
时间:2021-11-10 15:59:27 200字


保险1302 杨文思 学号:201318210230

Signs was one of winners in 2009 Cannes Lions. The 12-minute-video showed a cozy and romantic love story. A pair of single men and Women passed love with A4 paper and markers. Hero, Jason, was a typical otaku. In other words, he was a white-collar worker between home and work and back again. Of course, his life was highly bored, until one day when he saw the girl named Stacey in the office across the street. His boring life turned out right. Just when he found the girl, he stared her and looked at her working. Later Stacey found him and showed kindness. Then, for several days, they started a silent communicate with writing words on the paper, and shared notes of two buildings opposite each other. As time goes on, love arose spontaneously during kidding and greetings. However, she got promoted and went to another office when he hesitated if he showed the note reading “do you want to meet?” to her. But Jason didn’t know. He thought never saw her again. So his life became cut-and-dried again. But that was not the end of story. Through her efforts, Jason met her again through window. This time, he ask Stacey to meet, and she agreed. Two people stood in the path, eyes to eyes. The story to end. There is another little twist to the story, though, ending is better.

I like the fact that the micro movie have an open ending, leaving some space for the audience to fill in. And Jason’s every expression is in place. At the same time, the film brings us not only touched. Recalling the scene in the video,you can easily see that a number of white-collar workers live a life as boring as Jason all around us. Typical nine to five routine takes a lot of the joy out of life. Great work stress and mental pressure drove them out of breath. For someone, maybe live is to work and pursue illusory things including money and position. But with the increase of material wealth,their inner world has lost its emotional pillar. They are greedy love but they can’t do anything. They seemly are quilt in a glass bottle waiting for a person emerging to rescue them. Until one day, the person appear. From then on, life become colorful. Maybe love that is! Don’t need too much talking, only a word “hi”, and that is all.


英语作文范文 姓名 班级

作文一: My neighbourhood 《我的小区》

I live in a new neighbourhood.It is very big and beautiful.There is a big cinema. I often see films with my friends at weekends. There is also a garden. People usually go there to do exercise. There is a very big supermarket in it . It is very convenient for people to do shopping .

I love my neighbourhood..

作文二: Signs around us 《我们周围的标志》

There are a lot of signs around us. Direction signs can tell us how and where to go . Information signs tell us things we want to know. Warning signs tell us things we mustn’t do. We can learn how to do things from instruction signs. So signs are very important and useful in our lives.

作文三: Differences between the City Life and the Country Life 《城市与乡村生活差异》 In the city, people are very busy.But it is very exciting and interesting to live in the city. There are many shops and supermarkets and there is lots of traffic. It is very convenient for us . But there isn’t much traffic in the countryside. In the countryside it is peaceful and there is not much noise. It is very quiet and relaxing. We can have a pleasant life in the countryside.

作文四 : My Flat 《我的套房》

I live in Cannes City. It is near the city centre. There are lots of shops and restaurants nearby. So it is very convenient for us to go shopping. My mother goes to the shopping centre twice a week.There are three bedrooms, two bathroom and one kitchen in my flat. Sometimes I invite some friends to my flat. I like it very much.

作文五 : My Good Habits 《我的好习惯》

I have a lot of habits. Some of them are good. In the morning I make up my bed after I get up. In the evening, I help my mother wash the dishes after dinner. Before I go to bed, I always pack my schoolbag. I think I can have more and more good habits in the future.

作文六 : Give some help to the children in the earthquake areas 《为灾区伸出援助之手》

Everyone must give some help to the children in the earthquake areas in our country. Now the students in Grade 7 will raise money for them. Frist , Jim will sing an English song for us at 8:00. Next , Kate and Tom will act an English play at 8:35. After that, Robert will play the piano for us at 9:00. Finally , David and John play the guitar for us at 9:10. There will be more wonderful programmes, too. Welcome to our party.

作文七 : Our Class Rules 《我们的班规》

Every class has some class. Our class is not very good because some students like talking in class. In class, we should obey some rules.Don’t sleep in class. Don’t eat or drink in class. We should come to school on time. Don’t play in class. Don’t laugh when someone makes a mistake. These rules are just just my opinion. But I think if our class has such rules, we can study better. 作文八 : A Healthy Diet 《健康的饮食》

As we all know, a healthy diet is very important. With a healthy diet, we can stay healthy, feel happy and live long.

What is a healthy diet? We should eat a little fat, salt and sugar. We should also eat eat some milk ,eggs and yoghurt. We should have plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and a lots of rice, noodles and bread as well.

If we do so, we have a healthy diet. Then we can be healty.

作文九 : I want to be a ...... 《我想做一个......》

Both my parents are doctors. When I grow up, I want to be a doctor,too. It’s a great job to help sick people get well. I think it is impossible to be good doctor without hard work. So I must study hard now. I do my best in many subjects, such as Maths, English and Chinese. I hope my dream will come true.


Dear Mr Wang:

My name is Wei Lan, I am in Grade 7, I want to join the English club. I like English very much. I think English is interesting and useful. I can make friends with foregners. It will be very important in the future. I can speak a little English,but I am not good at it. I want to practise my English in the club.

Please call me at 021-55987809

I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely

Wei Lan

作文十一 : My Favourite Dish 《我最喜爱的饭菜》

Everyone has his own favourite dish. My favourite dish is fried rice. I often cook fried rice at home. How do I make it?

First, I put a little oil in a pot. But I don’t use a lot of oil. Secondly, I put some cooked rice in the pot. Next I put two onions and a little garlic in. Sometimes I add some more vegetables like carrots and mushroom. Finally, cook for a few minutes. Now it is ready! I can share it with my family.

作文十二 : A Wonderful Picnic

My classmates and I are going to have a picnic this weekend. We plan to have a picnic in the People’s Park. I want to buy some fruit, some biscuits and some fried chicken wings. My classmates will also take a lot of delicious food. I am sure we will have a wonderful picnic. 作文十三 : Having a good diet 《拥有健康的饮食》

Look at the food pyramid. It shows us how much each kind of food we need every day. Every day, I need a little fat, salt and sugar. I need some milk, eggs and yogurt. I need some meat ,chicken and fish. I also need plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. I need a lot of rice , noodles and bread. To become fit, keep healthy and a have a good diet, I eat a lot of rice, plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and some meat and fish. I do exercise every day.

作文十四 : Keeping Healthy 《如何保持健康》

Keeping healthy is very important . Some people always have health problems because they have bad diets. They have too much fat, salt and sugar. We should have plenty of vegetables and fruit. We shouldn’t have too much junk food. We mustn’t eat too much spicy food, either.We must have enough exercise every day to keep healthy.

作文十五 : Traffic Safety 《交通安全》

Every day, many people are hurt or killed in traffic accident. Drivers are often in a hurry, and they don’t drive carefully. Practising good traffic safety can greatly bring down the number of accident. Here are some things people can do to become safer drivers.

1. Slow down: High speed cause a large number of accidents.

2. Don’t be angry with other drivers. 3. Watch for people crossing the street.

Remember,traffic safely is not just about obeying the law. It is about saving lives.

篇三:《七年级第一学期英语 u6-u10 作文》

Write at least 50 words about the topic “My favourite season”. (以“My favourite season”为题写一篇不少于50个词的短文,标点符号不占格)

Suggested questions:

1 What is your favourite season?

2 What can you do in the season?

3 Why do you like it?

There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter. Of all these seasons, I like autumn best. I like autumn because it is the most beautiful season. In the countryside, the fields seem to be covered with a large golden carpet. I can fly kites under the clear blue sky because the weather is always fine. I like autumn also because it is a season of harvest. Farmers are busy getting in the crops in the fields. I can enjoy different kinds of fruit in autumn. So enjoy the beauty and taste of the season with me.

Write a passage of at least 60 words about the topic “Signs around us”(以“Signs around us”为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。)

Use the following points as a reference.


◆What kinds of signs can you find in different places?

◆What do they mean?

◆Where can you find them?

Signs around us

There are many different signs around us. Signs around us are important because they tell us what we should or shouldn’t do at the moment. We can find the information sign, the warning sign, the direction sign and the instruction sign. For example, this sign means that we mustn’t fly kites here. And it is a warning sign. We can find it in a park. That sign means we can turn left and go to Park Road. Of course, it is a direction sign. And we often find this sign on a road. Most of them are helpful to us. Different kinds of signs can make our life more convenient.

Write at least 50 words about the topic “ How to keep healthy ”. (以“ 怎样保持健康 ”为题写一篇不少于50个词的短文,标点符号不占格)

Suggested questions:

 Is health important?

 What should we do to keep healthy?

 What should we eat to keep healthy?

Health is very important to us. And I think it is more important than anything else in the world. So we must keep healthy. To stay healthy, we should do exercise regularly. What’s more, we should eat healthy food. For example, we should eat more vegetables and less meat. We should eat less fast food. If we keep doing these things, I think we will be much healthier.

Write at least 50 words about a letter to your pen-friend, Andy on the topic “Our international food festival”. (以“我们的国际食品节”为内容写封信给你的笔友Andy, 短文不少于50个词的短文,标点符号不占格)

Suggested questions:

 Why did you have an international food festival?

 When are where did you have it?

 What did you do at the festival?

Dear Andy

How are you? I am very well. Last Friday, my school had an international food festival to raise money for homeless children in Yushu. We sold foods from different countries. My best friend, Amy, sold American food like hot dogs and hamburgers. I sold pineapple fried rice and prawn cakes. They are Thai food. We raised about 2,000 yuan altogether. We hope that the money will help these children. What do you think about it?

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely


Write at least 50 words about the topic “My birthday party”. (以“我的生日派对”为题写一篇不少于50个词的短文,标点符号不占格)

Suggested questions:

1. When will you have your birthday party?

2. Who will you invited to your birthday party?

3. What will you do at your birthday party?

4. Where will you have it?

12 December will be my fifteenth birthday. I have already written all the invitations. Now I’m planning a birthday party with my mum. I am going to invite my good friends Sally, Lisa and Lucy to come to my home in the evening. We will sing karaoke and watch DVDs. We will have a nice birthday cake. And we will have a barbecue in the garden in front of my flat. I am looking forward to it. I am going to make a lovely birthday cake with my mum later. I hope we will have a good time on that day. My Birthday Party

1. When and where did you have the birthday party?

2. What did you do at the party?

3. What did you think of the birthday party?

On my tenth birthday, my family had a party for me at our flat. We did a lot of things at the party. First, I got some nice presents from my parents. For exampe, my father bought a beautiful Barbie doll for me.I liked it very much. My mother made me a big cake

which tasted delicious.Next, we put ten candles on the cake and lit them. Then we sang the birthday song together. After that, I blew out the candles and made a wish . Finally, we enjoyed the cake and other tasty food. I was so excited that I couldn’t go to sleep until midnight. What a great party we had ! I will never forget it.

1. Which birthday is unforgettable to you?

2. what did you do on that on that birthday?

3. What made you feel unforgettable?

In my memory, there is a birthday making me feel unforgettable forever. It was on February 1st, 2009, my twelfth birthday. On that day, I was so happy because all of my friends came to celebrate it with me. They bought me lots of gifts. My parents cooked much delicious food for me. The moment they sang the song “Happy birthday to you,” I could hardly hold my tears. I was moved deeply. It was a great birthday party. I knew that I had so many friends to love me.They made me very happy.

第16期报纸Everyone has his or her own way to celebrate his or her own birthday. Some of my classmates celebrate their birthdays like this – buying some birthday presents,having a birthday party,having a birthday cake.I think there must be some other ways more interesting, and more other special than those. For example, we can help our parents to do more housework, which will show that we are one year older and have known more, or we can plant an evergreen tree, which can show that our youth is as green as the growing tree.

Good habits are very important

1. Do you have any good habits or bad habits?

2. What are your good or bad habits?

3. What should you do to make your habits better?

I have good some habits. I usually go to bed and get up early. I also exercise regularly with my friends because health really plays an important role in our life. I would like to stay healthier, so I must have less meat and more vegetables and drink enough water. Then I will make myself fit and strong.

A change about my about bad habits

1. What bad habits did you have?

2. Why were they bad?(Give at least two reason)

3. How are your habits now?

Like other students, I used to have some bad habits. In the past, I like to eat meat and drinks very much. And I didn’t like doing exercise . These bad habits made me fatter and fater and I often felt sick. Later, my mother took me to attend a sports club twice a week. She didn’t allow me to eat too much meat and too many soft drinks. Now I don’t have those bad sports any longer. Instead, I often eat many vegetables and do sports regularly. How healthy I am now!

How to develop good lining habits

Everyone has different living habit. Good habits can make us keep healthy. As teenagers, what should we do? In my opinion, everyone should get up and sleep on time every day. Don’t play or watch TV all night. It is bad for health and it affects(影响) our study. We{signs作文}.

should eat more vegetables and fruit and eat less meat. I advise everydody to take more exercise. Don’t cross the road. Remember to obey the traffic rules. In a word, if we want to keep healthy and happy, we must develop good living habit.


My neighbourhood

I live in a neighbourhood in the suburbs. It’s very quiet and peaceful. There isn’t much traffic. There are not many shops or restaurants. There is a beautiful park with a lot of trees, flowers and birds in it. Every day, many people go there for a walk. We can see children playing games and some elder people doing exercise in the park. I love my lovely neighbourhood.


There are many different signs around us. Signs around us are important because they tell us what we should or shouldn’t do at the moment. We can find information signs, warning signs, direction signs and instruction signs. For example, this sign means that we mustn’t fly kites here. And it is a warning sign. We can find it in a park. That sign means we can turn left and go to Park Road. Of course, it is a direction sign. And we often find this sign on a road. Most of them are helpful to us. In a word, different kinds of signs can make our life more convenient.

How to stay healthy

Health is important to us. If we want to stay healthy, we should go to bed early and get up early. If we want to stay healthy, we should exercise regularly. I used to drink a lot of soft drinks. Now I don’t drink too many soft drinks any longer. I eat a lot of healthy food instead. What’s more, we should drink at least eight glasses of water every day. It is wonderful for me to be a healthy child.

An international food festival

Our school is going to have an international food festival next Sunday. We want to raise some money for the SPCA. The food festival will be held on our school playground. There will be many kinds of food and drinks from different countries, such as pineapple fried rice, raison scones and etc. We will also invite our parents to come and enjoy the festival. To sum up, we are looking forward to it and we hope the money can help the SPCA.

Planning a birthday party

My birthday is coming soon. I am preparing for my birthday party these days. I plan to have the party next Saturday evening.

To celebrate my birthday, I’ve invited my good friends and relatives to my party. At the party, we are going to sing karaoke, watch cartoons, play chess and so on. My mother will buy a big cake for me and also help me decorate our house. So we need to buy some flowers, candles and balloons.

I am looking forward to my birthday party. I’m sure we will have a wonderful time.

篇五:《英语作文 Signs around us》

作文二 Signs around us 《我们周围的标志》

There are a lot of signs around us. Direction signs can tell us how and where to go . Information

signs tell us things we want to know. Warning signs tell us things we mustn’t do. We can learn

how to do things from instruction signs. So signs are very important and useful in our lives.









I’ve received your letter, from your