
时间:2021-10-10 19:19:08 五年级作文

篇一:《偏见 英语作文》

Prejudice around us

In realistic life, we can find many phenomenons about

prejudice .For instances, gender bias, age bias, and identity bias, and so on.

There exists prejudice in college as well. Teacher is biased to student, on the contrary, student to teacher, what’s more ,student to student .I have many thoughts about prejudice between student and student because I am a college student . our students from different places come together. some students from city may have prejudice against rural students due to the growth environment. it may result in inferiority with rural students, what is worse ,it is hard to get along well with other students and they would get a bad college life.

To avoid this tragedy .first , students from city cannot think Rural students have little knowledge about new things and have a bad life habit but should communicate with them ,maybe, rural student know some knowledge which city students not .In addition, college should carry out some activities to make them more compatible. Last but not least, it is necessary to make some speeches let students get across the point we should not look at a person by his or her family environment.

In a word, I believe we can remove prejudice when we treat everyone equally.


On prejudice

It is known that prejudice is one’s view diverges from those who observe the correct social norms. Therefore, prejudice is subjective, influenced by personal experiences, surroundings, educational level, race, gender and so on. It’s true that opinions vary from person to person, so causing distinctions and prejudices.

For example, the process of producing prejudice is like watching scenery through colored glasses. The scenery itself isn’t change, however, if the person wearing colored glasses, comments and feelings can be really different.

It’s obvious that prejudice does do great harm. In my opinion, firstly, prejudice affects the development of interpersonal relationship. Because prejudice shows up automatically when we are getting along with others. As a result, friends won’t be so intimate with each other.{偏见作文}.

Secondly, prejudice impacts the molding of characteristic, physical and psychological health. Human is so socialized that people who surrounding will have an important on their opinions. A research indicates that is likely that a three-year-old child can have racial prejudice, because they influence people’s attitudes and behaviors. Furthermore, may be prejudiced people is not so generous, they always pay more attention on trifling things. They are not so objective that can’t learn to evaluate things fairly.

Thirdly, prejudice blocks the development of society. Take racial prejudice for example, racialists convince that they are superior to others, they have discrimination on other races. So it arouses people’s fury, violence and commotions, which are not of beneficial to the social steady. Thus people won’t be united when the country to resist external invaders and internal crisis.

As far as I’m concerned, everyone has prejudice about other things and people, but the degree is different. So we’d better not only learn to view things in all-sides but also view from others’ perspective.


唉,一朵漂亮的花又被人摘了。邻居老爷爷一边惋惜地叹着气,一边用怀疑的眼光看着我。我是刚搬到这里的外地人,身上又穿得不太好,也难怪他要怀疑我。我听后觉得很难过,就走到老爷爷跟前,委屈地说:爷爷,我没有偷摘您的花。老爷爷撇撇嘴:我没当场逮住,你当然可以这样说了。我听了既难过又无奈。为了消除这种偏见,我决心做一件好事。 此外,我看见我们住的那个宅子的小巷里有一堆臭水,环境污染不说,还给小巷里的人们带来不便。我召来几个同乡小伙伴,拿来畚箕,把脏水扫进畚箕,再把它倒入下水道。在我的带领下大家干得热火朝天。大约过了半个小时,泛着恶臭的脏水不见,呈现在人们眼前的是一条干净整洁的小巷。老爷爷看到这一切,脸上的厌恶消除了一半。 一天,我正在洗袜子,看到一个小女孩,轻手轻脚地绕过正在院子里睡午觉的老爷爷,伸手去摘花盆里的花,我忙不迭地推醒老爷爷,那小女孩当场被老爷爷抓住,并夺下了她手中的花。他批评了那个小女孩几句,并转过身对我满怀歉意地说:小姑娘,我错怪你了。 听到这盼望已久的道歉声,我含着泪笑了。


化解偏见浙江省绍兴县 柯岩街道永红小学 五年级 王萍霞

"唉,一朵漂亮的花又被人摘了。"邻居老爷爷一边惋惜地叹着气,一边用怀疑的眼光看着我。我是刚搬到这里的外地人,身上又穿得不太好,也难怪他要怀疑我。我听后觉得很难过,就走到老爷爷跟前,委屈地说:"爷爷,我没有偷摘您的花。"老爷爷撇撇嘴:"我没当场逮住,你当然可以这样说了。"我听了既难过又无奈。为了消住这种偏见,我决心做一件好事。 我看见我们住的那个宅子的小巷里有一堆臭水,环境污染不说,还给小巷里的人们带来不便。我召来几个同乡小伙伴,拿来畚箕,把脏水扫进畚箕,再把它倒入下水道。在我的带领下大家干得热火朝天。大约过了半个小时,泛着恶臭的脏水不见,呈现在人们眼前的是一条干净整洁的小巷。老爷爷看到这一切,脸上的厌恶消除了一半。

一天,我正在洗袜子,看到一个小女孩,轻手轻脚地绕过正在院子里睡午觉的老爷爷,伸手去摘花盆里的花,我忙不迭地推醒老爷爷,那小女孩当场被老爷爷抓住,并夺下了她手中的花。他批评了那个小女孩几句,并转过身对我满怀歉意地说:"小姑娘,我错怪你了。" 听到这盼望已久的道歉声,我含着泪笑了。



这是发生在作文课上的事。那天,天气晴朗,我像一快活的小鸟蹦蹦跳跳地跑到教室。一进门,看见同学们议论纷,我猜想:班里一定又有什么好新闻。上课铃响了,老师高兴地对我们说:今天,我朗读几篇作文给大家听听,希望你们分析一下它们的优劣。老师的脸上泛着难以掩饰的微笑。老师朗读的作文中,也有我的一篇。抒情作文 WWw.kT250.com当老师用嘹亮的声音,有声有色地朗读完我写的作文《我的小表弟》后,同学们用羡慕、赞许的目光望着我。这时,我的心里甜滋滋的,脸上还露出得意的笑容。 突然间,教师两眼一瞪,大声说:这篇作文与实际相差甚远,是否是抄袭人家的?啊!真吓人。老师这么一说,整个教室顿时变得鸦雀无声,同学们你瞧我,我瞧你,脸上都露出了惊讶的神色。我想:老师,你怎么对我有偏见呢?我心里觉得好委屈。我又想,可能自己过去水平低,老师起了疑心吧?可这明明是我通过观察、思考写出来的,怎么是抄人家的呢?这太不公平了!四十六双眼睛都用怀疑、嘲笑的目光盯着我。望着这令人不快的场面,我的心痛苦极了。放学了,空荡荡的教学楼格外宁静。同学们都不理睬我,我独个背着书包,拖着沉重的脚步在回家的路上六神无主地走着。 老师啊!您为我们的点滴进步呕心沥血,我尊敬您,可我不知道,您今天为什么这样对待我?一个学生的过去,不等于他的今天!