]-[Sun Yat-sen’s Former Residence]-[The Sun Yat-sen Memorial Exhibition Hall]

[About Sun Yat-sen]

Dr. Sun Yat-sen was the great forerunner of the Chinese bourgeois democratic revolution. He led the Chinese people in the struggle against the Qing Dynasty and successfully overthrew the feudal autocratic monarchy that had been practiced in China for several thousand years and he became the first president of the first republic in Asia, the Republic of China. Therefore, he was reputed as “father of the Republic of China” and father of the republics in Asia.

Sun Yat-sen’s former residence is situated in Cuiheng Village, 29 kilometers to the southeast of the present-day Zhongshan City center. He was born here on November 12th, 1866 and spent his childhood in the village. Because his father was an ordinary farmer and the family was poor, his elder brother had to go to Honolulu to seek a living when he was 5 years old. At the age of 12, he followed his elder brother to Honolulu and studied there in a missionary school. Later he came back to Hong Kong to study in a college of Western medicine and, after graduation in 1892, practiced medicine in Macao and Guangzhou. At that time, China was suffering domestic troubles and foreign invasion. In 1894, the Japanese militarists launched a war to annex Korea and invade China. The corrupt and incompetent Qing government signed the humiliating Maguan Treaty with the Japanese, providing that China should cede Taiwan, open trading ports and pay war reparations to the war-maker. This had greatly aroused Sun Yat-sen’s patriotic indignation. He decided that the Qing Dynasty was rotten to the core and must be overthrown and replaced by a democratic republic, and therefore he reaolutely plunged into the struggle against the Qing government.{孙中山故居作文(400)}.

[Sun Yat-sen’s Former Residence]

This two-storied red building is the former residence of Sun Yat-sen. It was built in 1892 with the money remitted from Hawaii by his elder brother and was designed personally by Sun Yat-sen himself. The distinguishing features of this building are: First, it is a combined structure of Chinese and Western architectural elements. While it looks like a Western-style structure from the outside, its interior is constructed and decorated in the traditional Chinese style. Second, it faces west, whereas all other houses in the village face east. Third, it is designed into having many doors and windows, which is good for ventilation, lighting and linking up different parts of the building.

At the Gate:

The couplet on both sides of the gate was written by Sun Yat-sen. In English it means: One rafter supports my dwelling house. The foot of the Five Osmanthus Hill is where I reside.

In the Courtyard:

This is a tamarind tree that was brought back from Honolulu and planted here personally by Sun Yat-sen. It was blown down by typhoon in 1931 but now it is still a mass of branches and leaves.

By the side of the well in the courtyard there used to be a house, 4 meters broad and 8 meters long, in which Sun Yat-sen was born. It was pulled down when the new house was built. Now in the Country House Exhibition Area, another old house is arranged to serve as its imitation so that visitors may get an idea of the Sun family’s living conditions before the new house was set up.

In the Sitting-room:

This is the place where the Sun family received guests. The picture in the middle is Sun Yat-sen’s image in 1912 when he was elected interim president of the Republic of China. The pictures on the side walls are his parents. The niche up there is a shrine for worshiping ancestors and behind it on the other side is the bedroom for Sun Yat-sen’s mother.

Sun Mei’s Bedroom:

This is the bedroom for Sun Mei, Sun Yat-sen’s elder brother. Sun Mei went to

Honolulu in 1871 and gradually amassed a considerable fortune by opening up wasteland for farming. But, later on he sold off most of his property in order to support Sun Yat-sen in his revolutionary activities. In 1912 when Sun Yat-sen had taken up the post of interim president, some people strongly recommend Sun Mei as the governor of Guangdong Province, but Sun Yat-sen was very much opposed to the proposal. Sun Mei moved to Macao afterwards and died in 1915.

Upstairs in Sun Yat-sen’s Study:

This is Sun Yat-sen’s study. This photograph of Sun Yat-sen’s was taken at the age of 17 and is the youngest among all his photos that have ever been discovered. At the time when Sun Yat-sen was practicing medicine in Guangzhou and Macao, he often returned to his home village and every time he was back he would give medical treatments to his fellow villagers in this room.

Downstairs to the Bedroom for Sun Yat-sen’s Mother:

This room, located just behind the ancestral shrine in the sitting-room, is the bedroom for Sun Yat-sen’s mother. It is the local tradition that the room behind the ancestral shrine should be used by people of the eldest generation in the family.

Sun Yat-sen’s Bedroom:

This is Sun Yat-sen’s bedroom where he slept in the years between 1892 and 1895. In May 1912, after he resigned his position as interim president, Sun Yat-sen came back to his home village he had parted for 17 years and slept in this room for 3 nights. Since then he had been too busy with state affairs to return again.

[The Sun Yat-sen Memorial Exhibition Hall]

This exhibition hall was built in 1999. the exhibits on display on the first floor describe the life stories of Sun Yat-sen, which are divided into four parts: Sun Yat-sen’ home village and his childhood, his efforts to establish the Republic of China, his struggle in safeguarding the republican system after the founding of the republic and his theoretical ideology and his blueprint for developing the country’s economy.

The second floor is dedicated to Sun Yat-sen’s relatives and descendants. It presents the facts of their tremendous support, contributions and sacrifice to Sun

Yat-sen’ revolutionary cause, so as to help people get a better understanding of this great man.







这一座红色的两层楼房就是孙中山的故居;建于1892年,是孙中山的哥哥从夏威夷寄钱回来由孙中山亲自设计并主持兴建的。这栋楼房的特点是:1. 中西合璧,外表仿西方建筑,内部结构和陈设则是当地的传统形式。2. 坐向与众不同,翠亨村内所有其它民居都是坐西朝东,只有这栋楼房是坐东向西的。3. 窗多门多,便于通风采光和各处相连。





201330530133 13建筑学1班 朱云祥 孙中山故居纪念馆位于广东省中山市翠亨村。本馆成立于1956年,现为国家一级博物馆、国家AAAA级旅游景区。 该馆先后被授予“全国爱国主义教育示范基地”、“全国优秀社会教育基地”、“中国侨联爱国主义教育基地”、“全国中、小学生爱国主义教育基地”、“全国精神文明建设工作先进单位”、 “全国文化先进集体”、“ 全国廉政教育基地”、“ 最具创新力博物馆”等称号。参观该馆能让人了解民国的民俗文化和历史文化。 馆内珍贵藏品有:

后来居上”横幅 是孙中山1921年题赠翠亨学校手迹的原件,反映了他对家乡教育事业的关心和支持。这也是孙中山唯一一幅为故乡的题字。

孙中山与家人合影 1912年5月孙中山辞去临时大总统职务后返乡家乡,在家门前与家人的合影,是孙中山在翠亨村的唯一一张照片。

故居建筑工料报价单 此件是1892年3月兴建翠亨孙中山故居时之建筑工料报价单。该单开列了孙中山故居兴建工程的规模、工料、工时、造价、结构等,是孙中山故居兴建情况的重要历史凭据。

《翠亨孙氏家谱》 此件记载翠亨孙氏由东莞迁居香山的概况,和1880年迁葬祖坟的原因与经过,及其五世至十三世祖之世次、名讳、配偶姓氏、生卒时间及葬地等。 宋庆龄当年用的打字机。