
时间:2021-10-26 18:00:51 节日作文





过了一会儿,我来到集市,看见柜台前挤满了人,只好站在后面排队。站了一会,只见营业员阿姨对着我招手。我以为她在喊后面的人,便向后面看。一位叔叔对我说:“人家在喊你呢。”我说不认识她。那位叔叔又说:“明明是叫你嘛!”这时,我想起来了,她认识我妈妈。我正准备向前走,但脚又缩了回来。老师经常教育我们要遵守社会秩序,不要自私自利,我怎么能去呢?我很快就在原地站好了。那位营业员阿姨只好对我笑了笑。 不一会儿,轮到我买了。我把钱递过去,高兴地买到了鸡蛋。 我刚要转身,那位营业员阿姨叫住我问:“我刚才叫你过来,你怎么不过来?”我说:“老师要我们小学生遵守社会秩序,不能只图自己方便,我不能这样做呀!”她听了我这么说,脸一下子红了,不好意思地笑了笑,好像在说:“多好的孩子,做得对!”








篇二:《第一次网购 作文》



我走遍了我所在的城市的大大小小街道,但都只找到打火机没有打火石。难道这过去家家户户使用的普通的取火工具到今天已经“灭绝”了?我不甘放弃,但又迟迟想不出办法。几天后,经过学校门口的一家文具店,广告牌上“代办网购”四个字映入我的脑海,我又看到了希望。回到家中,登陆淘宝网,我找到了一个满意的打火石店铺。第二天,取出我的积蓄,我赶到了那家文具店,老板收了我的钱,帮我代购了打火石,叫我几天后来取。原本不久的几天,这时就像过了几个月,好不容易到了取打火石的那天。我快步走到了文具店里,老板将装着打火石的小包裹交给了我。我敏捷地拆开了包装取出了打火石,它是由一根镁棒和一片铁片组成。照着内附说明书上的步骤,我将镁棒抵在地上,用铁片刮擦,金色的火花令我惊叹。 如果我生活在古代,那么就不可能如此便利,在感叹科技发达的同时,我认为我也应该好好学习,把科技之轮向前推动!







经过一番搜索,我眼前一亮??怪叫鸡!哈哈,真是“踏破铁鞋无觅处,得来全不费工夫!”我欣喜地点开网页,查看详细信息。 原来,怪叫鸡并不是普通的发声玩具,而是能发出类似记得参加声的玩具。它外形搞笑,光是一看就让人忍俊不禁。这种怪叫鸡以夏 威夷度假为风格设计,男款穿着印花短裤,翅膀上印有英镑的标志。

女款穿着比基尼,戴着一副黑墨镜,俨然一副“时尚女王”的模样。 一看价格,我便心动了,两元!而且卖家承担运费!我欣喜若狂,{一次恼人的网购作文}.

但又转念一想 “天上哪会掉下免费的馅饼?”为了保证自己不吃亏,我查看了一下这个商品的信誉。“哇,50人买东西,还有46人给了好评!而且卖家信誉竟有两钻!”于是我心里一块石头终于落了地,想要购买商品。

就在这时,妈妈回来了,我立即兴冲冲的把整件事的过程讲给了妈妈听。妈妈夸我仔细,但也给我提出了问 “那你知道要怎么付款吗?”我顿时愣在那儿,百思不得其解。最后只好让妈妈手把手教我用“百付宝”付款、确认收货……





一天,爸爸妈妈都上班去了,留下我一个人在家。已家下午一两点了,他们还没有回来,我的肚子饿得咕咕地唱起了“空城计”。我在家里到处寻找食物,可惜的是,家里只有水果和蔬菜。水果让我越吃越饿,我又不敢打开灶火做菜,所以,就只好按照妈妈说的去做——如果他们回来晚,我就自己买着吃。于是,我小心翼翼地将10元钱装进内衣口袋,锁好门,把钥匙挂在脖子上,出门了。 说起来这还是我第一次独自上街购物呢,所以,我觉得特别地新鲜。



我随着熙熙攘攘的人流走进了现做食品区。这里食品的种类应有尽有,桌椅整洁,餐具干净,卖主并不大声吆喝招揽顾客,只是随顾客心意自由挑选,顾客也自觉排队购买。“什么小吃又营养又便宜呢?一杯豆浆,两个包子,才花两元钱,我就能吃饱吃好。对!就买包子和豆浆,在这里吃。” 回家后不久,爸爸妈妈就回来了,我自豪地对他们描述了出去吃饭的经过,他们都夸我有眼光,有能力。我心里美滋滋的,期待着下一次的独自购物。








Annoyances of Shopping on the Internet

With the rapid development of advanced network techniques, shopping on the Internet are commonly and widely used in everyday life. More and more people choose to do their shopping at home with the help of Internet instead of going out. However, it is boring for me to go shopping online, because shopping online can bring some problems. These problems include: the goods may not be the same as what we have seen on the computer, shopping online takes away the fun of going shopping in the malls and the security concerns. Under these circumstances, shopping on the Internet can be inconvenient.

Firstly, the goods we buy may not be the same as what we have seen on the computer. When shopping online, we find what we want to buy by scanning the pictures of the goods from different shops on the Internet. It is obvious that the sellers always put the best pictures online. Thus we have difficulty in judging the quality of the goods only through pictures. Sometimes, the goods’ quality is not the same as the sellers describe and not fit with the price. What’s more, the consumers can not see goods or try them on personally, so frequently the size of the clothing bought on the Internet is not ours. We often encounter the situation that the size of the clothes sold online is not a standard size. Once the goods have these kinds of problems, it will be quite boring for us to deal with. If we want to

change for another one, we have to tell the details to the seller to ask for changing, and send back the goods. It may waste much time when we receive the goods sent from the seller again. Besides, we sometimes have to pay for the additional postage. Then, shopping on the Internet can also waste time and money, and we may not be satisfied with the goods bought online.

Secondly, going shopping on the internet takes away the fun of going out for shopping. If you choose to do shopping online, what you have to do is to look at the screen of computer and scan lots of pictures of goods in order to find what you want to buy. It often costs you several hours until you make the decision. Looking at the screen for a long time is quite harmful to our eyes. Moreover, it also reduces the chances of our communication with others. I think going out for shopping can help us breathe fresh air and relax ourselves. We can talk with our friends about the news, the life and some interesting things when shopping together. We can enjoy happiness with each other, thus it is also a useful way to strengthen the relationship between us. Besides, our friends may give us some valuable suggestions which are helpful in our making decision. Walking in different malls, We can see varieties of well-furnished department stores and many new products, which makes us happy. In my opinion, shopping on the Internet can not bring the fun of going out for shopping to some extent.

Lastly, the security concerns are most important. Identity theft is one serious problem that the shoppers potentially face . When we purchase the products on the Internet, we are going to be required to put in our bank card information and the shipping address. As a result,the threat exists that the information of a consumer can be accessible to someone who knows how to obtain it. Thus, the safety of a consumer's wealth is threaten. Phishing is another danger that the consumers may face. Given the lack of ability to inspect the sellers, the consumers may be fooled into thinking the retailer is trustworthy, when they have actually been manipulated into provide a system which operated by a malicious party with private information. As we all know, privacy of personal information is significant issue to everyone. What makes us unhappy is that some websites call or send messages to the consumers with the purpose of advertising new items, which interferes our everyday life to a certain extent. There is also a problem of the safety of products.To ensure the safety of the goods,the sellers buy the insurance for their goods.Although shipping companies will offer refunds or compensation for the damage, it is up to their discretion if it happens. Once it happens, you will find that you have nowhere to go to complain and the solution of the problem is boring and frequently wastes much time.

Nowadays, more and more people choose to go shopping online instead of going out for shopping. It is difficult to say whether shopping

online is good or not in general as it depends very much on everyone’s view. However, from a personal point of view I find that I don’t like shopping on the Internet, considering that it may bring product problems, takes away the fun of going out for shopping and produce security concerns. In addition, I think it is not convenient at some times for me to go shopping on the Internet.