
时间:2021-10-10 14:24:16 六年级作文


1. This is the country of the famous “melting pot” with a long history both of conflict between races as well as some success in integrating them.


2. In certain political and social circles in the US, it’s believed that mixed-race couples marry in order for the immigrant partner to get a green card, to stay and work here.


3. Fortunately, there are many others who understand that basic human values, such as mutual attraction, play the most important role in a mixed marriage.


4. Whatever the real motives for marriage, all of these couples face the challenges of differences in their opinions towards money, towards traditional values of respect towards their partner, of religion, of being accepted by the community where they live, of the roles of men and women, and even of language.


5. Children born to parents of two cultures or two races are now known as Third Culture Kids, who grow up learning two different cultures, and feel at home with anyone who has lived in more than one country or culture.


Translate the sentences into English.

1 那些不赞成跨国婚姻的人认为,种族、宗教、文化的不同会引起很多家庭冲突。 (approve of; conflict) Those who don’t approve of mixed marriages believe that differences in race, religion and culture may lead to many family conflicts.

2 随着全球化的发展,人们对跨国婚姻的偏见也正日益消除。(globalization; prejudice; remove)

With globalization, the prejudices against mixed marriages are being removed from people’s minds. 3 要想使婚姻成功,夫妻双方都应学会在适当的时候做出让步。 (in order for)

In order for a marriage to succeed, both husband and wife should learn to compromise at the right time.

4 有的人认为最浪漫的爱情是一见钟情。(It is believed that …)

It is believed by some people that the most romantic love is love at first sight.

5 如今,网络提供了更多的交友机会,一些人通过网络找到了真爱。(opportunity)

Today, the Internet provides more opportunities to make friends, and some find their true love through the Internet.





A、有 B、没有


A、有 B、没有


A、一样 B、不一样


A、有 B、没可能


A、是 B、否 C、时情况而定


A、有 B、没有{关于跨种族婚姻的作文}.


A、有 B、没有


A、会 B、不会





My view on later marriage

When it comes to later marriage, people’s opinions vary enormously. We know that as a graduate student, later marriage would be a problem for us after we graduated, especially girls.

Our attitude towards later marriage becomes gradually rational and mature. We know that love is not just holding hands and walking down the street, Marriage is how Love can make people become altruistic. From my perspective, it is immaturity that leads to this phenomenon. Firstly young adults are not financially prepared to hasten into marriage. The economic burden will likely put a strain onto the couple's relationship, leading possibly to breaches, or worse, separation. Secondly young adults have not attained the level of maturity to raise children. They are often unaware of the responsibilities and sacrifices that one needs to make in order to start a family of one's own. Thirdly statistics are good indicators for the instability and short life spans of premature marriages. Only Only in this way can we embrace a happy and brilliant future.

Cui jing{关于跨种族婚姻的作文}.




(文/太平洋英语) Marriage between races and ethnic groups has reached an all-time high in the United States as public acceptance has grown, according to a Pew Research Center study on Thursday.

Couples of different race or ethnicity made up a record 8.4 percent of all married

couples in 2010, up from 3.2 percent in 1980, the study showed.

About 15 percent of all new US marriages in 2010 were between spouses of a

different race or ethnicity, more than twice the share in 1980, the report said.

Intermarriage is more common in Western states. About 20 percent of newlyweds

there married someone of a different race or ethnicity between 2008 and 2010, compared with 14 percent in the South and 13 percent in the Northeast.

Forty-three percent of Americans say more people of different races marrying each other benefits society. Just more than a third say a member of their immediate family or a close relative is married to someone of a different race.

Asian Americans are the most likely to enter mixed-race marriages, at 27.7 percent of newlyweds in 2010. They were trailed by Hispanics at 25.7 percent, blacks at 17.1 percent and whites at 9.4 percent.

Pew based its report on data from the US Census Bureau's American Community

Survey for 2008 to 2010 and on telephone polling.











第一课finding fossil man,是摘自于一本126页的小书,名字也叫finding fossil man,作者Robin Place,这是一本初级的生物学知识(biology)的书籍,里面的一学人类学的知识都是常识,比如:没有文字的地区用口诉的方法来记录自己的历史。这本书是给高级中学的学生看的( advanced high school)。现在很多人考雅思托福都是要出国读本科、研究生,怎么一篇中学生书籍的节选就难了呢?

有些文章来自一些著名的报纸杂志,第10课,Silicon Valley,摘自 US News and Word Report 《美国新闻和世界报道》,是美国综合性报道和评论的英文周刊。它是仅次于《时代》周刊和《新闻周刊》的第三大新闻杂志,第10课谈论是硅谷,是十年前比较流行的一个名词。文章用词较为平易,两段,共275个词,内容不深,主要讲硅谷中芯片生产{关于跨种族婚姻的作文}.


第8课 Trading standards 贸易标准,摘自英国《经济学人》The economist。杂志最早于1843年9月由詹姆士·威尔逊创办,《经济学人》的发行量大约是88万份,其80%以上的读者是在英国以外地区。《经济学人》严肃又不失诙谐的时事经济杂志,杂志认为自己的读者都受过高等教育,因此对很多经济名词、专业术语,从不屑于做解释。《经济学人》会有一些简单的文章,还能找到一些有意思的图表,但总体而言,这是一本需要一定词汇量的杂志。高级英语学习者以能看懂《经济学人》为自豪。但第8课属于《经济学人》中简单的那类,课文发表于1997年,主要谈论各国贸易标准不同阻碍贸易的发展。全文263个词,没有出现过于专业的经济名词,中规中距,并无讽刺幽默,缺乏经济学人的一惯特点。

值得注意的是,新概念四册中有大量的科学实验类的文章,如第4课,Seeing Hands的能看见的手,讲俄罗斯一位能用手识物的小姑娘;第13课,The Search of Oil探寻石油,讲开采石油的方法;第19课,The stuff of dreams,,谈人们对于睡眠的认识;25课,Non-auditory effects of noise噪音的非听觉效应,讲噪音对人到底有没有影响。这些文章和雅思托福阅读的题材和难度很接近。文章文风正式,中立,没有过多的文采,但是用词宽泛严谨,是学习托福雅思之前良好的基础精读文章。

新四最为大家熟知的是有关人文主义的文章,比如第5课Fielden Hughes的youth青年,11课英国哲学家罗素的How To Grow Old 如何安排晚年,24课英国哲学家C.E.M. Joad的Beauty,46课丘吉尔的Hobbies。从用词句型的角度,以beauty 和hobbies 最难,其它文章用词并不生僻,只不过内涵丰富,极富哲理,让人回味。如罗素在回答如何克服死亡的恐惧时说:The best way to overcome it—so at least it seems to be ---is to make your interests gradually wider and more impersonal, until bit by bit the walls of the ego recede, and your life becomes increasingly merged in the universal life. 克服怕死的最好办法—— 至少在我看来是这样—— 就是逐渐使自己的兴趣更加广泛,逐渐摆脱个人狭小的圈子,直到自我的围墙一点一点地倒塌下来,自己的生活慢慢地和整个宇宙的生活融合在一起。整句没有一个难词,但其中的内涵感染过每一位上新四的同学。

而他对于人生的的比喻:An individual human existence should be like a river -- small at first, narrowly contained within its banks, and rushing passionately past boulders and over waterfalls. Gradually the river grows wider, the banks recede, the waters flow more quietly, and in the end, without any visible break, they become

merged in the sea, and painlessly lose their individual being. (个人的存在应该像一条河流,开始很小,被紧紧地夹在两岸中间,接着热情奔放地冲过巨石,飞下瀑布。然后河面渐渐地变宽,两岸后撤,河水流得平缓起来,最后连绵不断地汇入大海,毫无痛苦地失去了自我的存在。)这一段,不提比喻之精巧,单单朗读英文时,句式错落有致,音节优美,极富节奏,朗读起来就是一种享受。正是由于这些名家的篇章,使得新四在严肃的同时,又多了一份生动人文的气息。但我们要反对一种趋势,拿这些名家的篇章代表新四整册,刻意提高新四的难度。



第一种,极具新四词汇特色、因为学新四才接触的,而且还极具美感,如:serenity 宁静、banal 平庸的、reminiscence 回忆,或夸张气息的:promiscuous 杂乱、orgy放荡、fatuous愚蠢、presumptuous放肆。

第二类是和考试类重叠的词汇。据统计: 四册共793词, 四级317词, (40%), 六级542词, (68%), 考研428词, (54%),以14课为例:speculative 推测的,deteriorate 恶化,multiply增加,turbulent狂暴的,fluctuation波动,deviation偏离,都是考试常用词汇,也是上课时重点练习的单词。

第三类是偏僻而很少使用的词汇,如:grip紧张,caprice 任性,cactus 仙人掌,strata 岩层,coring bit 取芯钻头。

当然新四生词表中也有很多简单的词汇,如:legend传奇,glorious辉煌,devotion投入, chip芯片,cheat欺骗等。


新四的句子是不是极变态而无法读懂呢?当然不是。 新四有:The more difficult it is, the more highly it is regarded.事情越难就越带劲这样的简单句。也有 exercise such imitative as falls within their sphere 这样更为含糊的表达。但是取中间难度的一个句子,和托福、雅思、考研几个考试对比一下,就能发现,新四的难度,和这几个考试水平是相当的。{关于跨种族婚姻的作文}.

我们来看新四第7课 Bats(蝙蝠)和最新的雅思真题剑桥7测试1的 Let’s Go Bats的两个句子:

剑7这样介绍回声定位的:Blind people, without even being aware of the fact, are actually using echoes for their own footsteps and of other sounds, the sense the presence of obstacles.

新概念四是这样介绍的:It has been found that certain bats emit squeaks and by receiving the echoes, they can locate and steer clear of obstacles—or locate flying insects on which they feed.






Marriage between races and ethnic groups has reached an all-time high in the United States as public acceptance has grown, according to a Pew Research Center study on Thursday.

Couples of different race or ethnicity made up a record 8.4 percent of all married couples in 2010, up from 3.2 percent in 1980, the study showed. About 15 percent of all new US marriages in 2010 were between spouses of a different race or ethnicity, more than twice the share in 1980, the report said.

Intermarriage is more common in Western states. About 20 percent of newlyweds there married someone of a different race or ethnicity between 2008 and 2010, compared with 14 percent in the South and 13 percent in the Northeast.

Forty-three percent of Americans say more people of different races marryingeach other benefits society. Just more than a third say a member of their immediate family or a close relative is married to someone of a different race.

Asian Americans are the most likely to enter mixed-race marriages, at 27.7 percent of newlyweds in 2010. They were trailed by Hispanics at 25.7 percent, blacks at 17.1 percent and whites at 9.4 percent.

Pew based its report on data from the US Census Bureau's American Community Survey for 2008 to 2010 and on telephone polling.






亚裔美国人最有可能跨种族结合,2010年结婚的亚裔美国人中有27.7%是跨种族结合。紧随其后的是西班牙裔,占了25.7%,黑人这一比例为17.1%,白人为9.4%。 皮尤调查中心的这一报告基于美国人口普查局的2008-2010美国社区调查数据,以及电话调查。